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published in(发表于) 2013/11/11 23:59:58 Edit(编辑)
400 Zhejiang tourists trapped 14 people in the Philippines because the money was not thrown out of the hotel

400 Zhejiang tourists trapped 14 people in the Philippines because the money was not thrown out of the hotel(400浙江游客困菲律宾 14人因钱不够被赶出酒店)

400 Zhejiang tourists trapped 14 people because the money was not thrown out of the hotel in the Philippines _ | | | Boracay the Philippines visitors news


Video: real shot levelled houses in the Philippines was struck by Typhoon Haiyan

Original title: Zhejiang Province, some 400 tourists were trapped in Boracay

Were people get less cash from the Hotel Provincial Tourism Bureau: current security no casualties

  Focus on the strongest Typhoon in the history of "petrel"

On November 10, a Hangzhou users sending tweets for help, from Hangzhou, a 14-member delegation of the group traveling to the Philippines, Typhoon "petrel" their stay in Boracay. Because don't have enough cash, were driven out of the hotel.

It is understood that there are about 400 tourists from Zhejiang "petrel" stuck in the Philippines, mostly in Boracay.

Zhejiang Provincial Tourism Administration Security Office Director Li Wei steel told reporters: "there are parts of Zhejiang tourists stranded in Boracay. They are safe, and there were no casualties. "The reporter Zhu Hongxin, Jin Hongbin, wood green,

  Zhejiang Province, some 400 persons

10th, Hangzhou Internet "talk no one has ever read" micro-blog said, his 14 people abandoned by Hangzhou travel service agency.

The user said, they started on November 2 from Hangzhou to the Philippines Boracay tourism, is scheduled to return on November 7. Typhoon "swallow" before and after landing in the Philippines, local flights were grounded, 14 people were trapped in Boracay.

Introduce the user, their accommodation arrangements to 7th. After 8th, long beach, team leaders and local travel agencies to coordinate the provision of accommodation, but they bring cash to pay all rates, local power outage you cannot swipe, 14 people have been thrown out of the hotel. At present, they find the money to live in a local hotel.

According to reporters from the Zhejiang Provincial Tourism Bureau, travel in Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Zhejiang cyts, CITs, learned, currently has about 400 members from places such as Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou of Zhejiang tourists stranded in Boracay in the Philippines. They are basically set out on November 2 with the group, originally planned to 7th.

But taking into account the day of the Philippine official has issued a typhoon warning, for security reasons, domestic travel tour leader no longer visitors will be arranged to board the vessel, resulting in stranded.

  Boracay is safe

Airport had some little problems

Long Beach Island is the most famous tourist destinations in the Philippines. At present, Zhejiang tour only went to the Philippines in Boracay on this line. General holiday or Festival to long beach from Zhejiang Province will now honeymoon in the past mainly young people.

Long Beach Island, the loss is not significant. There is no building damage, fallen trees, and so on, even poor fish market "shanty" is still erect, locals still ate fish at the fish market. After the 10th Typhoon, soon returned to sunny long beach island.

However, on long beach island has no airport, flights to China are mainly in nearby kalibo Airport (Note: kalibo airport 1.5-2 hours drive away from piers, Pier by boat to get to long beach Island) landing. Because both the airport control tower damaged in the typhoon, so flights resume takes about 1-2 days, return before and after the Zhejiang tourists only in the 11th-12th.

Currently stranded Boracay Shanghai Netizen "Ruth small road" to express said: "here is still off, the hotel. ATM machine on the island paralyzed, can't take cash or credit card. Many travelers stranded. Micro-letter sent out as stranded passengers, kalibo resuming service tomorrow, but it needs to fly to Manila and then to return home. Philippine Government offers kalibo airport to Manila to change, but our flight home and had to buy. ”

Cyts outbound Center Zhu Xiaojun, General Manager of introduction, when a typhoon warning, travel agencies and in the Philippine leader kept daily telephone communication. After the Typhoon landed, damaged some mobile communication facilities in the Philippines, will not be able to get through the leader's phone since yesterday. But after the 10th morning through telephone contact with the Philippines authorities confirmed that currently Zhejiang tourists stranded in Boracay is not personal injury.

Provincial tourism administration security director Li Weigang said: "according to the report submitted by various travel agencies in the province, now part of Zhejiang tourists stranded in Boracay. However, they are all safe, there were no casualties. ”

  Typhoon increased accommodation costs

By the tourists themselves

According to hotel accommodation in 400-500 yuan/person per day, meals 40-50/per person, stranded in 4-5 days, every visitor would increase the cost of around 3,000.

Has stranded tourists in the network tweets to challenge the cost, that all costs should be borne by the travel agent during their detention, this was not for the support of the Tourism Act.

Tourism Bureau of Zhejiang Province security staff said, came into effect on October 1, section 67th of the law on tourism: "due to force majeure or travel agency, performance assessor exercised reasonable duty of care will still be doing the event, causing tourists stranded, travel agencies should take appropriate measures taken. Thus increasing the cost of room and Board, borne by tourists; increases return costs shared by the travel agencies and tourists. ”

In short, the typhoon caused the tourists stranded, travel agencies are passing places obligations, additional lodging to tourists end up paying.

We are aware, currently stranded passengers accommodation costs were mostly travel agents first advance, travel agency will confer with the tourists come back costs. However, if the obligation of leaders failing to help tourists accomodations, it was against the wishes of the Tourism Act.

On Twitter, some tourists refer to tour boat had to be laid up, but Korea tourists boarding and leaving.

On this issue, Zhu Xiaojun said "according to our laws within the province, as long as there's a typhoon warning has been in the Philippines, was reported by the news media, travel agencies here do not agree with the sailing. This is actually given to visitors to their own safety. "(Source: Metro Express)

(Edit: SN063)

November 11, 2013 Light nets

(400浙江游客困菲律宾 14人因钱不够被赶出酒店|长滩岛|菲律宾|游客_新闻资讯




































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