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published in(发表于) 2013/11/13 7:16:22 Edit(编辑)
Expert: mixed ownership or State-owned enterprise reform

Expert: mixed ownership or State-owned enterprise reform(专家:混合所有制或成国企改革方向)

Expert: mixed ownership of State-owned enterprises or State-owned enterprise reform economic reform | | |-ownership _ news

Economic systems

★ Bulletin

The plenary must be unwavering to encourage, support and guide the non-public ownership economy development, stimulation of non-public ownership economic vitality and creativity. To improve intellectual property protection system, actively developing mixed ownership economy, promote improve the modern enterprise system in State-owned enterprises, support the healthy development of non-public ownership economy.

Public ownership playing a dominant role and diverse forms of ownership develop the basic economic system, are important pillars of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics, but also Foundation of socialist market economic system. Experts believe that the mixed ownership or State-owned enterprise reform, while perfecting the property right protection system is essential.

Jinghua times Liao Feng

Question 1

Mixed ownership for enterprise reform and development what is the point?

Property main diversified has explicit effect for bulletin made of development "mixed ownership economic", in SASAC Research Center competitiveness Research Department Minister Xu Baoli seems, has two layer meaning, a is macro level, is refers to a national or area ownership structure of non-single sexual, has State, and collective,-public economic, has individual, and private, and foreign, non--public economic, also including has-public and non--public economic of joint venture, and cooperation economic, and in China is development to-public for main, and Diverse forms of ownership develop basic economic system; the second is at the micro level, mixed ownership is defined in an enterprise, diversification of property rights, formed by varying the nature of ownership of joint venture investment.

"Is worth noting, in the reform of State-owned enterprises in the process of development and to strengthen, diversification of property rights in favour of improving the governance structure of State-owned enterprises, establishment of a modern enterprise management system. "Xu Baoli told reporters that in the course of reform of State-owned enterprises, SASAC in advance some conditions of Central enterprises listed as a whole, and the effect has been achieved. At present, the overall listed companies, State-owned shares of equity holders is the group, and the group is fundamentally the shell company, an equity holder. Cancel as the Shell Group of companies has become an option.

SASAC official disclosed last year, the State-owned enterprise restructuring with the introduction of private investment guidance, which referred to, or between private investors in private investment can jointly set up between the subject and the State-owned enterprise equity fund and participate in the State-owned enterprise restructuring, joint venture strategic emerging industries, and foreign investment. This means it is possible to raise private capital are in Central enterprises share of parent company interests.

Question 2

Improve the protection of property rights system is reflected in the importance of what?

Perfect protection of property rights is fair as long

"To develop mixed ownership economy, promote the development of non-public sector of the economy's health, improve the protection of property rights system is a very important premise, this premise work in practice, developing mixed ownership economy will face difficulties. "State research experts, Shanghai day strong consulting General Manager Zhu Boshan yesterday told reporters that the communiqué refers to perfecting the property right protection system is a great deal of progress, but also the removal of market barriers, improving the efficiency of resource allocation and equity requirements.

Zhu Boshan said, in the past many other State, non-State-owned economy of mixed ownership enterprises and there has not been much success, corporate governance system is not perfect. This is because in such mixed-ownership enterprises, State-owned shareholder is too strong, making private shareholders ' lack of a voice. First, in past a dozen years of development and Executive sex restructuring in the, State-owned enterprise has accumulated has many resources, in financing loans aspects State-owned enterprise more by Bank favored, powerful of financing capacity decided has joint venture enterprise in the State-owned shareholders more strong; followed by, currently many policy provides and law regulations does not perfect, to state-owned shareholders of terms no a effective of restriction, instead of is is State-owned shareholders with State-owned assets of some policy requirements bondage company. Third, and very important, many State-owned enterprises, especially the Central enterprises to master the whole industry chain of control, even in some areas should be market-oriented, due to their upstream, resulting in substantial control of the industry.

(Original title: mixed ownership economy development)

(Edit: SN069)
November 13, 2013 The Beijing times


















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