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People’s daily concerns “urbanization is kidnapped by real estate“

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People’s daily concerns “urbanization is kidnapped by real estate“(人民日报关注“城镇化被房地产绑架之患”)

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People's daily concerns "urbanization is kidnapped by real estate" | urbanization | | demolition _ in real estate news

Some place emphasis on three very different real estate development appeared "deficiency" in Mong Kok. Real estate development is a manifestation of urbanization, to avoid "as" circle

Editors: in recent years, urbanization construction in full swing, corresponding with the exception is real estate development is thriving. Local demand for land sales and land impulse, to real estate developers hit it off. In many places, real estate development and construction has become synonymous with the development of urbanization. A noteworthy phenomenon is that in the context of the market trend of urbanization, keen, Metro approved construction of the new district around, the actual operation on medium and small cities, especially three or four tier more known only by the industrial town of direct real estate market development, urbanization be kidnap suspect in real estate. What do you think about this phenomenon?

Xu Zhengzhong: current urbanization process, the contradictions of real estate has become an important focus of buyers looking helplessly, "mortgage slaves" plodding, "Uncle", "twin sister" monopoly houses, developers earn pours. Urbanization is real estate seem to indeed urbanization is suspected of being kidnapped by real estate.

Need to attach great importance to is that many urban real estate development now faster than the pace of development of various kinds of auxiliary, a "demolish building" or "building demolition" phenomenon. Three or four lines in particular cities and some towns, to serve as a beginning construction, but untraceable industries related, built the House unoccupied, form a ghost town, "" ghost town ". Some place emphasis on three very different real estate development appeared "deficiency" in Mong Kok. Real estate development is a manifestation of urbanization, to avoid the "room" of the vicious circle.

Of course, in accelerating the urbanization process, the real estate industry still was one of the most benefit. Industrial transfer, movement of population, wealth, and will lead to increase of the real estate industry space. We need to guard against is partial to figure out "land of urbanization", "cement urbanization." Urbanization tends to take economic development as the goal, to industrialization as the main line, led by the local government, land appreciation as the primary engine, material capital intensive, high cost and low income. It must bring elements of structural imbalance, space imbalance, imbalance of the industrial structure, this is a complete departure from this essence of urbanization is one of the towns. To establish a livable and humane city, should also pay attention to the urbanization of the population, sustainable urbanization, ecological urbanization, to meet the diverse needs of the residents, so that it has a full selection of space. Construction is by no means rural mosaic tiling, but the integration of modern technology and modern art show. In the course of construction of the new city, new products, especially those of urban complex life science and technology industry will come to their good growth opportunities, will also become a real estate needs.

Under the current system, local financial expenditure responsibility, had to land financial, rely on considerable debt financing platform. A new round of institutional reform should be on the premise of adjusting the structure of fiscal expenditure straightening out the central-local fiscal relations, forms public service orientation "Yonge" ""

Edit: Although urbanization is inseparable from the real estate, but urbanization should not be real estate. The view was expressed that kidnapped urbanization not real estate, but government-led, facilitated the kidnapping of urbanization of the real estate. What do you think?

Xu Zhengzhong: in the real world, there are Government-guided, driven urbanization kidnapped the real estate phenomenon, which is mainly caused by financial institutions. Under the current system, local financial expenditure responsibility, had to land financial, rely on considerable debt financing platform. For debt, real estate becomes "two fiscal" and "cash machine", and some places even becomes "financial" and "money tree". According to official figures a rough estimate, Government and banking 2012 obtained from real estate income of 4.7917 trillion yuan, 75% of the total real estate sales of 6.4 trillion yuan for the year. Although the industry for such a simple addition calculation methods have different views, but the Government took from the real estate industry high proportion of land sales and taxes has become an indisputable fact. Among them, land leasing has always been the Government received the largest share of revenue from the real estate industry, are accounted home sales value of about 40%. Some local governments are ready to "one House eat four": "eat" land leasing, "two eating" transfer housing derived from 20% of taxes, "three ways" estate tax, "four eating" estate tax. A new round of institutional reform should be on the premise of adjusting the structure of fiscal expenditure straightening out the central-local fiscal relations, forms public service orientation "Yonge" "" relationship. Future Governments will be competing at another level: the more open market better than anyone, who services more efficient than, greater compliance with the market better than anyone, "rules of the game" more equitable and harmonious urban and rural areas better than anyone.

The Government's leading role in construction of towns, to focus on preventing "dual-dual" development, which prevents development of urban-rural dualistic and dualistic development between rich and poor within the city. Fusion real estate development, prevent social mosaic. At the same time, design to the top levels of Government, the rational allocation of public resources. Urbanization of urbanization is the key to get peasants to enjoy public benefits, housing, education, medical and other aspects are universal service to form a "middle class", "City" fusion of good shape.

New-type urbanization is not only live in the city, is happy in the city. From the three aspects of Government, is to protect the full movement of people, promote the high degree of integration of the industry, providing universal service

Edit: at present, the new town construction is an important hand in boosting domestic demand. Many local governments used to rely on for investment, projects, especially in the real estate project to boost economy. While rising, high prices, not only failed to stimulate domestic demand, but are largely stifled consumer demand and urbanization, became farmers, college graduates remain insurmountable barriers. New-type urbanization, how should Government do?

Xu Zhengzhong: new urbanization is not only live in the city, happy town, not just farmers, but also so that they can enjoy equal public services with the public, which requires government from three aspects, namely guarantees full mobility, the promotion of industries of high degree integration and the provision of universal service.

According to my observation, a person's contribution to society associated with three elements: first, the mobility of people, mainly in the number moving; the second is the number of career change; the third is the duration of their education. Since reform and opening up, our population flows are increasingly common, labor market incentives to stimulate people's desire to flow, prompting workers to actively look for the best jobs for themselves. In process of urbanization, the Government is to ensure full movement of people, break the shackles of traditional household registration system, guarantee the farmers move to cities and intercity transfers for the public order. Promoting urbanization is not only simple farmers, increase the proportion of the urban population and urban area, even the household registration system, lifestyle, employment, social security, industrial structure and human quality of literacy and other towns. Urbanization is an integrated development process.

Urbanization is an economic complementary, natural and gradual process, lasting power is economic growth. An overview of the history of the rise of great powers in the world, from traditional society to a modern society, is indispensable to social development of top-level design, this design is construct social General Service System. Social General Service system, laying the Foundation for all-round social progress, effectively avoiding disintegration, fragmentation and imbalance of different interest groups in society, it is divided into three subsystems, namely social General Service of humanity, universal social service of industry knowledge and information society services.

Urbanization is not a simple increase in the proportion of urban population and area expansion, industry support, UN-Habitat, such as environment, social security, lifestyle from "village" to "City" transformation. City is a diverse and open platform, allowing all kinds of factors of production in the city take time to collision, coupling, sublimation, in terms of technology, skills and creativity of tuk-tuk drivers constructing modern eco-city in the new economy.

In the process of urbanization, to focus on the protection of farmers ' rights and interests and solve rural land circulation and scale operation issues, non-agricultural conversion in rural land issues and farmers problems.

  Don't push farmers go upstairs (scholars · focus on unhealthy trends in urbanization ⑧)

  Huazhong University of science and Professor of Chinese rural Governance Research Center He Xuefeng

In recent years, some local split villages and settlements, removal of farmer occupies a large old houses, access to farmers ' and land reclaimed for farmland, and through "linking urban and rural construction land increase and decrease" policy into equivalent sizes of cities added construction land targets.

After the old peasant houses have been demolished, where to go? Was built to let farmers take up a relatively small land area new House, built for farmers or the building; the second is to mobilize farmers to buy their own homes. Government built new houses for farmers will not be fully free, but according to certain standards to provide subsidies, farmers live in self-built or Commission rules Commission Regulation Tongjian to pay additional costs for new homes.

Local Government's goal is to obtain indicators of urban construction land, normally does not take fully into account the interests of farmers, will minimize the cost of split villages and settlements. The old village house for the farmer is concerned, no new benefits. In order to remove the old build, local government investment is huge.

Policy on linking urban and rural construction land increase and decrease, the farmers ' as a rural construction land, but farmers ' access to free use of free only for personal use and cannot be traded. Therefore, give or take a peg to farmers ' and rural construction land which was confusing two different kinds of land. If farmers ' and rural construction land, then, Heath is to stay in the rural mass construction land, Heath can participate in link increases or decreases? If you can, not built farm house on the Heath, reclamation of wasteland is far below the cost of reclaimed land, why not go to the reclamation of wasteland on farmers ' and not want to screw? Farmers ' houses are farmers of decades of accumulated results, although the local government invested heavily built new houses for farmers, but as has already been mentioned, farmer does not get more benefits from the new House, and one is up. This count, the campaign will produce a lot of waste, and unpopular.

Current implementation of urban and rural construction land increase and decrease peg, its starting point is without adding new land for construction cases, through system design, indicators of the rural construction land "diversion" for urban construction land. However, the misunderstanding of the policy of construction land in urban and rural construction land are two fundamentally different types of land law. In order to increase the indicators of urban construction land, to demolish farmers ' houses, destroyed hundreds of farmers living environment is desirable. Even if linked to the urban and rural construction land change, consider reclaimed wasteland, to achieve dynamic balance of total amount of cultivated land, out of city construction land targets.

Looked back at the willingness of farmers to go upstairs? Local governments do have a responsibility to provide farmers with better living environment? The answer is Yes. Currently, most farmers have the desire to build a new House. If local governments stepped in for farmers to plan new homes, providing infrastructure such as water circuit. Farmers to transform the old House, you can go to free access to land for planning new House, assuming the old land for reclamation. Thus, on the one hand, farmers used to larger Homestead can be freed, economizing on land, on the other, new settlements infrastructure improves, attractive to farmers. The responsibility of local government is comparatively little funding infrastructure. Local governments spend less money, farmers voluntarily to build new houses, land reclamation for agricultural land. Farmers ' lives more convenient, well-being increase, rural living environment improved accordingly. This is more too.

(Reporter Zhang Zhifeng finishing)

  Urbanization of "classics" don't read Askew (reader Forum · focus on unhealthy trends in urbanization ⑧)

The Guangxi tengxian He Jiefeng

There is a remote mountain village, by expanding the polder town size, gain traction and accelerate development, but nearly 10 years of planning, delays in the construction. On surface transport routes in the center of town, and has land extensions, there is no "brake". The reason, according to inside sources, land financial sings "lead" cases, the remote mountainous town of polder land selling cars, where money is going to develop? Meanwhile, developers are unprofitable and capitalists who would pay to do? Government land sales and developers get the development money, abnormal development of urbanization in about two "grip".

On August 28 this year, CCTV broadcast feature films of the shanty town hot and sour bitter sweet. Renovation of shanty towns in Harbin, shanty towns people knees and begged the Government to reform their place of residence, but because the land has a crematorium, the developers just can't get over this land, and loss of business the Government has refused to do. Developers located in the center of the other plots are very interested in ten or twenty years to complete building shantytowns, to develop large demolition.

Struggling in the remote mountain area urbanization phenomenon is difficult to advance the transformation of shanty towns and Harbin, it is estimated that all parts of the country, not complicated. Government own land paid developers sharpening the head development money. When the Government can think about how to sell when they took the money, and what to read Askew.


  Kidnapped by real estate (where the line of sight · focus on unhealthy trends in urbanization ⑧)

Zhao Beibei

In recent years, in some cases, by the Government to promote "urbanization movement" sensation, at the forefront of real estate development and construction is in full swing. Throughout the countryside, is common practice: on behalf of the Government in a variety of use of contracted land of farmers and their land for sale to developers, real estate development, campus development, farmers go upstairs living. Used to "listen to frogs" countryside, suddenly become "complex". "Make the villagers become public" under the slogan of many farmers or forced or had been hoodwinked into buildings without access to public benefits and lost the benefits to farmers. And stealing music, mostly earn a bowl full of pots of real estate developers.

Real estate kidnapping realities of urbanization, many people express concern and question, worry that this enclosure-build characterized city hurricane "urbanization" movement, which will bring many risks to China's economic and social development and some misfortune. In fact has thrown some risks.

First of all as a town of farmers, the bulk of rights violations. For land farmers into commercial land, land for construction purposes, many local governments and developers, forced Flash move means farmers are forced to sell land, House sites, live upstairs. Raised in the course of the conflict, not just to farmers was injured, has also increased social costs. Many farmers get the land compensation, not enough to buy commercial housing, patchwork, East through West lent. Many farmers after the stairs, lost the last living land, availability of employment and survival problematic, impoverished, reduced quality of life, it has become a major social problem.

Second, the massive human, blind city movement and unrealistic demands, coupled with supporting function to keep up, that "ghost town" or uncompleted, some developers are even liable to flee, not only caused great waste of resources, but also to support the assets of real estate developers, financial institutions make a big threat, and hopefully stymie inevitable.

Third, increasing government financial dependence and sold the land to the impulse. Needless to say, many local governments are very keen for urbanization, are "nutritional", their concerns are not the people in the town of, but urbanization. Today, the local government debt is an open secret that administrative costs are too high, "sangong" consumption, image engineering, prestige projects, extravagant government buildings, seek private gain at public expense of corrupt behavior abound, coupled with the existing cadre of defect, the performance appraisal system, fiscal system, so some places are mired in financial and land, I forgot. Urbanization construction in real estate development and infrastructure projects, require local governments millions of dollars invested, money not only is the fastest route from land, and local finance. So the situation is easy to make urbanization planning, decision-making was abducted by real estate.

IV, affected the healthy development of the economy. The real estate industry "outshines" become a pillar industry, real estate, economy to be curbed, and also increased the housing bubble, house prices remain high, far beyond the capacity of the people.

Han Jun, Deputy Director of development research center of the State Council said at a forum in the near future, "the new urbanized core, is the human right issues, issues, issues. If these three problems cannot be solved, urbanization can be a painful process for farmers. "Was supposed to increase farmers ' welfare, urbanization, may let their original sense of well-being has also been eroded. If a one-sided focus on promoting economic development of urbanization, lack of innovation, it is easy to overlook the autonomy of market players, the lack of strong protection for farmers ' interests. This urbanization is not only overestimated the economic effects of urbanization, and will lead to many social problems, is not sustainable.

  Shangrao city, Jiangxi

  Not as illegal land development land sector (exposure · focus on unhealthy trends in urbanization ⑧)

We were Guo village, Jiangxi Shangrao Xinzhou District North Gate Street 2 groups of villagers. In 2008, our group of more than 200 acres, more than 100 acres of vegetable fields, more than 100 acres of paddy field land and fish ponds, woodlands, were more than 800 mu of land in use by developers illegal housing development.

In our House, because he was afraid we were prevented the leaders pretend to be "shifting of Shangrao City section of the railway project" requisition. Later, we learned that are not projects land acquisition, Bureau of land and resources in Shangrao city, ask to see the approval of land requisition. City land Bureau to produce a Jiangxi provincial Government was ratified on August 18, 2003 under the approval form of construction land in Jiangxi province, approved first batch of 2003-urban construction land in Shangrao city of 42.0114 hectares. Involving 491 acres of land in my village. And this is another group of 491 acres is not just our group.

Illegal administrative action against the municipal Bureau of land and resources, we offer land to apply for a review of the Office of Jiangxi province, but provincial land in excess of the statutory time limit for inadmissible. We pass Court, December 25, 2012, the High Court judgement in Jiangxi province, removal of inadmissible decision of provincial land administrative reconsideration and ask them to renew a specific administrative act. But nearly a year later, provincial land is not as.

Illegal construction on land in our group from the company the aviation City real estate company. It is understood that the company has sold more than 700 suite, phase II of the construction and sale is now, there are more than 700 sets.

Jiangxi Shangrao Xinzhou District North Gate Street Guo village, 2 group

Yaominghaizhoujianjun Yao Wenhui villagers

(Edit: SN069)November 12, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily(人民日报关注“城镇化被房地产绑架之患”|城镇化|房地产|拆迁_新闻资讯


















  华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心教授 贺雪峰







  (本报记者 张志锋整理)


  广西藤县 何杰锋















  违法占地搞开发 国土部门不作为(曝光·关注城镇化中的不良倾向⑧)






  姚明海 周建军 姚文辉等村民


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