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Former Ministry officials tried to repent

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:50:38 Browse times: 333 Comment times: 0

Former Ministry officials tried to repent(原铁道部官员受审忏悔)

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Former railway official on trial, confession: poor junk collector since childhood, learning tools | | MOR Su Shunhu | bribes _ news

  The former Deputy Secretary for this trial

Prosecutors presented two new evidence which confirms Su Shunhu businessmen remitted to his son and a $ 1 million the defendant expressed no objection to

After sitting on September 4, 2013, this morning, the original Su Shunhu, Deputy Director and Chief operation officer of the railway transport Council on bribery more than 24.9 million one again in court in the city. In court, the prosecution presented two new evidence, Su Shunhu did not dispute it.

  The first hearing prosecutors accused of taking bribes of more than 24.9 million

Su Shunhu served as Deputy Commissioner for railways freight transport programme, the Ministry of railways Transportation Department Director of marketing plans, Deputy Director of the Kunming railway Bureau. Su Shunhu while working in Shenyang Railway Administration, demonstrated outstanding performance in employment, while Liu zhijun was fellow countryman Mr Liu notes.

Su Shunhu involved allegations are related to rail freight.

When sitting for the first time, prosecutors allege, 2003, Su Shunhu advantage is convenient, accepted in quwo County, Shanxi Min Guang Coke three units, such as limited liability companies and so they commmissioned to help address issues of coal transport, cargo transport, received the above flat charge equivalent to more than 24.9 million dollars. After the incident, most of the bribes have been recovered.

Prosecutors allege facts

Received in quwo County, Shanxi coking limited liability company Chairman Zhang Bang Min Guang is only given money to more than 850,000 RMB yuan

Receiving material trading LLC in Jiangxi province Zhou Yunfu to the legal representative money equivalent to RMB more than 11.94 million Yuan

Taking iron run business limited liability company legal representative of Beijing Duan Li equivalent to more than 12.12 million Yuan.

  Tried to plead guilty to taking bribes amount raised objections

58 year old Su Shunhu, wearing livery was brought into the courtroom by marshals in the presence of the people, his hair graying before slightly older than he is in custody, had been. When answering the question, his voice low.

After entering the Court stage, most of the time the public prosecutor in the trial of proof, evidence includes evidence prove Su Shunhu, principal, including the appointment and removal of notices and resumes, and the confessions of the accused during the investigation, bribery of a person, wife, relatives of the accused's testimony, as well as testimony of staff of the railway system.

Su Shunhu pleaded guilty in court. Allegations, he says most is "cool". Su Shunhu said he mainly through the instructions document, make telephone calls, greeting etc, help bribing people to solve the problem of coal or transport of the goods.

Prosecutors pointed out that Su Shunhu for national rail transport development and freight distribution, as Supreme Leader of the cargo system, greet him very useful. Su Shunhu bribery had the requisite mental intent, and, in many cases the money is received under cover of child marriage, mutual visits. But Su Shunhu at large can cope with handling cases, and most of the stolen money has been recovered, a lighter punishment according to the law.

  Tears and confession, requests the Court to reduce processing

It is understood that in 1976, aged railwany recommended Su Shunhu, studied at the school of Lanzhou railway railway transport sector in 2003, he graduated from the master's degree in business administration from Peking University in July 2007, its school of logistics engineering doctorate in reading.

Trial final stage, Su Shunhu tears to express a confession of love. He said he was born in a poor family, sell junk collector on her own primary learning tools to get on. In high school, in order not to increase the family burden, have never had dinner in the school cafeteria, eating food brought from home and pickle ... ...

Cried the Su Shunhu, he step by step into leadership positions, but in the "relaxed learning in his later years, embarked on the criminal path", his colleagues and family and party, State and people, requested the Court to reduce processing and will not appeal after judgment, give him a second chance.

Said he would obey the decision not to appeal, even give up the last shot in the locker, the pants are also returned all of the money, never break my word.

 Today the prosecution produce two new Su Shunhu no objection

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Su Shunhu dressed in Orange and grey and white livery was brought into two homes in a third court than it was 4 months ago to stand trial for the first time, Su Shunhu and thin a little. Su Shunhu 2 family members attend.

The last hearing, prosecutors allege Su Shunhu receiving material trading limited liability company legal representative of Jiangxi province Zhou Yun fu money more than 11.94 million Yuan. One pen is the son of Zhou Yunfu to give Su Shunhu study in Australia study abroad expenses paid on behalf of a $ 1 million.

Su Shunhu defenders contested the amount and the payee name in English, that foreign evidence forensics program flawed.

Today in court, the prosecution produced a documentary of the week yunfu. Zhou Yunfu, the money is there from Hong Kong, amounting to a $ 1 million, the payee is the son of Su Shunhu.

Advocates said, the payee's name is in English, there is no evidence that the payee is the son of Su Shunhu in English. Prosecutors have accused Su Shunhu received more than $ 1 million, and charge amount obviously do not match.

"While the account was provided by the Su Shun Tiger, but the prosecution has no evidence that the English name of the payee and Tiger son Su Shun is the same person. Investigators work attitude rigorous, apart from statements outside of Su Shunhu, there should also be supported by other evidence, the prosecution cannot be subjective inferences that the money was to give Su Shunhu, therefore we believe that the facts are not clear of the charges for lack of evidence. "The Defender said.

When the judge asked Su Shunhu views on this evidence, Su Shunhu bow was thinking, expressed no objections.

Prosecution a second fresh evidence against Su Shunhu located near Sun Palace is a House should be closed down. Su Shunhu expressed no objections.

When the trial ended Su Shunhu left, his relatives told him that his wife and kids are all very well, told him not to worry, Su Shun Tiger nodded and walked out of that courtroom.

 His wife involved is currently awaiting sentencing

It is understood that 3 allegations of prosecution against Su Shunhu, will involve his wife, Ye Xiaomao. Ye Xiaomao is from Hubei, junior high culture, the original pipe organ service center of Ministry of railways retired cadres.

In June 2011, after Su Shunhu controlled by the relevant departments, Ye Xiaomao residential surveillance by the police on suspicion of taking bribes, and 3 months after being released on bail pending trial. Prosecutors charged with Ye Xiaomao changed to conceal, to hide the crime of accepting bribes on charges of criminal offending.

It is alleged that Ye Xiaomao from 2004 to 2011, knowing that Zhang Bangcai, Duan Li, Zhou Yunfu and others to give her husband Su Shunhu, proceeds of crime, camouflage, concealment of money equivalent to a total of more than 13 million Yuan. The prosecution believes that should be crime to cover up, conceal the offending Ye Xiaomao criminal accountability.

It is reported that Ye Xiaomao case had opened the Chamber, is currently awaiting sentencing.

 Pretrial interviews with counsel: Su Shunhu surveyed the initiative at the beginning of a confession

According to Su Shunhu lawyer profile, Su Shunhu from investigation to trial, has been very good.

When you get caught, Su Shunhu confessed investigators did not fully grasp the facts of the crime and is always actively restitution, the current restitution amount we owe more than 7 million Yuan, but Su Shunhu, a House had been sealed by the Court, if auctioned off, enough to make up for the remaining funds.

According to another Insider describes, to bribe Su Shunhu iron run business limited liability company legal representative of Beijing Duan Li Su Shunhu help earlier had a transportation contract with the rail sector, but a lot of the goods are not delivered on schedule to go out, so Duan Li Su Shunhu found requests for help.

The person, freight railway system differs from other industries such as aviation, signed a contract of carriage, and may not be able to deliver. That is, if the railway authorities not to ship goods within a certain time to a specified location, the railway sector will not assume any liability for.

"Duan Li was there when Su Shunhu walk, offered to bribe and made their demands. "The insider said.

It is understood that Su Shunhu is Wo appears negative news at least in the case of Ministry of railways. Su Shunhu life is very regular, is work, rarely accept an invitation to dinner in the evening are eating at home, but Su Shunhu must walk after dinner, walk around in the House.

Text/reporter Hong Xue

January 07, 2014 Legal evening news(原铁道部官员受审忏悔:自幼贫苦 捡破烂买学具|铁道部|苏顺虎|受贿_新闻资讯


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