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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:29:42 Edit(编辑)
Cat double shopping Carnival 11 provinces the purchasing power of the country top 10

Cat double shopping Carnival 11 provinces the purchasing power of the country top 10(天猫双十一购物狂欢节全国省份购买力top 10 )

Cats pair of purchasing power of the provinces in the country top 10-11 shopping Carnival double 11, double 11, online shopping Carnival, my cat-IT information Cat double shopping Carnival 11 provinces the purchasing power of the country top 10

Cat double in world war 11 morning madness began.

One minute cat breaking billion turnover amounts. 6 minutes, 7 seconds, PayPal turnover of over 1 billion. 13 minutes 22 seconds, more than 2 billion. Four minutes and 38 seconds, over 5 billion! One hour cat 11.11 shopping Carnival PayPal transactions over 6.7 billion. 8 hours and 42 minutes, Alipay turnover exceeded 12.1 billion, again more than last year's United States largest online shopping Festival ' Cyber Monday ' (12.08 billion).

Cat shopping Carnival announced a pair of 11 provinces in the country top 10 in purchasing power, data when closing 11.11.


天猫双十一购物狂欢节全国省份购买力top 10 - 双十一,双11,网购狂欢节,天猫 - IT资讯
天猫双十一购物狂欢节全国省份购买力top 10



天猫还公布了双十一购物狂欢节全国省份购买力top 10,数据截止11.11日03:00时。


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