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Strong typhoon “petrel“ has been to Sanya, Ledong 3 deaths

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/12 0:16:35 Browse times: 289 Comment times: 0

Strong typhoon “petrel“ has been to Sanya, Ledong 3 deaths(强台风“海燕”已致三亚乐东3人死亡)

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Strong typhoon "petrel" death from Sanya, Sanya, Ledong 3 dead | | | Ledong _ news

As of 10th Typhoon "petrel" has been to Sanya, Ledong and 3 dead

Southern Metropolis daily, November 10 (reporters Xu Shan Li Fu) journalists separately from the province "protective" Sanya "protective" learned, up to the 10th, hit by the strong typhoon, Sanya and Ledong there were 3 fatalities.

Sanya: 1 people killed by Billboard

10th, Sanya city "three proof" from City Emergency Office reported that 1 man, about 30 years old in nongken Hospital of Sanya died. Nongken Hospital of Sanya initial judgment that the man was hit by falling billboards, upon doctor's advice was killed. The man's name, unknown, his true identity is determined.

Ledong: glass wall and killed 2 people

10th, nine town, longqi Bay project in Ledong site, unfortunately when the laborer in the outdoor is hit in the head and killed by the glass blown down by the wind. The man, aged 27, from Sichuan. Construction businesses already get in touch with his family and appease the aftermath work.

10th, yellow streams in the county town about 800 metres west of the bridge, a man stopped by the man's House had just built the fence, was hit by Typhoon suddenly downed fences, II of its family, the wounded were sent to the county people's Hospital, the hospital was invalid was killed at 19:30. The man, aged 50, red yellow stream town village. Yellow streams the town Government has sent people to the family of the deceased, appease the aftermath work.

(Edit: SN098)November 11, 2013 Sea excursions, Southern Metropolis daily(强台风“海燕”已致三亚乐东3人死亡|三亚|死亡|乐东_新闻资讯


  南国都市报11月10日讯(记者徐善应 利声富)记者分别从省“三防办”和三亚市“三防办”了解到,截至10日23时,受强台风袭击,三亚和乐东共发生3起伤亡事故。







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