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Journalists visit lankao orphanage fire

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Journalists visit lankao orphanage fire(记者回访兰考孤儿院大火)

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Journalists visit lankao orphanage fire: local building luxury offices | lankao | services | lankao fires _ news

People's daily reporter Gao Zehua Liu Rong Zhao Yanhong caution Zhiyuan

On January 4, 2013, in Henan Lankao County "loving mother" Yuan severe accidental fires in the home, its adoption of children 7 were killed. A year later, reporters visit lankao, Lankao County finally built homes. And was especially impressed by Xinhua of Lankao County Office building for a new group, one of the most striking both buildings are not listed, its start time, prior to the fire.

"State-level poverty-stricken counties" new offices notably

North of Lankao County, the new administrative district has become, there are at least 7 have been completed or are still under construction building notable. North Grand Avenue, silver has a magnificent 12-story white building, yard flag flutters with the wind, o/s House No. Reporters asked the doorman what is this place, asked, "where are you". Reporter again asked and was told "it's finance."

Journalist call Lankao County to transact business on behalf of the Department of finance, confirmed by the staff, the building has opened offices.

According to Lankao County Bureau of housing and urban-rural planning and construction project approval documents show that County Department of finance "Lankao County Finance and tax service center" for approval on behalf of the project, the releasing date is April 2011.

Next to the Lankao County Department of finance, a dozen stories of a building's door also can't see the building project name, slogan says, "sculpture boutique". Reporters went into the construction site, the doorman told Xinhua, this is "food testing centre". Pressed by reporters was built which the other side said it is not clear, let reporters ask another staff member. The staff member gave a press conference, the answer is "where do you put up the buildings."

Lankao County Administration building "Sunshine Hotel" next to a gold tones of the 13-storey building especially conspicuous. Unnumbered in front of the building, displayed on an electronic screen in the lobby ", forestry and buildings". According to Lankao County Bureau of housing and urban-rural planning and construction project approval documents show that this building is the County Water Conservancy Bureau "Lankao County Agri-Service Center" name for approval, issuing date of July 2011. There have been media saying it was identified in Lankao County in 2011, "80, one of the key areas of work", costing 50 million.

Nationwide more than 2,800 employees is 2% built the County child welfare agencies

Expert: place emphasis on policies cannot be implemented

After the fire, Lankao County official found Yuan great acts not in conformity with the relevant provisions of the adopted baby, also admitted that the official had acquiesced in this behaviour and irregularities's help. And this background of connivance, is lankao without homes. Then it is reported: Lankao County Department of finance spent $ 20 million to build office buildings, but no money to fix welfare?

Today, the Lankao County homes the main work has been basically completed. This project covers an area of 15 acres, the construction capital of 4.57 million. Think of 7 lives was taken by fire last year, the orphanage some long overdue.

Back in 1999, promulgated the provisional rules on the management of social welfare agencies of the Ministry pointed out that local civil affairs departments above the county level should according to the social welfare service development needs within their respective administrative regions, development of social welfare organisations to set up planning. In 2010, the State Council has issued the opinions on strengthening protection of orphans, and from 2011 onwards the national monthly living subsidies to orphans, initially established the basic orphan protection system.

But this system is also called perfect, in lankao after the fire, when society focusing on the welfare of children, only to find that more than 2,800 counties across the country, only more than 60 more of the child welfare agency, only about 2%.

National administrative College Professor Yang Xiaojun in accept people network reporter interview Shi pointed out that, national introduced useful livelihood of policy, is have not to follow-up implementation, has two aspects causes: a is financial funding, some local government financial insufficient, no pendulum are social rescue of location, but put money spent in elsewhere; II is supervision, and Chase accountability not in place, national developed policy will consider around of reality, does not deliberately adjustable high follow-up difficulty, but if superior organ ignored supervision check, local Government of not as without bear responsibility, Could make the central policy cannot be pursued.

Lankao County Bureau of social Rescue Unit Chief of the original Fung chun has said in an interview in 2011, "(ICBF) is necessary, but it is not included in the priorities of County development plan. "The few days after the fire, Fung Chun was revealed to the media:" the Lankao County's welfare homes project 2009 completes the Declaration, but was not approved until months before. "

Lankao after the fire, community generally do not think that is because the local Civil Affairs Department, 7 people were killed. NGO, Tsinghua University, Associate Professor Jia xijin, Deputy Director of the Institute had its own views, she believes responsible not only for home sector, overall system and policy orientation is not keeping up. Said Jia xijin, the Government has less overall emphasis on child welfare, particularly in the less well-off regions of this phenomenon, particularly.

Experts: keep abandoned must be clear is that the Government due diligence

Mobilization of private resources essential

To adopt abandoned babies known as "loving mother" Yuan, and after fire was formally found not to have the status of legal adoption, her adopted children were all sent to the orphanage in Kaifeng city. Yang Xiaojun believes that it must be made clear to keep abandoned is the bounden duty of the Government, rather than "Yuan badly." He said, the Government should become the main channel of aid, to have overall planning and financial support, for example, how many County child services should be built in several years. When Jia xijin peoples network reporter in an interview, also expressed a similar view: aid for abandoned infants, need clear government responsibility through legislation, coordination and multisectoral cooperation and financial support.

At the same time, Jia xijin also believes that, in addition to a clear place to keep abandoned duties, also requires the Government to actively mobilize resources, these social forces to carry out the necessary monitoring and support. She said that private agency adoption can also make a difference, subject to the laws and regulations of these bodies to be constrained to prevent unlawful infringement may exist. Government support for private institutions, run by the local people and subsidized by the State, and public-private partnerships in the form of using government resources to mobilize community resources, rather than face civil passion simple responses to "I can't run, you can't touch". Yang Xiaojun also mentioned that abandoned rescues to raising social funds, as well as to businesses and individuals to donate money to properly manage.

Built "luxury" offices more than elongata

Expert: welfare indicators into the evaluation of local government officials

County of zhumadian city, Henan, shangcai County, is a State of poverty alleviation and development focus, one less than 1-kilometer of the "off road" on, stands the County Public Security Bureau, the courts, the Department of finance, 7, office buildings, most dwarf also has 6 floors. The first half of 2012, the per capita cash income of rural residents is only 3,155.

In July 2013, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued regulations on the party and Government organs to stop new halls and buildings and clean up the Office notice, request within 5 years, all levels of party and Government organs in any form is prohibited and grounds for new halls and buildings, halls and buildings that have been approved but not yet started construction projects be stopped.

Place frequently appear to build luxury office buildings do not give priority to construction of children's welfare homes, Yang Xiaojun believes that implies the existence of the urgency of using the system to bind the Government. He said, in the first instance at the source by budgetary constraints, followed by the responsibility, to welfare indicators into the evaluation of local government officials, illegal construction of office buildings to "pick the chops." Finally, changing official ideological style, put an end to the local wind of pleasure, money to build a Hall venue on the first floor of the building more homes and other institutions of people's livelihood.

People's daily commented: in today's public opinion increasingly powerful, luxurious government buildings tend to be its nadir, criticism upon exposure to produce constantly.

When addressing the problem halls and buildings which XI, General Secretary, once said, "serve the people, places, expand sites do a good job, and I look at feel. If it is ' guanya ' made the eye-popping Splendors, I looked uncomfortable. ”

Lankao fire anniversary, don't know who sits in stately "guanya" official, you don't feel well.

(Edit: SN089)January 08, 2014 People's daily online(记者回访兰考孤儿院大火:当地建起豪华办公楼群|福利院|兰考|兰考大火_新闻资讯

人民网记者 高泽华 刘茸 赵艳红 慎志远

2013年1月4日,河南兰考县 “爱心妈妈”袁厉害家中意外发生大火,其收养的孩童7人不幸丧生。一年之后,记者回访兰考,兰考县终于建起了福利院。而让记者印象更加深刻的是兰考县一片崭新的办公楼群,其中最惹眼的两座建筑均未挂牌 ,其动工时间,均在大火发生之前。





紧挨着兰考县财政局,一座在建的十几层大楼的门口同样看不到在建项目名称,门侧标语上写着“雕塑时代精品”。记者走进施工现场,门卫处一个工作人员告诉记 者,这里是“食品检测中心”。记者追问是哪个部门建的,对方称不清楚,让记者问另一名工作人员。而这名工作人员给记者的答案是“你管哪儿盖的楼”。








国家行政学院教授杨小军在接受人民网记者采访时指出,国家出台有益民生的政策,却得不到贯彻实施,有两方面原因:一是财政经费,有的地方政府财力不足,没 有摆正社会救助的位置,而是把钱花在别处;二是监督、追责不到位,国家制定政策会考虑各地的实际情况,不会刻意调高贯彻难度,但如果上级机关忽视监督检 查,地方政府的不作为不用承担责任,就可能使中央政策不能得到贯彻。





以收养弃婴闻名的“爱心妈妈”袁厉害,火灾后被正式认定不具有合法收养资格,她收养的孩子被全部送往开封市福利院。杨小军认为,必须明确救助弃婴是政府应 尽的职责,而不是每个“袁厉害”。他表示,政府应该成为救助的主渠道,要对此有统筹规划和进行财政支持,比方说在若干年限内应该建起多少县级儿童福利院。 贾西津在接受人民网记者采访时,同样表达了类似观点:对于弃婴救助,需要通过立法明确政府职责、协调多部门间合作,并且予以财政支持。






地方屡屡出现建设豪华办公楼却不优先建设儿童福利院的现象,杨小军认为,意味着存在用制度来约束政府行为的迫切性。他表示,首先应当在源头通过财政预算来 进行制约,其次是事后追责,要将福利事业纳入地方政府官员的考核指标,对于违规建设办公楼要“摘乌纱帽”。最后,要转变官员的思想作风,杜绝地方享乐之 风,把建设楼堂场馆的钱用于建设更多的福利院等民生机构。





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