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published in(发表于) 2013/11/13 7:17:48 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Media hot deployment concerns the third plenary session of China reform bulletin highlights

Foreign Media hot deployment concerns the third plenary session of China reform bulletin highlights(外媒热议中国改革部署 关注三中全会公报亮点)

Foreign Media hot deployment concerns the third plenum of the China reform bulletin highlights _ | | Bulletin | the third plenary of the National Security Committee News

November 13, 4 days of closure of the 12th CPC 18 plenary, plenary session Communique raised the foreign media for the first time released the same day attention and interpretation. For the new Chinese Government's "initial reform blueprint" outside mainstream media in China will deepen reform, establish a National Security Committee and other "highlights" are analyzed.

  First reform blueprint announced reforms "General deployment" persons of concern

United States the Wall Street Journal said on the 12th that this plenary session is expected, this communiqué is China's new Government leaders announced the "first reform blueprint".

13th in the New York Times article said that Chinese Communist party leaders ended their four-day meeting, "the meeting, XI Jinping and Li keqiang ruling set a macro policy road map for the next decade". During the meeting, they vowed to advance reforms, leaving market competition in the economy, "a decisive role", the meeting also decided to set up a new National Security Council.

United Kingdom broadcasting company (BBC) 12th nod to the news of the closing of the plenary session. BBC said the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision is the most important documents of the Conference is "depicting the General line of future reforms in China", this document is considered to be China's next 10-year "reform General deployment."

BBC noted that the Communique said that China will set up a National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security. Communiqué also stated that economic reform is the focus of comprehensive reform, the core issue is to deal with the relationship between Government and market, the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, and give better play to the role of Government.

Reports quoted the Communique said, the CPC Central Committee set up a comprehensive deepening reform leading group, responsible for the overall design, integrated and coordinated reform, promoting overall development, supervise the implementation. The leadership of party committees at all levels to ensure the implementation of the reform.

"House of CPC 18 closing plenary session on Tuesday, meeting characterized China deepen reform priorities and the road map. "Reuters 12th interpretation bulletin of up to 5,000 words, and also listed in the report to set up the National Security Council, will play in the allocation of resources in the market" decisive "role and deepen reform leading group was set up.

  Communiqué more foreign media concern "highlight"

In the plenary session Communique, establishment of the National Security Council, set up a comprehensive deepening reform leading group and delimitation of ecological protection of the red line and other elements have become a concern of the international "highlights".

United States the New York Times reported on the 13th, in this plenary session Communique points, Communist China noticeably raised legal authority to uphold the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure independent judicial power should be exercised in accordance with procuratorial powers, a sound judicial power operating mechanism, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights.

The New York Times is also concerned that, the communiqué announced the creation of a new National Security Council, to improve national security systems and national security strategy, and ensuring national security. Reported that the Chinese translation of this new Committee with the United States National Security Council (National Security Council) the same name, but did not explain the functions of the new Committee.

Reports also said, on deepening the reform, bulletin suggested that the reform of the general objective is to improve and develop the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, offering to 2020 in the decisive results on reform in important fields and crucial links. To this end, the Communists announced the establishment of a comprehensive reform leading group, is responsible for the overall design and implementation of reforms.

Singapore shares the view of the Lianhe zaobao, announced the creation of the National Security Council, communiqué is a major attraction. Quoted Singapore Director of East Asian Institute of the National University, he predicts analysts pointed out that China is now the world's second-largest economy, plays a growing role in the international arena, but foreign policy distributed, centralized foreign work is necessary.

Plenary session Communique also raised the prospect that will sound natural resources asset property right system and introduction of the resources paid use System. Communiqué, this system would be designated ecological protection in the red line. Consider the Wall Street Journal, the Chinese Government is convinced that at a certain stage environmental protection is more important than the exploitation of natural resources.

  "China's market-oriented reforms will significantly advance"

The plenary session Communique referred to in point-economic reforms deepen reform, just as the international one of the most hotly debated topic.

Singapore the Straits Times 13th published a long commented that about 5,000 words long plenary session Communique made clear that economic reform is "deepen reform priorities", the core problem is dealing with the relationship between the Government and the market. All figures show that China's market-oriented reforms will significantly advance.

It states that the Communists 18 report market tone features in the allocation of resources for the "basic role", the third plenary report will be upgraded to "a decisive role". Enhanced reflecting on, authorities hoping to market signals, to provide enterprises with a more equitable playing field, and perfected by the market pricing mechanism, the establishment of urban and rural construction land market of the United and comprehensive financial market system, "this is in response to some extent against the market-oriented reform of hope".

The Straits Times also analyses on the role of the market in resource allocation, 16 third plenary session Communique referring to the "greater play to the market's basic role in the allocation of resources", 18 large report reference is also "an essential role". Today, referring to the "decisive role", and "better government" went one step than in the past, showing market-oriented reforms further.

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim (Jim Yong Kim) 12th in Washington, said the CPC 18 plenary session "unleashed a very positive signal." He said that although economic growth has slowed down, but China continues to move forward on the path of reform, predicted that China will see more high quality economic growth.

United Kingdom 13th with the financial times, 18 at the conclusion of the third plenary session, CPC sets out a number of reform initiatives, promises to let the market play a "decisive" role, addressing "dualistic structure" for the direction of China's development in the next 10 years to develop a road map.

Reports indicated that, even though the file depends on the relevant government authorities to come up with measures for implementation, but about interest rates, the price of land, energy and water resources in a more market-driven to a large extent, may have a profound impact on the Chinese economy. (End text)

(Original title: foreign media hot discussion on reforms in China deployed more than concerned about the plenary session Communique highlights)

(Edit: SN091)
November 13, 2013 China News Network
(外媒热议中国改革部署 关注三中全会公报亮点|三中全会|公报|国家安全委员会_新闻资讯

  中新网11月13日电 为期4天的中共十八届三中全会12日闭幕,当天发布的全会公报引发外媒第一时间关注和解读。对于这份新一届中国政府的“首份改革政策蓝图”,境外主流媒体对其中的中国将全面深化改革、设立国家安全委员会等多个“亮点”进行了分析。

  首份改革蓝图公布 改革“总部署”受关注










  《纽约时报》还关注到,公报宣布将设立一个新的国家安全委员会,以完善国家安全体制和国家安全战略,确保国家安全。报道称,这个新委员会的中文翻译与美国国家安全委员会(National Security Council)同名,但没有解释这个新委员会的职责。









  世界银行行长金墉(Jim Yong Kim)12日在华盛顿表示,中共十八届三中全会“释放出了非常积极的信号”。他表示,尽管经济增速有所放慢,但中国仍在改革道路上前进,预示中国将出现较高质量的经济增长。

  英国《金融时报》 13日称,十八届三中全会闭幕之际,中共阐述了多项改革举措,承诺让市场起到“决定性”作用、解决“城乡二元结构”,为中国在未来10年的发展方向制定了路线图。


(原标题:外媒热议中国改革部署 关注三中全会公报多个亮点)


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