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delv published in(发表于) 2013/10/29 7:47:43 Edit(编辑)
Tianjin communications from two to eight counts under typical problems

Tianjin communications from two to eight counts under typical problems(天津通报两起违反八项规定典型问题)

Informed two to eight counts of Tianjin provides typical questions | | | Central eight eight provision provision typical _ Sina News October 23, 2013 (Edit: SN035)

On October 17, the Tianjin Municipal Commission for discipline inspection for 2 violations of the Central eight regulations and notify party implementation of the views of the typical problems. This year, the municipal disciplinary inspection and supervision organs have investigated and dealt with violations of the Central eight-issue under item 77, 28 people, among them, the party and Government disciplines disposition 26.

This bulletin of 2 typical problems are:

District Health Bureau organization cadres to "visit investigation" on behalf of public funds into Singapore, tourism, Lee Yao, Secretary of party a serious disciplinary warning, the Secretary luomingchi subject to administrative disciplinary warning, abroad are fully borne by the individual.

Baodi district of seed management station chief Guo Shijun violation buy used buses, subject to administrative dismissal disposition, the vehicle is to be collected and returned to the offending car assistance recipients.

Bulletin stressed that party organizations at all levels in the city and the majority of party members and cadres must learn from it, anything to go by, effective internalization requires eight in mind, outside of the line. (Wang Bing Sun Yu)

(Original title: Tianjin informed the two provisions under the Central eight mental problems)

Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision site





  通报强调,全市各级党组织和广大党员干部一定要从中吸取教训,引以为鉴,切实把八项规定要求内化于心、外化于行。(王冰 孙誉)



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