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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2013/11/14 3:24:24 Edit(编辑)
IT man and a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in the wrong line, write 600-word resignation of writings in classical Chinese

IT man and a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in the wrong line, write 600-word resignation of writings in classical Chinese(IT男月薪3000元叹入错了行,写600字文言文辞职 )

IT man and a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in the wrong line, write 600 words-IT the resignation of classical Chinese male, IT-IT information IT man and a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan in the wrong line, write 600-word resignation of writings in classical Chinese

Before he listened to his father, chose their dislike of professional, at the University to give up, didn't even get the diploma. Now, he must be brave to do his, refusing to work of the good father, he came to the city fighting alone. This is a son to follow his father arranged his fate after, pursue, reselect the story. The protagonist Yang, with a letter of resignation of classical Chinese, beginning the prelude to the story.

In the wrong row

Written classical Chinese to resign IT men's complaints are not

Most people when he wrote a letter of resignation, often not paid much attention, according to online templates just simply write a few words, but Yang is not the same as 25 years old, recently, his hand in a letter of resignation resignation letter of classical Chinese literary dusty, and upload text intact in the letter to a forum in Chongqing, netizens appreciated. Surprising is that Yang is not cream of brand-name colleges nor enrolled in liberal arts majors under literary edification, but by a man of science to the core.

"Feng Tangyi old, Li Guang. Qu Jia Yi in Changsha, not beyond God; channeling lianghongyuhai Koji, who spent out time? Alumni of my past, can fail to cause small, even glorious homecoming. "Xiao yang of the classical style of his letter of resignation, a total of 612 characters, while borrowing many literary allusions, diction, however refined, logic clearly. Reporter noted that, in that letter, citing many allusions such as Feng Tang, Li Guang, Jia Yi and other historical figures, they have one thing in common, namely talent strangely unfulfilled, underappreciated.

Yesterday, Yang told reporters that the letter was written a few days ago, when implementation of a software company technician, as too boring, has now resigned, and now work in a male Hospital logistics. When I wrote the letter of resignation, melancholy to him, most of my friends have a good resting place of his age, his monthly salary of 3,000 dollars in. "Not to change the status quo, it can only be used to express feelings of classical Chinese. ”

"My brother and father Wen Di hard boundary, very dissatisfied ... ..." in the classical style of his letter of resignation of Xiao yang, except about themselves into the wrong line and underappreciated-sickness, but also there is a dissociation of the resignation statement, it is referred to his father, also expressed dissatisfaction with the father for his current job. It turns out that crazy about him from high school literature and philosophy books, and started trying to write, but in his father's "push" science was forced to choose. He always thinks that choosing a father for him to do, cause he's in the wrong line.

Listen to treason

Hear dad read in engineering but never got his degree certificate

Yang told reporters that your 2010 graduate school of Chongqing University of posts and telecommunications to move through, and studied electrical engineering and its automation. Although the professional technical, good employment rate, but he admits that when looking for a job, but no less frustrating, even lost a very good job.

University graduation, Yang went to state-owned enterprises recruit, successfully passed the written test and interview, entry clearance, human resources worker asked him to issue degree certificates, because four failed, Xiao Yang did not receive degree certificates issued by the school. Talking about their experiences, Xiao yang is very regrettable. He said that almost always played the past four years at the University. He did very well in English, never really listened to a lesson in English, not to mention the English four levels, even the public English level II failed. "Do not choose this profession, I wouldn't give up. "Xiao Yang did not earn a degree certificate the cause, comes down to read a professional does not like.

Talking about myself making this professional, Xiao Yang was full of grievances. It turns out that in 2006, scored after the publication of his examinations, 450 points. "I want to choose a liberal arts majors, most want to read archaeology, followed by Commerce, management and marketing. "Xiao Yang said he wanted to sit for their favorite professional, but opposed by her father. The father directly ordered him to let him choose civil engineering or related science and engineering, give reasons: friends had contacts in these areas, able to get a good job after graduation.

Father's frustration

Young professional looking and avoid the wrong footsteps

Yesterday, reporters contacted Yang's father, Dr Yeoh. He said he was 50 years old this year, is currently living in tongliang. Let son choose to study sciences professional, is what he meant, but it is also in order for his son to have a better future.

Not told about Yang's resignation, he also knew his son had changed jobs. Dr Yeoh said, sons graduated, he asked a friend to give his son the tongliang local a State job, salary and benefits are good, closer to home, but my son refused, on the grounds that going out alone came away. Because of this choice, the father and son got into a fight. The next day, the son carrying baggage into the main city. Now, Dr Yeoh and his son talk often ended in a fight.

Dr Yeoh also describes his reading, grades are particularly good, especially in liberal arts, is one of the best in the whole school, but picked the wrong profession, failed to get into University. He now regretted select Arts for themselves, so I want his son not to follow in his footsteps. "Although he has been working for 3 years, but now at home for money, buy a computer, rented a house in asking me for money. Not long ago, I gave him 1000 Yuan. "Said the son, Dr Yeoh is sad and pained also repented.

Reselect the

Logistics resigned from IT to do is to prepare for the business

Relationship with father, Xiao Yang said that he couldn't communicate with his father, his father never understood him.

Yesterday, the college friend Jiang Zheng Yang Yang also confirmed to reporters school diploma is being made. He also said that Yang likes to talk about literature and philosophy in College, majoring in not too much. Xiao yang in the phone with his father, he used to hear father and son quarrel voice. "He does not like this profession, the father also has problems communicating with him. ”

"Although I don't pay much, but I think it can't be just put the money in the first place. "Xiao Yang said that in addition to choosing a professional regret but he resigned from IT to the Hospital logistics, was his own choice, even if it is not satisfactory, he won't regret it. He chose to resign and venture alone to prepare for the future. "In the hospital, small chores have charged me to, I am trying to learn to manage, and also to visit a number of local, flush, I intend to start her own business. "Xiao Yang said that used to be forced to make choices, but lived to regret, before we know who should live themselves, choose their own life.


The strong the melon that twist is not sweet

Parents should respect children's choices

"The strong the melon that twist is not sweet. "In this regard, the famous educator, said Xiong bingqi, Deputy Director of 21st century Education Research Institute, Xiao yang, and is the first choice of professional arts and struggle. Father children when choosing a professional, too arbitrary, one-sided view of employment it must be so hard for liberal arts, for the child to make a decision, resulting in the child's rebellion. But everything is not absolute, as long as the professional learning, there will also be some achievement.

Xiong bingqi says, many parents habits for children plan for their studies and future, many children are being planned, managed state. Although it is good for the child, but if you put your child in a passive position, it is easy for child psychology. At each important phase of the children, the best form of education should be: to full respect for children's choice on the premise that after mutual consultation, exchange of parents and children to make choices in life.


IT男月薪3000元叹入错了行,写600字文言文辞职 - IT男,IT - IT资讯





























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