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Beijing drug administration responses to “hair soy“: none reported

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/10 8:20:30 Browse times: 288 Comment times: 0

Beijing drug administration responses to “hair soy“: none reported(北京药监局回应“头发做酱油”:无相关举报)

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Beijing drug administration responses to "hair soy": no report | SFDA soy sauce _ | | hair news

Morning news 96,101 News (press tiejin) has a "broken hair recyclable making soy sauce" messages in the Twitter vibe, people are asking "do really broken soy sauce? "I will not eat? "The experts, the hydrolysis of amino acids can be made by the theory of broken soy sauce ingredients, but such acts was expressly prohibited by the State. Beijing Municipal food and Drug Administration said that legitimate manufacturers and distributors were found in the city of manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy products, there is also no public reports of black lab.

Beijing morning news reporter random visits to several shops in the city, the shop owner said the industry does have "do recycle broken soy sauce" story, but no one's actually seen or experienced. A shopkeeper described Li, because recycling scrap sent people to visit without any regular, coupled with low prices, "a large cardboard box tops sells for 10 Yuan, most shops are not willing to save up to sell, swept up straight away. ”

Golden Lion for the Beijing catering trade association experts Tung told the Beijing morning news reporter, theoretically, contain protein in hair, after passing the acid hydrolysis of amino acid liquid, then add salt, caramel pigment, you can hook up a sauce. "The ' hair ' refers to the amino acid hydrolysis, primary use is medicinal, as in making a hair restorer. "He had learned in the unannounced visits, finished playing the medicinal efficacy of water will be in service of hair away, just sold to unscrupulous producers of soy sauce, this remaining scrap of" full utilization "could reduce the cost significantly. Beijing morning news reporter review found, 2009 issued by the Ministry of health in the third batch of food could break the food additive of the added non-edible substances and vulnerability to abuse "blacklist", "hair," water column.

Beijing morning news reporters learned from the municipal food and drug supervision and administration, "hair soy" does not appear in the licit production and circulation enterprises in this city, in the day-to-day supervision of the relevant departments did not find this sort of fake and shoddy products, had not yet received reports on black-hearted making dens.


Good high nitrogen content in soy sauce

Golden Lion Tung reminded consumers to look when the regular stores and brands of soy sauce, and packaging and labeling are particular about that "bottle bag ', better than plastic bottles, glass bottles, and identifies the higher content of amino acid nitrogen is better 100 grams contains 0.4 g is the lowest standard, the other in the additives do not contain sodium benzoate. "He also describes 3 distinguish between the quality of soy sauce method: one shake, foam and delicate slow extinction is good, fast as foam eliminating bad; the second is dissolved, pour water to disperse at once is good, bottom is not good and finally the smell, fresh aroma of good, well flavored with Coke Hu.

(Edit: SN091)January 10, 2014 Beijing morning post(北京药监局回应“头发做酱油”:无相关举报|药监局|头发|酱油_新闻资讯

  晨报96101现场新闻(记者 铁瑾) 近日一则“碎头发可回收制作酱油”的消息在微博盛传,人们纷纷质疑“碎发真能做酱油?”“我会不会吃到?”专家介绍,理论上碎发水解后的氨基酸可成为酱油原料,不过这种行为被国家明令禁止。北京市食品药品监督管理局表示,本市未发现合法生产企业和流通企业制售该伪劣产品,目前也未接到市民对相关黑窝点的举报。








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