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Guangxi’s left-behind girls ’ sexual penetration, some suspects with the crime of whoring approved to

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/10 8:22:36 Browse times: 278 Comment times: 0

Guangxi’s left-behind girls ’ sexual penetration, some suspects with the crime of whoring approved to(广西留守女童遭性侵,部分嫌犯以嫖宿幼女罪批捕)

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Guangxi's left-behind girls victims of sexual aggression against some of the suspects under arrest for the whoring | | whoring | staying in Guangxi Province _ news

Xinhua Beijing January 9, Reuters new media ("Site," Zhong Quancheng reporters Liu Yuanxu) recently, the nets a left-behind girl in Guangxi were over more than 10 long-term infection in the elderly, raised widespread concern. 9th, Guangxi industrial police "Chinese Site" reporter an exclusive, detailed disclosure of the case, many unknown case surfaced.

Police investigation findings showed that a 13 year old girls from age 11 left behind on the ground, were at least 16 people, and at least 50 times by sexual assault, 14 people in identified the suspect as middle-aged and elderly people, the eldest aged more than 70. Facts of investigation found shocking.

  Men's teenage daughter was 18 people reported rapes arrested 14 people

Victim Chris (not his real name) was born in March 2000, and was a pupil of Xingye County of Guangxi. Recently been exposed from 11 years old has been repeatedly invaded, has a broader argument is "two years was 18 middle and old aged human infection" and "elderly human infection in two years was 10."

Guangxi industrial police "China" offered only by a 13-page investigative report on April 27, 2013, May 6, July 23, victim's father took the victim to a local police station three times, beginning in 2011, the victim was raped, the Member of staff involved with 15 villagers in the village and town, the other two villages 3 villagers. After the alarm, Xingye County Public Security Bureau to investigate the case.

Societe Generale, police said 18 suspects reported by victims, police have identified suspects there were 16 people, currently captured 14 people, 2 people at large, and another 2 persons are currently not identified.

This copies inscribe date for "January 8, 2014" of report displayed, in captured of 14 people, 11 people was transferred Attorney sued, 1 people was bail awaiting trial, 1 people was monitored live, 1 people is handle transferred sued; has 5 people suspected rape sin, and has 7 people suspected go whoring girls sin, and 1 people suspected lewd children sin, 1 people due to evidence insufficient prosecutorial organ no arrest.

NET xingye County Court judgement on the part of the case, saying "the Court has convicted 10 people respectively," but "the Chinese Site" journalist judgment when calling the Court, the Court rejected on grounds of not checking the identity journalists interview.

  Societe Generale police: sexual assault of at least 50 girls two years

Reading this information note provided by the police, the Court heard shocking.

Police investigation concluded shows that early in 2011, more than 70 suspects yellow, paddy field next to the victims found in the ditch-snail, sexual lust, in the knowledge that the victim is under 14 years of age, still in the case of school children, burying his victim's mouth in front, it is forcibly pulled to the foot of rape. Zhihou, yellow x in 2011, more rape victims multiple times to intimidation, coercion.

Criminal suspect Chen in April 2011, at noon one day, saw the victim came to their house in the village of play, with small amounts of money for the temptations, raping the victim. Period until March 2013, after Chen at his home, ranging from 10 to 30 Yuan at a time money for seduction, rape victim 15 times.

"China network thing" reporter Combs police of investigation situation report found, in has identified identity of 16 name crime suspects in the, "post" has 2 people, "post" has 4 people, "50 Hou" has 5 people, "40 Hou" has 3 people, "30 Hou" has 2 people, crime Shi age maximum of more than 70 age, age minimum of only 20 age early. Series of cases from the beginning of 2011 continues until March 2013. In two years, sexual assault victims were at least 50 times.

  Part of the suspects to the "crime of whoring" arrest, family dissatisfaction

During the investigation period, father of girls to the local police station several times of the civilian police investigation, handling cases of progress, working procedures and qualitative issues such as questioning, investigation police explanation, girls ' fathers did not accept, petition to relevant departments, accusing police of the case not worthy and inaction.

Xingye County Police believe the suspect of the case, job number, time span, and client memory confusion, scarcity of material witnesses, investigation and working hard, "the case can be done to a point for it. ”

In such cases, the victim's family is not satisfied with case police believe, mainly because of some criminal suspects with "crime of whoring" arrest, arguing that a crime of rape is a misdemeanor to indulge two victims is seen as prostitutes, seriously damaging her reputation, clouding her life.

Xingye County Police, public security organs start out as to the crime of rape was caught only because the prosecution only a portion of the suspect to the crime of whoring is caught, after review by the procuratorial organs approved the arrests on charges.

"Ever since the crime of whoring in place of its abolition, law has been debated repealing cries constantly. How to distinguish between money of carnal seduction as a means of sin and crime of whoring and disputed many of challenges. "Xingye County Public Security Bureau in the rule of law sector in case the verification opinion argues that" where two articles of law coincide, whoring itself is the carnal knowledge of a situation, crime of having sexual intercourse with a minor use financial inducements for rape ends in situations. How to distinguish between the two? How to identify the status of young girls in prostitution? There are no clear legal interpretation. ”

(Edit: SN091)January 09, 2014 The website(广西留守女童遭性侵 部分嫌犯以嫖宿幼女罪批捕|广西|嫖宿幼女|留守_新闻资讯

  新华网北京1月9日新媒体专电(“中国网事”记者钟泉盛 刘元旭)近日,网传广西一名留守女童遭十多名中老年人长期性侵,引发广泛关注。9日,广西兴业警方向“中国网事”记者独家详细披露了这一案件,诸多不为人知的案情浮出水面。


  男子举报未成年女儿遭18人强奸 警方抓获14人


















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