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published in(发表于) 2013/11/13 7:19:10 Edit(编辑)
Guanwaner lot or on roads were burying people move Tomb been refused

Guanwaner lot or on roads were burying people move Tomb been refused(上官婉儿墓地或因修路被填埋 其后人欲迁墓被拒)

Guanwaner lot or on roads to landfill people move tomb was subsequently refused | shangguan | | cemetery road _ news

  Review: xianyang airport metro, built in the process, discovered the graves of historical figures shangguan. She later heard that due to construction needs, shangguan tombs need for landfill. After they heard the news, have submitted their applications, requirements to protect the tombs or burial migrated back to Henan. Generation of talented tombs will sink underground?

Recent media reports, shangguan tombs are dumped in landfills, Henan shangguan family descendant apply to the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau, hope the Bureau of cultural relics sites protection shangguan burial, if unprotected, hoping to shangguan's grave moved back to Henan. Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau yesterday responded, archaeological unit has been out of the archaeological report, the construction unit also has to report the situation, will work out the most suitable protection scheme as soon as possible. In August this year, airport town project in xianyang city, Shaanxi Province were found during construction of a tomb, epitaph identified as shangguan's burial.

  Shangguan posterity: or move it back to home to Henan

Yesterday, beiqing reporter contact applies to shangguan guanjianfang on one of posterity. Guanjianfang said on November 11, shangguan later, apply to the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau, hope shangguan's burial site protection. Such as access to site protection, wishes to apply for tombs moved back to shangguan hail from Henan, moved to shangguan's grandfather shangguan Yi Tomb Ling next to "are signed and reunion".

Guanjianfang on said, they are the surnames in Henan province cultural research shangguan named submit an application on behalf of the Commission. "More than a month ago, we got a call from shangguan family councils across the country visit hundreds, shangguan descent and around us, also kept an eye on guanwaner cemetery excavation and protection of the next progress. ”

On shangguan family generations to the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of cultural relics protection programmes presented in application: want to identify cultural relics protection units and publish the scope of protection, you can also consider building ruins Park. Or graveyard location to turn a large slewing and widening the road, forming a parking, iconic sculptures will be erected and the introduction of the attached text, grieved for posterity, and to pay their respects. On guanjianfang that, if construction of the promenade garden, and other protective measures, financing costs can be borne by shangguan's descendants.

On guanjianfang that, if these programmes are not allowed in the hope that Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau which will allow them to shangguan tombs moved back to Henan. "Shangguan's grandfather Shangguan Yi of Henan cemetery gravestones of seven or eight meters high, we've moved shangguan burial Shangguan Yi Tomb next to, but also reunite grandparents and grandchildren. ", Guanjianfang said.

As to how to move the Tomb, said on guanjianfang, as long as symbolically moved back to the. "If you can't bring back to Terra cotta and Epitaph, and we hope can bring some soil guanwaner on the grave, or go back with a few bricks, a ceremony was held at the local, symbolically moved back to Nice. ”

North Green newspaper reporter also contacted yesterday shangguan family managers of the national coordination group's official website guanyanwei. Guanyanwei says on shangguan family National Coordination Committee have noticed this thing, but there are no concrete proposals.

  Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau: generally found grave backfill

Beiqing news reporters yesterday contacted the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of cultural heritage. Cultural relics Department staff said that cultural relics Bureau has received applications submitted by shangguan's descendants, archaeological units have submitted an archaeological report, and construction unit to discuss the most appropriate conservation programmes, have reached a conclusion for the first time to reply.

Heritage Council staff said, because shangguan tombs were found in the airport town project construction process, surrounded by two pieces of land have been enlisted, so in order to protect the tombs, was rerouted unrealistic by road was being built.

"In accordance with relevant regulations of the State, generally find tombs of backfill," staff of the Bureau of cultural relics said that "these tombs in need of special protection, keep them dry is not the best form of protection. We understand that shangguan family reverence for ancestors of later generations, we also discuss balancing the most appropriate conservation programmes. ”

Staff of the Bureau of cultural relics said that archaeological units have been issued in shangguan archaeological report on the Tomb, the construction unit also reported to discuss balancing the protection of, "for example, may add a protective layer above the tombs to build roads", both to protect cultural relics as possible, without compromising its municipal building.

Shangguan family moved back to their descendants want to shangguan's tombs in Henan province, said, if this guanjianfang said, just bring some dirt with a few bricks, a ceremony was held, is also feasible. And if they want to take further Terra cotta pots and an epitaph, not reality, "even against the rules".

"The relevant provisions of the State, all archaeological artefacts found were part of the country, cannot be taken casually. Moreover, the relics out of place artifacts will be undermined, to the detriment of the protection of heritage. "The staff member said," and if they are on the ground to shangguan to build the cemetery, the local Civil Affairs Bureau does not know would not agree. ”

Reportedly, the shangguan Terra cotta relics unearthed from the tombs in the data mapping and other work carried out at the Institute, is expected to enter in the future on display at the Museum. Text/Trainee journalist Wang Xiaoyu

Photo courtesy of/IC

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Shangguan, also known as shangguan zhaorong, shanzhou shanxian County (now Henan sanmenxia) human, nvguan, poet of the Tang dynasty. At the age of 14 for bright good essay as Wu Zetian reuse, instructions in charge of Palace for years, "women Prime Ministers" in name. When Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, zhaorong, powers more, politics, and literary circles have prominently, in charge of outer and inner court decree of the proclamation. Proposes to extend the library, additional bachelors, hosted during this period elegance, on behalf of the Imperial Court poetry of the world, one word more than I set the door, received his posthumous poems of the Tang 32 songs. In 710, linzi Wang (Xuanzong) Donlon with his army coup, and Wei Hou was killed at the same time.

(Original title: grave backfill shangguan? )

(Edit: SN069)
November 13, 2013 The Beijing Youth daily
(上官婉儿墓地或因修路被填埋 其后人欲迁墓被拒|上官婉儿|墓地|修路_新闻资讯




  昨日,北青报记者联系到提出申请的上官婉儿的一位后人上官建芳。上官建芳表示, 11月11日,上官婉儿的后人向陕西省文物局提出申请,希望上官婉儿的墓葬得到原址保护。如得不到原址保护,希望申请将墓葬迁回上官婉儿祖籍河南,迁到上官婉儿的爷爷上官仪的墓陵旁边,“也算祖孙团聚”。









  “根据国家相关规定,一般发现的墓葬都会回填,” 文物局的工作人员表示,“这些墓葬需要特殊的保护,把它们晾着不是最好的保护方式。我们体谅上官家族的后人对祖先的崇敬之情,我们也在商讨能平衡各方的最合适的保护方案。”




  据悉,目前上官婉儿墓葬中出土的陶俑等文物还在研究院进行数据测绘等工作,以后将有望进入博物馆展出。文/ 实习记者 王小羽






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