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Pan Liang was promoted to the Beijing garrison commander

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:55:05 Browse times: 291 Comment times: 0

Pan Liang was promoted to the Beijing garrison commander(潘良时升任北京卫戍区司令员)

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Pan Liang, was promoted to Commander of the Beijing garrison | | |, Commander of Beijing military region Central Military Commission _ news

Nandu trainee reporter Chen Lei from Beijing late last year, the CMC to centrally adjust several high-ranking positions, official sources indicated, the current adjustment has been involved in the Beijing military area command, headquarters of the Chengdu military region, the Navy, the National Defense University. Latest news display, Xu Linping, Zhang Jiansheng already was promoted to Deputy Commander of Lanzhou military region, was promoted to major-General Pan Liangshi Beijing garrison commander.

Gansu province, according to the Gansu TV News reported, on January 2, the Lanzhou military area command held a promotion to the rank of major-general ceremony, Xu Linping, Zhang Jiansheng, Deputy Commander of military region who attended. Official curriculum vitae shows, Xu Linping was born in 1957, 1972 enlisted soldiers from the start, July 2007, was awarded the rank of major-general, and served as the end of 65 Army Commander. In December 2011, was transferred to the genus with 38 group army of the Beijing military region commander. It is understood that the army ACEs of the PLA army, in military history, "long live the army" in the world. In November 2012, 38 group Army Commander Office, Xu Linping wins 18 Central Committee alternate members.

Major General Zhang Jiansheng of the were promoted along with Xu Linping not much publicly available information. Reports indicate that the end of 2011, former Commander of the Xinjiang military region Guo Jingzhou was transferred to the Shaanxi Provincial military Headquaters of the Commander, when he was in South Xinjiang military region Deputy Commander Zhang Jiansheng took over the post of Commander of the Xinjiang military area command. South reporter statistics revealed directly by the Commander of the Xinjiang military area command was promoted to Deputy Commander of Lanzhou military region have not had much, only Wang Lizhong directly by Lieutenant General in 1992, was promoted to Commander of the Xinjiang military area command Deputy Commander of Lanzhou military region.

Beijing TV news, it was reported, Party Committee of the Beijing garrison yesterday held its eighth session at its fourth meeting, Beijing garrison commander Pan Liang, make speeches, indicating that the Pan Liang had succeed Tang Tuong Hock, who was promoted to Deputy Commander of the Beijing military area command Lieutenant General, as the Beijing garrison commander of the post.

Public reports indicate that Pan Liang, born in 1957, in January 2008 was promoted to 39 army Army Group Commander, into the ranks of the regular army grade generals. In November 2012, 18 was elected alternate member of the party.

Pan Liang, he has participated in military operations and play an important role, in last year's Sino-Russian "peace-2013" joint anti-terrorism military exercises, battle commanders Pan Liang served as the Chinese position.

(Original title: Pan Liang, was promoted to Commander of the Beijing garrison)

(Edit: SN048)January 08, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily(潘良时升任北京卫戍区司令员|北京军区|司令员|中央军委_新闻资讯

  南都讯 见习记者陈磊 发自北京 去年底,中央军委对多名高级将领职务进行了集中调整,官方消息表明,目前调整已涉及北京军区、成都军区、海军总部、国防大学。最新消息显示,许林平、张建胜已升任兰州军区副司令员,潘良时少将升任北京卫戍区司令员。




  公开报道显示 ,潘良时生于1957年,2008年1月升任陆军第39集团军军长,步入正军级将领行列。2012年11月党的十八大上当选为中央候补委员。




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