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Over 80% of respondents said employees and talk about a raise difficult

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Over 80% of respondents said employees and talk about a raise difficult(逾8成受访者称感觉员工和单位谈加薪困难)

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Over 80% respondents said employees and talk about a raise difficulties | | respondents raise | staff _ news

To the end of pay and workplace who hotly debated topic. Everyone is looking forward to their own salaries year after year, but the increase is not easy. Last week, the center of China Youth daily social survey by Sohu news clients to 20,351 people, according to a survey, 43.9% of respondents talked to units and raise issues; 86% of respondents felt current unit staff and talk about a raise difficulties.

After the Li Xin (a pseudonym) in Hangzhou, an IT company is responsible for site operation. In the company for more than six months, his salary went up 200 Yuan, "with the growth in company time, more and more work on my hands. Currently making wages, always feel a little aggrieved. " Recently, while completing a project, what he did speak to the Manager for a raise. But the Manager said he had high expectations, has not promised to pay right away. Li Xin laughs, he worked for two years has been to skip the 3 time slots, and every move will bring a pay raise, easier than talking to company for a pay rise.

A game company in Beijing art Peng Jianan do it for 9 months. When the contract was signed, the company said it will pay adjustments in her entry. But from an internship at the formal entry, her salary has not risen. She submitted application for a raise, but could not get a clear answer. "I recently heard colleagues say, never changed this post salary, there is no chance of promotion. "Li Xin said that if a pay rise, and she resigned after years.

Investigations revealed that 51.9% per cent of the respondents from one to two years can get chance to raise, 17.8% respondents three years can get a, 13.8% of respondents 5 years or more to get the chance to raise.

In the respondent's view, staff requested not to agree, mainly because employers are only concerned about the interests of the company (65.1%). 15.4% per cent of respondents felt that the reason was inadequate understanding of employee performance and contribution to the work, 9.6% of the respondents felt that the reason lies in the capability or substandard performance of staff.

Zhang Ying at a Shanghai law firm human resources management. In her view, employee and company talk about compensation, mainly at the time of application. After entering the company, worried about the affect their image, talking to his boss for a raise of less than. "In pay bargaining with the company, are mostly capable of leading people in the company. For many positions, and company's industry average salary parity with, to talk about the space is not large. ”

Investigations revealed that the 63% of respondents feel their unequal distribution of remuneration.

"The company's treatment of employees, mainly based on their capabilities and contributions. "Marketing Manager of an IT company in Beijing, Zhao told Xinhua that during recruitment, graduates, the company gives compensation is generally fixed. Due to the newcomers in the workplace is still in the learning stage, wage growth is relatively slow. And have a certain experience of the dedicated staff, natural high starting salary. Because they are very easy to make accomplishment, opportunities for salary increases are also relatively high.

The survey, 37.7% respondents indicated that if it cannot raise would consider anyway, 34.4% per cent of respondents said they might, sum up to 72.1%.

"Waiting for the boss to give employees a raise is not an easy thing, sometimes employees have to take the initiative to ask for a raise. "In Zhang Ying seems, on pay zhiqian, employees personal should do full prepared; on pay Shi, made of pay lines to clear, to more stressed themselves of value and contribution, and avoid on buy car buy room, plans, or with others of wage do comparison," sometimes company may more willing to provides other of award or compensation, so employees also without will eyes Council limited to pay above ".

Investigation in the, for effective to with units on pay, by visit who to out following recommends: looking for suitable of way and the time for Exchange (29.3%); Note collection personal work performance and contribution, pay evidence (26.1%); understanding company of operating situation and pay system (24.4%); active and led communication, understanding itself insufficient of Department (17%); records Xia extra of work task and by occupy of time (12.2%); seriously writing summary report and year-end summary (6.2%).

(Original title: 86% respondents felt that employees raise difficulties he and units)

(Edit: SN098)November 12, 2013 China Youth daily(逾8成受访者称感觉员工和单位谈加薪困难|受访者|加薪|员工_新闻资讯














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