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United States China Consulate General in San Francisco Federal Court trial for arson

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:56:40 Browse times: 268 Comment times: 0

United States China Consulate General in San Francisco Federal Court trial for arson(美国联邦法庭开审中国驻旧金山总领馆纵火案)

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United States federal courts hearing China's Consulate General in San Francisco arson | United States | | court hearing _ news

News Agency in San Francisco, January 7 (reporter Liu Dan) 7th local time this morning, United States Federal Court District Court trial in Northern California arson case Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco. Connection to the main entrance of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco on new year's night pouring gasoline ignition Chinese man Feng Yanfeng appeared, accompanied by a translation and lawyer, takes approximately one minute, the next hearing set for January 15.

About 9:30 the same day, China News Agency reporters to enter in San Francisco Federal Court e, 15/f, No. 450 Golden Gate Avenue, all people entering the Court were required not to take pictures, turn off your mobile phone.

E number of courts cases that day, Feng Yanfeng was scheduled for the 3rd Court.

About 9:52, Judge Elizabeth-Porter appears to 9:58, clients and lawyers in two cases over the courtroom.

About 9:59, court officers announced that Feng Yanfeng into court. Wearing a red short-sleeved jumpsuit Feng Yanfeng by two court security officers into the courtroom, he had been a small, slightly curly hair and shoulders, feet slow to news agency reporters to see whether he has a leg irons.

Tribunal for Feng Yanfeng was appointed a court translation and public defenders. When Steve Kalar where ruburt judges and lawyers a simple dialog, standing next to Feng Yanfeng female translators in Mandarin for their translation.

During the entire trial lasted about 1 minute deep dialogue between judges and lawyers should not be heard. Judge Laporte and Kalar agreed to next appear in court on January 15.

Feng Yanfeng right hand holding the left hand sometimes, sometimes hands down, said something in English Yes.

After the closing of the hearing, the media waiting outside the Court, lawyers blocked Kalar, trying to ask about details of the case. Kalar indicating their name spelled and the identity of the public defender, refused to answer questions, and rushed off.

News Agency reporters in the query after that Kalar is located in the San Francisco of the United States Federal Court in Northern California, court public defender. United States public defenders are usually appointed by the Court, agency people who cannot afford an attorney.

39 year old Dili resident Feng Yanfeng 2004 for United States green card. 21:25 new year's night, he poured at the main entrance of the Chinese Consulate-General in San Francisco gas ignition, causing the main entrance, symbols, signs, stone lions and walls badly damaged.

According to United States Federal Bureau of investigation FBI Office of the San Francisco area, Michael? Aierderuiji 4th file to the Federal Court, noon on January 3, Feng Yanfeng itself calls to give yourself up to the city police station were arrested, is being held in custody pending court hearing.

Documents show that Feng Yanfeng was charged with two counts of federal crimes. The first charges of arson, it charges, will be sentenced to 5 to 20 years in prison and fined.

Second is sabotage in the United States of foreign Governments, international organizations, foreign officials and official guests property crimes, conviction, imprisonment for up to 5 years, fine.

The morning of January 6, Feng Yanfeng briefly appear.

Hua Chunying 7th regular press, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said China requested the US side to thoroughly investigate the case, punish the perpetrators, while urging us under the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and the Vienna Convention on consular relations, to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection of Chinese diplomatic consular and personal and property safety of personnel to ensure that similar events do not occur.

Hua Chunying said, "We note that the United States says the trial has just begun, cases still under investigation. We will continue to closely monitor the progress. "(The end)

(Original title: the United States federal courts Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco arson)

(Edit: SN064)January 08, 2014 China News Network(美国联邦法庭开审中国驻旧金山总领馆纵火案|美国|法庭|开审_新闻资讯

  中新社旧金山1月7日电 (记者 刘丹)当地时间7日上午,美国联邦法院北加州地区法庭开庭审理中国驻旧金山总领馆纵火案。涉嫌在元旦夜间向中国驻旧金山总领事馆正门泼汽油点火的中国籍男子冯严丰出庭,由翻译和律师陪同,过程大约一分钟,下次审理定在1月15日。



















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