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First revealed at National Taiwan Normal University students have been lied to, they only covered FPA on legal ways

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:50:31 Browse times: 225 Comment times: 0

First revealed at National Taiwan Normal University students have been lied to, they only covered FPA on legal ways(首师大再曝学生遭骗招,校方拒赔称可走法律途径)

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First revealed at National Taiwan Normal University students were lying to school only covered FPA legal ways _ first at National Taiwan Normal University students ' | | | law news

Beijing authorities wide nets, January 8 (reporter Liu Fei internship reporter Yu Han), according to voice of the press reported the evening peak, 71, capital Normal University Academy class of 2011 "undergraduate" College, "news recently raised the public's attention. In response, the school said it was intermediary in the company enrollment for false advertising, the Agency will be accountable. One trouble follows another. Some students also reflected in the 2012, they were cheated in the admissions. This cheat exactly how serious the situation? Problems and how to solve it?

Internet search for "education consultants", "educational technology companies" and other keywords, you'll encounter lots of search results. Browse related Web sites, many of which are stated in the list of partner institutions, and that admissions can be made. Most range of admissions examination program or online education and adult education. But are also acknowledged that they can apply for Undergraduate Admissions Office:

Students: there is one scenario is to read the undergraduate examination program, helicopter time graduate. A full-time undergraduate programme is read-only. I was a native of Hunan, priorities are our schools in Hunan.

Not only be able to apply for admission, the company's consultants also said, according to the score, they can get you into a higher grade schools:

Consultant: specialist on the level of their schools. After your last line, I can manipulate you focus on College.

Advisers stressed that the information they provide on the school's website can't get to.

Consultant: couldn't find, have found the course somehow, there are specific examination of these accomplishments, which are traced back to. This in itself is a half-open, the semi-official.

The consultants were provided to reporters a few colleges and universities to choose from, they immediately to check several of the school's admissions office, University staff said that there is no undergraduate admissions through intermediary companies:

Staff: we zhaoban here can tell you very clearly, very clearly, we do not have cooperation with other educational institutions, we also did not Commission any educational advisory body said this, we do not have one of these things.

Intermediary companies are mostly involved in Network Agent enrollment in education or adult education institutions. But such agencies do not have undergraduate uniform admission eligibility.

An adult education institution staff: entrance through entrance a line, there can be no other means. Not getting anywhere, can get that is false evidence.

For undergraduate admissions in colleges, education expert Professor Lao Kaisheng introduced related work is not carried out through intermediary companies:

Lao Kai: undergraduate admissions in colleges, as far as I know, this is totally a Government action, Government and institutions of higher learning, has admitted. Agency is not involved in, admission is conducted online, but there is no intermediary companies.

In the admissions process, students and colleges have their own responsibilities. But a review prior to the news reports, we found that similar "lied to by recruitment agents", such a thing seems a lot. So, college admissions recruitment agents in "plays" what kind of role?

According to media reports, recently, admissions event involving 71 students, first at National Taiwan Normal University said the school, Center for studies of higher arts education in school and company, signed a "professional development course for training agreements" and the students received "undergraduate" on offer, false advertising and unauthorized is recruiting companies to add. In addition to this a 71 students, 2012-grade students also reflect the commitment said initially they were admissions people "was the first normal university undergraduate special move are manpower recruitment". 2012 2011 and what students think they have been cheated.

Student: is the entrance and admissions. After we got the first normal university admission, there were National Taiwan Normal University seal or something. Formal notice of the kind. He said that, that we were special move, is that schools are not (spread), so we'd make up or volunteered to fill out any, you've come to pay thousands of dollars after open registration fee, and then you can put our name on the inside.

Class provides a sample notice of 2012. The notice shows that the student is admitted to the "professional orientation course in graphic art design in vocational education", notice affixed at National Taiwan Normal University College of fine arts and the high beautiful Centre. But it is not stated in the "undergraduate". According to the theory He Tong, because that is not the word, schools say they and 2011 is different. Give them what students and a teacher surnamed encourage call recording:

Encourage caste teacher: because most students at the 2011 level on the acceptance of this "bachelor".

At present, the processing is in progress. School for the class of 2012, provided a copy of the agreement, the agreement said, goes a long way East false propaganda, students ' listening to undertakes the corresponding responsibilities. Agreement provides that students may complete our vocational training courses, the cost borne by the school. But without any compensation provision. Now, some of the students had already signed the agreement, but He Tongxue, who does not endorse content. Encourage caste teacher said, the school has made adjustments in favour of gullible students, does not accept that legal means:

Encourage caste teacher: the current school is the policy. If you do not recognize the agreement. Then you go to court, go the other way, you can sue, it's all right for you. Students, why the other over more than 20 students had to sign that you haven't checked yet. The agreement we all have changed twice in the Middle, which is the outcome of the consultations was made out in favour of your adjustment.

(Original title: the first normal University's class of 2012, aeration was lying only covered FPA legal ways for schools)

(Edit: SN098)January 08, 2014 China broadcast network(首师大再曝学生遭骗招 校方拒赔称可走法律途径|首师大|学生|法律_新闻资讯

  央广网北京1月8日消息(记者刘飞 实习记者于晗) 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,首都师范大学美术学院71名2011级学生"本科变专科"的新闻最近引发社会舆论的关注。对此,校方称,这件事是中介公司在招生中进行的虚假宣传,将对中介公司进行追责。一波未平一波又起。2012级也有部分学生反映,他们也是在招生中被骗了。那么这一次骗招的情况究竟有多严重?问题又将怎么解决呢?




















(原标题:首师大2012级学生再曝遭骗招 校方拒赔称可走法律途径)


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