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published in(发表于) 2013/11/13 7:16:32 Edit(编辑)
Expert: must be changed only by a police detention system

Expert: must be changed only by a police detention system(专家:必须改变仅由公安一家决定劳教的制度)

Expert: institutions must be changed only by a police detention | | | Laogai police _ the reeducation-through-labour system news

  Judicial reform

★ Bulletin

The plenary, building the rule of law in China, must deepen judicial reform, accelerate the construction of fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. To uphold the constitutional authority of the law, deepening reform of administrative law enforcement, prosecutorial power to ensure independent and impartial judicial power should be exercised according to law, sound judicial power operating mechanism, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights.

Due to financial, personnel are subject to local, at present, the grassroots event where the intervention of the Court, it is difficult to maintain an independent trial. And executive law enforcement forces scattered, independent and inefficient law enforcement issues.

18 third plenary session in the area of judicial reform, refer to "ensure independent judicial power should be exercised in accordance with the Prosecutor's rights", experts say, of the administration of Justice and where is the main problem facing the reform of the judiciary, without resolving these two issues in order to ensure exercise judicial power independently in accordance with law, the right to public prosecutor's Office.

Jinghua times, Sun Siya Yuan Guoli Pei Xiaolan

 "Three questions on reform"

Question 1

How to ensure that an independent and impartial judicial power should be exercised?

To be divorced from the grassroots judicial institutions

China University criminal law Professor Hong Daode said the judicial administration and localization are the main problems in judicial reform, only addressing both of these issues can ensure the right to exercise jurisdiction independently according to law, the prosecution. As for how to resolve, in his view, the first step to put grass-roots procuratorates, courts, from the local provincial leadership and horizontal leadership to shoulder the financial and personnel freed from local party committees. In addition, to underscore the Court's own judgement to be excellent, just operate in accordance with law, the party and the State would dare to give complete independence to the Court.

How to achieve judicial independence, Peking University Law School Professor Jiang Mingan considers should be divided into five steps: the first step, by independent administrative courts of law setting out local administrative region to reduce interference. Second, courts at all levels within the "Chief" of reform. Abolition of the Court, the judgment of the President approving the unwritten practice. Third, there should be clear in the party politics and Law Committee cannot ask about specific cases. The fourth step, once the Court trial is successful, all the lower courts and intermediate people's Court from the district boundaries. The fifth step, out of province-level administrative regions also set by a higher court. By the Union of several provinces and municipalities to set up a high court, to avoid the High Court by the provincial local authorities intervened.

 Question 2

Reform of administrative law enforcement efforts towards the direction of what?

Uniform application of the law guarantees the right to independence

China Law learned Administrative Law Institute President, and China University University deputy principals Ma Huaide said, currently administrative law enforcement exists dispersed, and not independent and efficiency low of problem, to through reform, established a just, and relative independent, and efficient authority, and unified integration of law enforcement institutional, reduced law enforcement organ Zhijian of conflict, reduced permission of cross and overlap, thereby prevent law enforcement process in the various problem, as not as, and selective law enforcement, and abuse law enforcement right,, eventually achieved administrative organ of just, and specification, and civilization and strictly law enforcement.

Ma Huaide believes that reform has two main directions, relatively unified jurisdiction on the one hand, such as the urban management enforcement agency, was aimed at urban management process problems, establish a relatively unified law-enforcement agencies, concentrated the city administration on a number of law enforcement powers. The other way is to safeguard the independence and authority of administrative enforcement power. In his view, should establish appropriate mechanisms to protect local governments and relevant departments to gradually reduce intervention in administrative law-enforcement agencies to ensure that its independent, impartial norms to exercise jurisdiction in accordance with.

 3 q

Reform of the re-education through labour system under the new situation?

To change only decided by the Public Security Bureau detention

Jiang Mingan, now most of the camp have been deactivated, no much the people in the camp. Reform direction of China's reeducation-through-labour system, however, is still not very clear, in his view, first can be differentiated from object to choose the direction of reform.

First of all, for criticizing the Government, the petitioners, this part of the personnel of detention should be abolished. Drug addicts, should go into rehab drug rehabilitation. Is the third most important part of the personnel, underage teenage crime cannot be sentenced according to law.

Jiang Mingan believes that minors can organize experts, police officers, legal officers, make up a body similar to the Court, it is not a court, but can be heard at the same time, after a quasi-judicial procedures such as lawyers debate, to make a ruling. Community corrections in the introduction of six months or a year, or a violation correction correction. Jiang Mingan believes that must change the existing detention system only by a decision of public security, and without due process of law, restriction of the status quo.


Railway court ad litem are more independent

The past, railway railway company funds and personnel responsible for the judicial system, often seen as subordinate units of the railway company, its impartiality and neutrality widely questioned.

In March 2012, Beijing railway transportation prosecution branch, Beijing railway transportation Procuratorate handed over to the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate. June 2012, Beijing railway sequences of two levels of Court officially incorporated into the Beijing court, into the national administration of justice system as a whole, the implementation of territorial management. After the reform, the railway courts and procuratorate personnel arrangements were out of the railway system, fully integrated in the local justice system; in terms of financial safeguards, reformed in accordance with the administrative management system, financed by the Government budget at the same level to be protected.

It is understood that many railways objection questioned the jurisdiction of judicial bodies are to be seen, and some have even requested all trial personnel evaded on the grounds that the judge with the rail sector as a whole has an interest in. Cases involving the judiciary of railway and railway-related, by the railway authorities, independence is much smaller than the District Court, judges handling cases just criticism. These courts after the transfer to the district, judges to deal with cases more independent, while avoiding the litigant to judge "neutral" question.


On the independent and impartial judgment, introduce Hong Daode, while our Constitution, the criminal procedure law stipulates that the courts exercise judicial power independently in accordance with the law, but the existing system of judicial power problem but unable to achieve independence, the reason is subject to the right to financial, personnel appointment and removal is also attached to the place, in case of intervention, it is difficult to maintain an independent judgment of the Court.

At present, the Executive law enforcement law enforcement forces scattered, law enforcement is not independent and inefficiency problems. Ma Huaide introduced, every administration has its own force of law enforcement agencies and law enforcement, Commerce, law enforcement officers, urban management enforcement, taxes, planning, Lands Department, as each have their own enforcement powers, did not become law enforcement forces relatively uniform law enforcement system. Secondly, some local governments for economic reasons, local protection, by any means, interfere with the Executive Branch law enforcement, on the independence of the law enforcement agencies have a certain impact. In addition, because the law enforcement system is not, and some administrative bodies each other in law enforcement, "fight", law enforcement powers are in conflict, contradictions between the sector, leading to inefficiency in law enforcement, poor results.

(Original title: to ensure independent and impartial trial according to the law)

(Edit: SN069)
November 13, 2013 The Beijing times






  京华时报记者 孙思娅 袁国礼 裴晓兰




























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