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Jiangsu, a corrupt officials put a confession: officials at a disadvantage starting money

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:54:13 Browse times: 330 Comment times: 0

Jiangsu, a corrupt officials put a confession: officials at a disadvantage starting money(江苏一名贪官登报忏悔:觉得当官吃亏开始收钱)

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Jiangsu, a corrupt officials put a confession: officials at a disadvantage starting money confessed | corrupt | | newspaper _ news

"Today, I sit here and write this kind of contrition, tears down the stream. Due to my fault, I was more than 30 years of fighting a shameful period in the picture, all the efforts and struggle in vain ... ... "it's former Party Secretary Lu Honglai, Huadong town, Tongzhou district, Nantong city, Jiangsu Province wrote a paragraph in the penitential books. Today, he's more than 1.2 million dollars in bribes, was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months. His penitential books, was published yesterday in the procuratorial daily. Modern express reporters learned from the prosecutors, public repentance is to alarm more cadres.

Modern Express Reporter Tao Weizhou

Confession (excerpt)

Penitent people: Lu Honglai

Original title: Huadong town, Tongzhou district, Nantong city, Jiangsu Province Party Secretary

Committing offences: the crime of accepting bribes

The verdict: recently, were taking bribes was sentenced to seven years and six months and confiscated 100,000 yuan of personal property.

The facts of the crime: November 2002, Lu Honglai use their facilities, in terms of corporate rental, land acquisition and other, related businesses and individuals benefit, equivalent to more than 1.2 million of illegal bookmaking.

In the interests and temptations, I hesitate to wander and, also had returned and handed in, but did not do a thorough don't accept, completely refundable, that on such a tragic end today.

The reason, they are: luck. Despite fear of the law, but more restraint; safety. Always thought circle, get some money from a friend is safe and reliable, there's little risk; it doesn't matter. I always think nothing on social phenomena, especially holidays, the boss gave me a happy new year, and I think this is the feeling of communication, is also a kind of reciprocity, passage of time used.

Today, I am sitting here writing this confession, tears down the stream. Due to I of wrong, I more than 30 years of struggle course painting Shang has shameful of period, all efforts and struggle wasted; due to I of wrong, years near 80 age of old father for see son cannot; due to I of wrong, and I pair and moving had two times big surgery of wife suffered fright and suffering, also not known husband when can home; due to I of wrong, I son originally set good of wedding into has indefinitely. I am only the truly repentant, reformed, and practical action to remedy adverse effects caused to parties and organizations, hoping to soothe hurt family, relatives and friends.

  The crime

More than 1.2 million in bribes were 7.5 years

Lu Honglai, born in January 1964, work from September 1980. November 2002, Lu Honglai while serving as Party Secretary, Tongzhou, Eastwick xingren town Party Secretary during the advantage, in the areas of enterprise lease, expropriation, and related corporate and personal profit, equivalent to more than 1.2 million yuan of illegal bookmaking. Recently, he was on charges of taking bribes and sentenced to seven years and six months.

Yesterday, Lu Honglai wrote a letter of repentance published in the procuratorial daily. Confession is the book, Lu Honglai recalled his own life. At first, he worked hard, for local contributions to the development of the force. However, because of "too much money", "there's always the boss around the side" and other factors, Lu Honglai gradually lost and embarked on a road to corruption.


Official stick began to collect money

"Town Party Secretary just section cadre, but managed a hundred thousand of cadres and the masses ... ... All transactions are in town I said so, we cater to me, encourage me, impress me, at the sound of a compliment, I began slowly away from the values of ... ... "Lu Honglai said in a confession book, some companies see their help when fast-growing, the boss got rich, he's official bad ideas. Gradually, he can see the money, borrowed from the refusal, indecision to the owners of the economic vicissitudes of festivals such as the chance to send money and goods.

In May 2006, from Eastwick after new diversions construction of 204 national highway, a corporate relocation sections you want factory along. Company official Ding Lu Honglai new 204 national highway, a proposed replacement of about 23 acres of land, he did not agree with in the first place, and returned to Ding sent 100,000 yuan. However, he agreed to in the end, and economic vicissitudes Ding once again to three stack of bills. Since then, Lu Honglai began to collect money with a clear conscience, never timid initially.

"When I get to Eastwick, served as Secretary of the, there is always a few bosses in my side, take every opportunity to impress me ... ..." mentioned in Lu Honglai repentance boss Chen.

In 2006, taking the boss with him when attracting investment to Hong Kong, they gave him 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, and bought his wife a Omega girl watch. As they say, eating other people's Super, they sign, Lu Honglai under.


Public confession is for alarm

Modern Express Reporter, written confessions, is a matter of some corrupt officials often do when Lok Ma. Nanjing grass-roots procuratorates introduce anti-corruption police, corrupt official written confession books have a lot of factors. "A lot of people are sincerely repentant, to reflect on their actions. "The anti-graft police said that these top officials, when they fell to dust, they psychologically collapsed. "Whole life ahead as the game finishes, now is finally waking up. This time, many people of conscience. ”

The anti-corruption police told the modern Express Reporter, in his case, I see a lot of corrupt officials to write confessions, some literary talent is good, and even put their things in written material of tens of thousands of words, and others would write several. "These confession books are put in their files, also showed up with their attitude of repentance, will become a reference for judges and sentencing circumstance. ”

"Confession book sent to the media, the ultimate purpose is to alarm the majority of party members and cadres. "Nantong city prosecutor's Office who said.

Modern express reporters from the official website of the procuratorial daily justice network searches found that confessions is a regular spot for corrupt officials, the earliest manuscripts available online was released in September 2006. At that time, the manuscript the author writes, "this article is to alert those who feel greed, people get lost ... ..."

(Original title: Jimmy "tears and confession": shouldn't have too much money)

January 08, 2014 People's daily online(江苏一名贪官登报忏悔:觉得当官吃亏开始收钱|贪官|忏悔|登报_新闻资讯


  现代快报记者 陶维洲

  忏悔书 (节选)











  陆洪来,1964年1月生,1980年9月参加工作。2002年11月至2012年2月,陆洪来在担任南通市通州区平东镇党委书记、兴仁镇党委书记期间, 利用职务便利,在企业租用、征用土地等方面,为相关企业及个人谋取利益,非法收受款物折合人民币120余万元。近日,他被以受贿罪判处有期徒刑七年零六个月。
















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