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The Ministry of civil affairs: death of party members and cadres to be cremated, the ashes shall not be coffin burial

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/10 8:26:20 Browse times: 294 Comment times: 0

The Ministry of civil affairs: death of party members and cadres to be cremated, the ashes shall not be coffin burial(民政部:党员干部去世须火葬,骨灰不得装棺再葬)

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The Ministry of civil affairs: death of party members and cadres to be cremated ashes shall not be buried coffin | information Ministry | funeral cremation _ news |

January 10, Vice Minister of the Ministry of civil affairs Dou Yupei said today that the party members and cadres should take the lead to promote reform in the funeral to request, in accordance with the opinion, must be cremated after death, and buried the ashes shall be loaded coffins, shall not exceed the standard Tomb, built on the island.

January 10, 2014, Vice Minister of the Ministry of civil affairs Dou Yupei accept network: an interview with the Chinese Government, "implementation of the two views to promote reform in the funeral," communicating with netizens online.

Dou Yupei, said promoting the purpose of funeral reform, in addition to advocating civilized fresh air, there is a key aim is to conserve land, timber and other natural resources. If packed into coffins for burial after cremation, it did not meet the objective of the reform of funeral and interment. While in no way lessens the burden on the masses, actually increased the burdens of the masses because it is larger than traditional burial cremation formalities. For society to question the reform of funeral and interment, even against the reform of funeral and interment, provided a pretext. Actually this is funeral reform is not complete, not in place of performance.

Dou Yupei said that party members and cadres in spearheading the reform of funeral and interment in accordance with the requirements in the densely populated farmland less convenient cremation area, party members and cadres must be cremation after death and ashes shall be loaded the coffin burial, shall not exceed the standard set up a monument and Tomb building.

Dou Yupei said to strengthen the party and administrative oversight. The party and the Government departments concerned should closely held funeral party cadres of the situation, strengthen the education, management of the party members and cadres in this regard. Regard to any behavior of violating the law and discipline, and party discipline seriously dealt with according to relevant laws and regulations.

(Original title: shall not be stressed that party members and cadres of the Ministry passed away to be cremated ashes coffin burial)

(Edit: SN089)January 10, 2014 China News Network(民政部:党员干部去世须火葬 骨灰不得装棺再葬|民政部|殡葬|火葬_新闻资讯

  中新网1月10日电 民政部副部长窦玉沛今日表示,党员、干部带头推动殡葬改革中要按照《意见》要求,去逝后必须火葬,不得将骨灰装棺再葬,不得超标准建墓立碑。

  2014年1月10日10时,民政部副部长窦玉沛接受中国政府网专访,就“落实两办《意见》 推动殡葬改革”与网民在线交流。




(原标题:民政部强调党员干部去世须火葬 骨灰不得装棺再葬)


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