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Japanese Ambassador in London suggested that the other is “Voldemort“

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:54:08 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Japanese Ambassador in London suggested that the other is “Voldemort“(中日驻英大使均撰文称对方是“伏地魔”)

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Japanese Ambassador in London suggested that the other is "Voldemort" | | | Voldemort's Ambassador in London _ news

According to Xinhua News Agency, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying yesterday refuted Japan's Ambassador to Britain on China's play "Voldemort" role, threatening security in the region, said militarist aggression is Japan one of the darkest in the history of the "magic".

  Japanese Ambassador in London suggested that the other is "Voldemort"

Day routine reporter will Shang, has reporter asked, for Liu Ambassador wrote said Japan militarism is "v to magic", day stationed in British Ambassador in British daily telecommunications reported under front page wrote said, China constantly expanded arms, take unilateral measures change status; has two article road pendulum in China before: a article is sought dialogue, adhere to legal rules, another a article is plays "v to magic" role, threat area security. China's comment on this?

Hua Chunying drew attention in history was Japan launched a militarist war of aggression, to countries such as China brought grave disaster to the people, caused more than 35 million casualties in China alone. Japan leaders openly visited the Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to class-a war criminals of World War II, shrine openly aired that year's war of aggression was justified, this is not what is militarism?

She said: "the population of China was Japan's more than 10-fold area of Japan about 26 times times the per capita military spending is only Japan one-fifth. Who is expanding its armaments? Who is threatening security? Members at a glance. ”

Hua Chunying said, for countries in Asia and other parts of the world, militarist aggression is Japan one of the darkest in the history of the "magic". Japan only courage, the courage to face up to and overcome their own historically and psychologically this "magic" can really win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community again, otherwise, it would remain at the historic dock.

  Japanese leaders to State "dangerous errors on the road"

In response to a question, it was reported that the 6th Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said at a press conference today, and the door is open for dialogue between the two Koreas, hoping to hold the Japan-China, Japan and South Korea Summit meeting, to explain its intentions. Abe stated that as something to explain the work, its active pacifism can be understood. China's comment on this?

Hua Chunying said that China's position has been stated many times. In recent days, the international community generally to the Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine and the backlash has fully explained the problem. Japan's leaders have demonstrated for the past history of aggression and war criminal verdict stand. We would like to advise him, rather than argue the darker, quibble, than learning from its errors, struck out.

She said that Japan's leaders, without a correct understanding of the militarist history of aggression and deep reflection, if not truly take history as a mirror and to adhere to the peaceful development of a responsible attitude, policies and actions, he will lead his country off on a dangerous and wrong path, go away. Peace in this region will only be assured, will not be a blessing.

(Original title: China: militarist aggression were the darkest of "magic")

(Edit: SN064)January 08, 2014 The Beijing News(中日驻英大使均撰文称对方是“伏地魔”|中日|驻英大使|伏地魔_新闻资讯

  据新华社电 外交部发言人华春莹昨日驳斥日本驻英大使关于中国扮演“伏地魔”角色,威胁地区安全的言论,表示军国主义侵略是日本历史上最黑暗的“魔”。












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