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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 0:01:29 Edit(编辑)
Beijing’s first since lower housing prices than with lots of 30%

Beijing’s first since lower housing prices than with lots of 30%(北京首批自住房比同地段房价低3成)

Beijing's first since housing prices low compared with lots of 30% | | |-housing _ news of commercial property in the price information

On November 11, the Beijing first owner-occupied housing projects on the planning and design of exhibition, staff are mounting. 11th Beijing in 2013 the first design concept of residential housing projects located in the Qianmen area of Beijing planning Exhibition Hall began to exhibit. It is reported that the first 7 projects in four districts and counties, are below 90 square meters in area, 16,020 sets a total owner-occupied housing.

According to Beijing to speed up low-priced home improvement-oriented commercial housing construction, Beijing will be through a "limit price, land price" means the land, building the sets below 90 square meters of housing, ASP location, with the same quality of commodity housing with low 30%. 20,000 sets of supply will be completed by the end of this year, is expected to be completed next year to 50,000 units.

People of vision

(Original title: the first "House" type appearances)

(Edit: SN069)
November 12, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily






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