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delv published in(发表于) 2013/10/29 2:37:08 Edit(编辑)
Medvedev:Russia-china relations highly unprecedented bring benefit to both sides

Medvedev:Russia-china relations highly unprecedented bring benefit to both sides(梅德韦杰夫 俄中关系高度前所未有使双方获益)

Medvedev: Russia-China relations highly unprecedented benefiting both | | Medvedev Russia | _ Sina News October 23, 2013 (Edit: SN035)

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 22 (reporters Wang Zuokui and and and)-was an official visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, 22nd in interact online through the website of Xinhua News Agency and China's netizens, responded to the Sino-Russian relations, bilateral economic and trade cooperation, energy, the role of emerging economies, and so on.

On bilateral ties, Medvedev said bilateral relations had reached "unprecedented levels". In recent years, he witnessed the development of relations between the two countries. Both sides now positioned as a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Russia and China, bilateral trade was close to $ 100 billion. Now important is to raise the quality of cooperation, from energy to cooperate in all areas of the humanities. Since 2007, every single year in the history of Russian-Chinese relations are of special significance. Both sides have held national years and language years, tourism and a series of major events, organizing youth friendly exchange year. Russia and China are neighbors, friends, and bilateral relations have reached an unprecedented height, which is beneficial to both sides.

In answer to whether Chinese enterprises can participate in Russia's far East development issues, Medvedev said, Chinese enterprises have begun to participate in the development, in Russia's far East launched a series of cooperative projects. For example, some large enterprises engaged in the development of chemical, energy, mine, and some small and medium enterprises engaged in agricultural production in the area. Looking to the future, the Russian side hoped that more and more enterprises involved in the development of the far East. At the same time, Russia, including Chinese investors, protection of foreign investment. Russian specific FDI regulations, to attract foreign investment to establish joint ventures, and where necessary by way of legal or administrative measures to protect the interests of foreign investors. Cannot make foreign investors have suffered, it is international practice, otherwise you cannot attract investment capital will flow elsewhere.

On energy cooperation, Medvedev said that energy cooperation is in the important areas of cooperation between China and Russia. Russia has rich energy resources, China has a vast market, increasing demand for energy. Energy cooperation in various fields in the development of both sides. In terms of oil cooperation has reached a very high level. Natural gas is an important area of energy cooperation between the two countries now agreed by East line pipe since Russia supplies of natural gas to China are now required to discuss pricing issues. This is a complex issue, but it will soon reach a consensus. Nuclear power is another area of cooperation, Japan Fukushima nuclear power plant after the accident, all wary of nuclear power development. But those countries refuse to use of nuclear energy was unable to make up its energy shortfall. Tianwan nuclear power plant can be called an example of nuclear cooperation between Russia and China.

On emerging economies, Mr Medvedev said, if without the participation of emerging-market countries, cannot talk about the future of the world economy. There are China, India, and Brazil, and South Africa, and Russia and other countries of the contribution of world economic stability cannot be achieved. The BRIC countries and other emerging economies is global economic growth drive. Of course, these economies have their own problems, but they also have enormous potential, those defects in advanced economies can be a balancing and moderating effect. Developed economies now was very bad. If emerging markets cannot make its own contribution, the world economy will be very weak.

Medvedev also enhance anti-corruption experience sharing, improved Russia visa regime to attract Chinese tourists, as well as answering netizens ' questions, such as how to learn the Russian language.

In addition, he also informed the user about his hobbies, was impressed with Chinese culture, and so on.

(Original title: Medvedev: Russia-China relations reached an unprecedented height of benefiting both)

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(原标题:梅德韦杰夫:俄中关系达到前所未有高度 使双方获益)


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