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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:28:49 Edit(编辑)
Apple wants you dead, you have to die

Apple wants you dead, you have to die(苹果要你死,你不得不死 )

Apple wants you dead, you have to be dead-Apple, iPhone5s,iPad Air-IT information Apple wants you dead, you have to die

If I have before them two choices, one is to locate the next-generation iPhone and iPad, and the other is looking for a PIN in a haystack, I might prefer to opt for the latter.

However, a website named tried to reduce the difficulty of positioning Apple new product, it has launched a new site, tracking all models can be based on a zip code for potential buyers of new iPhone5s and iPad Air.

But Apple is not welcome on this Web site, the company has send a DMCA notice to the website owner, Mordy letter requesting its immediate shut down a Web site. Apple says in this letter, "crawl and collect data from Apple's website, violation of the terms of the company's Internet service". is not the first track Apple products, spare a convenient site for life of fruit powder. Indeed, the site also has built-in in Apple's own product tracking system. Still, Apple was still "surprised" the site, warning it shut down immediately.

Following is Mordy bid farewell to the contents of the Declaration: "I have decided to close the site. I'm doing this because I want to, instead of receiving Apple's DMCA closing notices. I'm really not interested in confrontation with Apple. So, I think it's time to say goodbye. Before I leave, I want to assure everybody in the past few days a message and the person who sends me an email to say thank you. It existed in this period, still brought joy to everyone. ”


苹果要你死,你不得不死 - 苹果,iPhone5s,iPad Air - IT资讯


不过,一家名为Apple-tracker.com的网站试图减少定位苹果新产品的困难,它推出了一个新站点,可以基于邮编为潜在买家追踪各个型号的新款iPhone5siPad Air





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