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Outgoing response Zoo wholesale market in Beijing: no specific timetable

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:55:02 Browse times: 274 Comment times: 0

Outgoing response Zoo wholesale market in Beijing: no specific timetable(北京回应动物园批发市场外迁:不设具体时间表)

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Response in Beijing Zoo wholesale market relocation: no specific timetable | | | move _ the wholesale market news

Authorities wide nets in Beijing, January 8 (Xinhua Ji Lele) according to the voice of the news aspect of the report, said in Beijing shopping Taobao, "Beijing Zoo, clothing wholesale market" can be said to be Beijing landmark, shopping places, familiar friends are referred to as "the group". Hey, linxi said "move" you girls should be more familiar with it.

As the largest wholesale distribution center in North, "Beijing Zoo, clothing wholesale market," consist of a wide variety of clothing and hats, is indeed a lot of girls like Taobao shopping area. Zoo clothing wholesale market is located at snatching gold in Beijing's second ring road between three-ring, the late 80 's and early 90 's have emerged, when Beijing city is small, wholesale industry is not significant. However, with the economic development and urban scale expanding, wholesale market covers an area of progressively expanding the Zoo, brought population increase, surrounding traffic, environmental governance and other outstanding problems.

Message about relocation Zoo wholesale market, starting from the end of last year, by the media attention. But the news has not been given, Xicheng District, Beijing Municipal Government, the Government confirmed. Last (7th), Xicheng District Government held a press conference, for the closely watched wholesale market responds to the Zoo.

Move where? Xicheng Sun Shuo, Deputy Mayor responded, is currently unknown.

Sun Shuo: this property is very much of the work involved, has just begun the review argues, first of all, where we do not know and, second, what to do in the future here. Attitude was determined and existing progressive firm of wholesale trade wholesale retail moved out from the central area, the rest is not the costume is one size fits all.

Moving time, Sun Shuo said currently adjusting and upgrading the industrial structure of North exhibition area still in its preparatory phase, no specific timetable.

Sun Shuo: is currently in market research, expert judgment, coordination, policy preparation research phase work has just started, there is no concrete timetable.

"" Prototype about formed in the mid 80, near the Zoo at that time a group of street clothes stalls, about "iron blue canopy" similar to today's temple. In recent years, "" making, is based on century days, Parc, jinkailide, marked the establishment of several large clothing wholesale market, approximately around 04.

Betty is the owner of the luggage store "old people", and from 04 just have done up to now. She said, make their own major retail piece, if moved to the suburbs or Hebei, basically, your business is hard to do.

Ladies: how would I might go to Hebei, most of our clients are retail, do you think someone could go to Hebei retail? Some might even move to wholesale, however, most retail will not go.

Merchant Xiao Wu with frustration, themselves two years before moving to work for people, just do it yourself shops buy into last year, resulting in them now to be removed:

Xiao Wu: I certainly won't go along, I don't have to defend this, Ah, we're young, and something else as well. Move over there and we are not convenient.

Relocation has been involved in large-scale wholesale markets such as Ma Guangyuan, argues Economist believes that relocation is experienced a number of considerations and tradeoffs made in reconciling the interests of all parties choose.

Ma Guangyuan: as far as I know, including moving out the wholesale trade, the whole process has been demonstrated for years, arguments establish the basic principle of moving, meet the requirements of industrial upgrading on the one hand, to facilitate the masses, taking into account the basic needs of employees.

Media reports, Xicheng District near the management pay has far exceeded the cost of creating value, Xicheng District Deputy Governor Sun Shuo says, there is no official disclosure of such information.

Sun Shuo: pay the cost of moving around is very high, only a qualitative, but there is no quantitative.

Touch the clothing shops for nine years, song said, compared to move, he's more worried about getting a light business, moving and not moving, he was early to plan for the future.

Song: step calculates step, right now, I don't know, much worse than in previous years. I just got done basic fee, no money, and lost a year. In previous years didn't do this.

Reporter: move to Hebei, how do you intend to? Follow or what?

Song: she might not, my children at this school.

And for future grant, a business woman, said she hopes to upgrade in-situ, rather than moved out.

Ms: it is best not to move, can upgrade here.

Ma Guangyuan, wholesale markets, such as relocation, not just several wholesale markets simple relocation moving from here to there, in fact, Xicheng District, is a part of the overall upgrade of industrial structure.

Ma Guangyuan: Government to promote on the one hand, on the other hand from the market itself also has this need, is the future industrial restructuring, and rent this place would be pretty high, candle, industry itself is also a bottleneck for development.

Xicheng Sun Shuo, Deputy Mayor said. Adjusting and upgrading the industrial structure of North exhibition area, is not a simple one size fits all moved away from that "evacuating transfer, tuning, upgrades, and" these eight words will become the area's industry structure adjustment and upgrade of the keynote:

Sun Shuo: transfer refers to the wholesale market in dynamic markets and industry transfers from the central urban area of Beijing, adjustment refers to existing wholesale retail adjustment for apparel retail, exhibition, modern e-commerce industry. Upgrade is in the current state into fashion design and technology on the basis of financial state, to build a platform to enhance creative clothing brand in the region, technological innovation and financial services, and to the wider publicity. Withdraw and refers to merge existing small stalls stalls phased out its expansion area to ensure safety.

(Original title: Beijing "" no specific timetable for removal not one size fits all _fin)

(Edit: SN089)January 08, 2014 China broadcasting network(北京回应动物园批发市场外迁:不设具体时间表|批发市场|动批|动批外迁_新闻资讯

  央广网北京1月8日消息(记者潘毅 纪乐乐)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,在北京要说逛街淘宝,“北京动物园服装批发市场”可以说是北京地标式逛街地点,熟悉那里的朋友都简称其为“动批”。哎,林溪说到“动批”,你们女生应该更熟悉一点吧。


























(原标题:北京“动批”搬迁不会一刀切 不设具体时间表_fin)


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