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Smart City is not a jigsaw puzzle _ Sina news

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/12 0:16:20 Browse times: 290 Comment times: 0

Smart City is not a jigsaw puzzle _ Sina news(智慧城市不是一场拼图游戏 _新浪新闻)

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Smart City is not a puzzle _ news

Smart City is not a puzzle game

Rely on a single, fragmented-smart "wisdom" is not going to get a smart city, because the city's blood does not get through

Text | Zhang Yu

Smart City look like? This question, answer more difficult than to explain "what is a good man." Just like good men have more than one dimension criteria, wisdom seems to be reflected in many aspects of the city.

The simplest example is a cartoon, some already and mobile phone SIM cards are combined, this card can be reached by public transport, hire public bicycles, supermarket shopping and other consumer.

Electronic Chief is a typical application, let public, and Enterprise homes through Internet on can handle many public business, or greatly simplified do process, like Hong Kong and Macao passes of endorsements by past relies on human spent time of mode simplified into has a Taiwan self machine---had to said, this more like a opposite case, endorsements why cannot in online applications paid and simplified into tickets as of II dimension yards transfer to phone Shang does?

It is interesting, urban management will wise up. Call it "Smart City" concept has been carried out in full swing in many cities in the country. Such as Beijing Chengguan on IOS and Android has launched the "I love Beijing Chengguan link" applications, providing map services and violations of law and discipline of reporting services. However, how to effectively clear the road of civilization operating unlicensed hawkers, have yet to be explored.

In some city, public of all information has was integration to with---people of basic information, and work situation, and address, and Bank of deposits and trading information, and property information, and so on, listening up seems to be not fresh, but fine wanted to a, dang these scattered of information spell in with---especially people and assets information complete to who and keep update, anti-corruption supervision will Shang has a new of steps.

For example, smart bus schedule information and inform all passengers of trains passing through, and the shuttle about when approaching, smart parking thought the owner flag within one kilometre of the parking spaces in the vicinity, lest he rolled everywhere.

You can hear and see a lot of smart city-related topics, especially in the accelerated process of urbanization in China: urban management, environmental protection, disaster warning, intensive use of resources, smart grid, a busy but orderly traffic, tele-medicine, too much is too much. All of these are ignited sparks of the city.

If poke those complex complex of appearances see, wisdom city of kernel is a based on information communications technology (ICT) of height effective run of system, this system real-time in collected this city each individual of information (through RFID, and sensor, and camera wait), transmission to interconnect interworking of all database, again after analysis (cloud computing and big data), thereby produces judgment even forecast capacity, and according to rules formed must of processing mechanism---this can greatly improve Government of decision-making level, This is probably the ideal type of smart city.

On "intelligent city" is the concept of IBM. In IBM's vision, never clogged streets, safe and secure energy for food, take the right way ... ... This is the "intelligent cities". In a city like this, wisdom of IT technology (and of course, preferably provided by IBM) will be integrated into all walks of life, people can enjoy the convenience of life, and live in harmony with the environment.

Smarter cities as a concept, has a more ambitious prototype---the wisdom of the Earth. In late 2008, it was a very special time, when the financial crisis broke out and spread to the world, which affected China's 4 trillion yuan economic stimulus package to be introduced in 2009. IBM then throws a "smart planet" concept---each person, company, organization, city, country, and natural systems induction and measurement of the social system is to achieve a more thorough and comprehensive interconnection, achieve more intelligent insight on this basis.

In IBM's philosophy that "insight" is the embodiment of the wisdom---you don't have to deal with, but willing to forecast.

About this "project", Google had predicted United States winter cases of influenza spread, by observing people searches on the Internet, can anticipate not only spread across America, and can be specific to a particular region and State, its based on a daily basis received from more than 3 billion people around the world order of big data analysis.

This is where "big data" part.

For many people, it is not of the best utopian concept. For IBM, this is a great business plan, could not bring himself to caught up in the economic crisis, and ingenious use of national policy on Government response to the crisis and at the same time the post-crisis transition strategy, opening up new markets and growth for themselves. And now, it's not only IBM business opportunities, digital, dawn, Huawei and other local companies also involved in this process of converging.

"Intelligent city" widely welcomed by local governments in China---energy-saving environmental protection, high technology and emerging industries, improve people's livelihood, close to the harmony label started investing is more suitable. Therefore, our eyes appeared a variety of urban fragments of wisdom, except noted at the outset, there is way too much.

This debris is the lack of top-level performance.

Reality in China is that bulls management, longs to advance the construction of the project. In national level, live built Department introduced of two batch wisdom City pilot has over 200 a, Technology Department also in introduced 20 a pilot city, while, national NDRC are joint more ministries established wisdom city construction department inter-joint system, started 10 a area wisdom engineering construction, organization 100 a city carried out pilot model; in place, including around NDRC, and by letter Board or technology competent sector,, are in promoting wisdom city construction of different project.

China's wisdom doesn't seem to form a unified standard and strategy or theme. In this connection, to compare Singapore 2006 wisdom 2015 Plan (earlier than proposed IBM smarter planet and, of course, different meaning), as well as Japan's i-Japan strategy. In Singapore, for example, by the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) comprehensive strategies for integrated and intelligent City (equivalent to the country's "Chief Information Officer"), clear information and communication infrastructure as the cornerstone, Singapore's infocomm industry has witnessed rapid development.

Wisdom of a more futuristic cities, should be a does not depend on managers, does not in the Manager's will as to transfer of the efficient operation of the system, the wisdom of this city is no longer the Manager of wisdom, but the wisdom of that system.

And an intelligent city, it first needs to be wise to the establishment. Relying on a single, a fragmented smart "wisdom" is not going to put together into an intelligent city, as the city's blood does not come through. Smarter cities should not be seen as a nutritional waiting to be carved up (financial support) rich cake. Smart City is really not a puzzle game.

(Edit: SN054) November 11, 2013(智慧城市不是一场拼图游戏 _新闻资讯



  文 | 张瑜




  有意思的是,城管也要智慧起来了。这个叫“智慧城管”的构想已经在国内的许多城市如火如荼地开展起来。比如北京城管在IOS和安卓系统上推出了“我爱北京 市民城管通”的应用软件,提供地图服务和违法违纪的举报服务。不过,对于如何文明有效地清除占道经营的无照小贩,还有待探索。


















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