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Secretary of the SASAC in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan province descend a dinner cost 15,000

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:55:27 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Secretary of the SASAC in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan province descend a dinner cost 15,000(四川凉山州国资委书记下基层晚餐花销1.5万)

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Secretary of the SASAC in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan province descend a dinner cost 15,000 (photo) | Secretary of SASAC | descend a | d consumption _ news

  Led Secretary of SASAC eat roots in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan dinner costs 15,000

CCTV's prime focus exposure of Liangshan State Secretary of eating and drinking

  Team descend a dinner cost 15,000

@ Huaxi City newspaper: in September 2013, the Committee Standing Committee, State Secretary of the SASAC in Liangshan Prefecture informed the public eating and drinking by the Central Commission for discipline inspection. CCTV aired January 5, the focus of "power shot go style" this incident once again exposed.

One day in June 2013, the Liangshan State authority led a member of the Working Group, yuexi and Ganluo County supervision. Is located in the mountains in Liangshan Prefecture, many roads not suitable for driving cars or buses, so approved by the higher authorities, can be equipped with off-road vehicles for each Department. All Department heads are used to sitting in your own car, so 9 sector 15 person team went to 10 units of sport utility vehicle, driving in Liangshan Prefecture on a rough road.

Client: lack of sense of responsibility and enterprising awareness

Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection party political supervision described Zheng Xuebin he (Liangshan State appoint a Standing Committee) on later, County County leaders want to bring the car, the corresponding counterparts will come accompanied by his counterpart's leadership, so they formed a mighty fleet of 20 lailiang car, one or two km stretch of a car line.

Vehicle was accompanied by growing natural escorts will be more and more. Time came for dinner that night, Standing Committee member who has gathered a lot of people around. In accordance with the provisions accompanying the best receptionist cannot exceed the number of reception.

In an interview with reporter dialogue parties. Principal: we go to destination, is the birthplace of my piece, a piece of my growing up, classmates, neighbor, colleague, feeling, affection, friendship, and who will stay, who should walk in, this is not very good.

Meal was supposed to be a work, but because the family friendship, a lot of unrelated people. 9 section 15 of the Working Group, together with County leaders, 9 departments as to the quality of the County Council-run lead, eating more than 60 people. In accordance with the provisions in Liangshan Prefecture, similar corporate activities are not wine, also did not perform that night, and wine tastes, what makes it difficult to control the number. A dinner, at a total cost to reach more than 15,000 yuan, including alcohol and tobacco more than 8,000 yuan, accounted for more than half of meals. Reporters noted that the Standing Committee 14 years ago right here serving as County Clerk, he has proposed to boycott "the wind wind chihefeng wind, gambling, gifts, luxury" four winds, and introduced in the County.

Client: but today, after 14 years, I not only didn't lead, but the lead of the Central eight provisions, at least the lack of a sense of responsibility and initiative.

 Liangshan style new rules: no alcohol does not kill cows

Sichuan Provincial Commission for discipline inspection investigated the cases of eating and drinking, cause in Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee and Government attach great importance to, and take this as a warning, combined with local customs in Liangshan Prefecture, eight provisions based on improving the style of work, maintaining close ties with masses of ten provisions, which have two different, and that is "no wine, not on killing cows."

Is the country's largest concentrations of Yi people in Liangshan Prefecture, where the Yi people passionate, honest, hospitable, especially when guests at the reception, killing cows is the highest specification.

No matter who in the past, we had hunsangjiaqu things, to kill cattle and to entertain guests, and gradually formed a habit.

Changing the style of official functions in the first place to start, implement the Central eight rules in Liangshan prefecture's "not alcohol, not on killing cows" is against this practice in the official functions in the past.

When the reporter went to Liangshan Prefecture, coinciding with the Yi new year has not yet ended, everyone who can feel the hospitality of the people of the Yi people the honest folk custom.

Killing cattle slaughter sheep in the past can often see dam, the village people all come together to eat dinner there, more of a cup of sake, a wish.

According to CCTV's focal point

(Edit: SN094)January 07, 2014 The website(四川凉山州国资委书记下基层晚餐花销1.5万(图)|国资委书记|下基层|晚餐消费_新闻资讯

  四川凉山州国资委书记大吃大喝 带队下基层晚餐花销1.5万


  带队下基层 晚餐花销1.5万

  @华西都市报:2013年9月,凉山州委常委、州国资委党委书记公款大吃大喝被中纪委通报。央视1月5日《焦点访谈》播出的“出重拳 转作风”,将这一事件再次曝光。

















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