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Original MOR Su Shunhu, Deputy Secretary for transport-related bribery case to re-open

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:54:54 Browse times: 329 Comment times: 0

Original MOR Su Shunhu, Deputy Secretary for transport-related bribery case to re-open(原铁道部运输局副局长苏顺虎涉受贿案再开庭)

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Former railways Su Shunhu, Deputy Secretary for transport, involves bribery case | | railways | Su Shunhu, Deputy Secretary for transport, the trial _ news

Yesterday morning, the original railway transport Su Shunhu, Deputy Director and Chief operation officer suspected of taking bribes of more than 24.9 million Yuan, in the city's second intermediate court for the second time. Prosecutor added to produce two new evidence to prove business meeting for study in Su Shunhu son $ 1 million, Su Shunhu said there was no objection.

Beijing Times reporter Pei Xiaolan

 Trial site

Su Shunhu prosecutors new evidence without objection

Yesterday at about 10 o'clock in the morning, wearing clothes Su Shunhu was brought into the city by Marshal second Intermediate Court of third hair had turned white he look even more old and wasting trial than the last.

Prior to 58 years old Su Shunhu incident is the former Deputy Director of the Ministry of railways Transportation Department and Director of the operations department, former Ministry of railways Transportation Department Director of business marketing scheme, Deputy Director of the operations department.

September 4, 2013, case first times sitting Shi, seized party allegations Su Shunhu Yu 2003 to 2011 between, uses positions friendly, has accept so they commmissioned a for three home company settlement coal, and goods transport, problem provides help, respectively received Shanxi in quwo County Min Guang coking limited responsibility company Chairman Zhang Bang only giving of money more than 850,000 over Yuan; Jiangxi province material trade limited responsibility company statutory representative people Zhou Yunfu giving of paragraph property more than 11.94 million over Yuan Beijing railway run business limited liability company legal representative more than 12.12 million yuan from the Duan Li. These amounted to the equivalent of more than 24.9 million Yuan.

Yesterday, the prosecution has added two new evidence, a document to certify that the original is the administrative unit of Ministry of railways, another week of yunfu note attesting to his son Su Shunhu, from Hong Kong to study in Australia studying remittances as a $ 1 million fee. The defence raised an objection to the amount of evidence to the Court, and that is the English name of the payee, cannot prove is the son of Su Shunhu, foreign evidence forensics program has a defect.

Su Shunhu has no objection to this evidence. Real estate as the Court read a Su Shunhu at Sun Palace has already been sealed up, he had no objection.

Yesterday's court proceedings lasted only about 10 minutes. Su Shunhu was led from the courtroom, the Gallery's family members told him, his wife and children were very good, and assure him of Su Shun Tiger nodded and quickly be taken out of the courtroom.

Relatives of those involved

Wife involved crimes released on bail awaiting sentencing

It is understood that Su Shunhu after the incident, would involve his wife Ye Xiaomao. Ye Xiaomao Su Shunhu townspeople, who is 57, from Hubei, middle school education, the original pipe organ service center of Ministry of railways retired cadres.

In June 2011, after Su Shunhu controlled by the relevant departments, Ye Xiaomao residential surveillance by the police on suspicion of taking bribes, and 3 months after being released on bail pending trial. Prosecutors charged with Ye Xiaomao changed to conceal, to hide the crime of accepting bribes on charges of criminal offending.

Prosecutors allege, Ye Xiaomao from 2004 to 2011, knowing that Zhang Bangcai, Duan Li, Zhou Yunfu and others to give her husband Su Shunhu, proceeds of crime, camouflage, concealment of money equivalent to a total of more than 13 million Yuan. Prosecutors believe that should be offended by the crime to hide, conceal be investigated for criminal liability for Ye Xiaomao.

It is reported that Ye Xiaomao case has opened a court bail to present her, because of the premises have been sealed up, only staying with relatives, waiting for the Court decision.

Lawyers disclosed

Auction closed real estate funds adequate restitution

According to counsel to introduce Su Shunhu, Su Shunhu, from being investigated and until the trial, has been very good. After being arrested, Su Shunhu initiative to explain the investigators do not fully grasp the facts of the crime, and always represent active restitution, restitution amount we owe millions of dollars now, the House was seized by the Court if the auction, adequate restitution.

Prosecutors also mentioned in court, Su Shunhu confessions, take account of the investigation authorities have yet to grasp the facts of the crime, and most of the bribes have been recovered in the case, is recommended for lighter punishment.

At the first session, said Su Shunhu pleaded guilty. In a final statement, he had to express a tearful confession of love. He said he was born in a poor peasant family, elementary school sell school things on her own what he had studied in access. In high school, in order not to increase the family he never had dinner in the school cafeteria, bring food from home and pickle.

Su Shunhu cried, he went step by step into leadership positions, but in the last years of learning to relax, on the road to crime, party, country, people, I'm sorry to colleagues and family, "old Sin makes new shame."

He requested the Court lenient sentence, saying it would obey the decision not to appeal, "give up the last shot in the locker, the pants are also returned all of the money, never break my word."

(Original title: Su Shun Tigers second trial prosecutors added two new cards)

(Edit: SN064)January 08, 2014 The Beijing times(原铁道部运输局副局长苏顺虎涉受贿案再开庭|运输局副局长|铁道部|苏顺虎_新闻资讯


























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