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Director of Beijing renovated Villa owed wages, investigating

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:50:19 Browse times: 273 Comment times: 0

Director of Beijing renovated Villa owed wages, investigating(北京一处长被指翻建别墅欠工钱,相关单位正调查)

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Beijing Director accused Director of the renovated Villa owed money for their unit investigating | | | unpaid wages _ the renovated Villa news

The night before, some netizens said in a posting on the tianya Forum a "Director" illegally renovated Villa, Dragon villas, Changping District, originally an area of 370 square meters, building area of Villa renovated 1300 square meters, and farmer workers ' wages.

Yesterday, the posters are solutions of engineering unit in charge told the Beijing Youth daily, the audited company accounts, construction teams are owed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For the content of the post, covered by the "Director" beiqing newspaper reporters said their units also are learning it, wait to report back again after completing the case. North blue, but as of press time, had not received a call from the party.

Yesterday evening, staff of the relevant units have arrived at the Changping, initiate investigations on this matter.

  The origin

NET called "Director" illegally renovated Villa

Yesterday, the tianya Forum Home on a named "a Director illegally renovated Villa, farmer workers ' wage" post much online attention.

Posted by in September 2013, a friend introduced to a "Director" Dragon Mart is located in Changping District to renovate a detached villas in the Villa area. For trust in their identity, the construction team started dismantling construction without signing any agreements. However, the early November, dismantling grooved and, as part of the project will be finished in the basement, and the "Director" for a variety of reasons, and their engineering team fired and higher salaries to incorporate some members of the original team, and team upfront salary in arrears and the material cannot be released.

Poster descriptions renovated Villa in the original area of 370 square meters, the engineering team will rebuild whole House demolished, renovated area expanded after 1300 square meters. Posters in your posts that summarize the "Director" of the "deadly sins", namely: renovated villas illegally, farmer workers ' wage, intimidated in their leadership capacity material were driven off over unpaid workers, and so on.

Posters said, hoping to get back to payments of arrears of wages and materials, allow migrant workers to go home for Chinese new year. Once the post is published, it raised customer concern, and as of yesterday afternoon, hits close to 10,000. But at about 9 o'clock last evening, North Green newspaper reporter and then when you click on the post, the page displays information for the "we're sorry, posting does not exist or is hidden".


"Workers want pay for the Festival"

Yesterday afternoon, the North Green newspaper reporter to contact the head of the engineering team in which the author solutions. Solution introduction, he did not know the workers posted, but described in the post content does exist, "workers also want money back home for Chinese new year. ”

"He says he is the Director, I don't know if that Villa is he, I've never seen real estate evaluator. "Mr solutions, Villa renovation project is his relationship to the" Director "continue after consultation, including materials, tools, labor costs, and overall project is priced at 3.3 million dollars. After construction began, workers, employers should first 15% amount payable in advance, "but this was a verbal agreement, I think they are the Director does not owe us money, didn't sign the contract. ”

According to the solution introduced last year in early September, the solutions form a good engineering team of more than 60 people started for Villa after renovation work, but the employer promises the 500,000 dollar advance but nothing ever arrived, until the end of September, the project received 250,000 yuan. Since then, the organized workers to continue to work on the solution side, while employers beg for rest sum, but has not paid off. Until early November, the employer dismissed on grounds of construction progress slow to understand engineering team, but retained part of the woodwork.

"He fired me, I can't, but early material and wages to us,. "Solutions Mr said, since was the cadres dismissed Hou, he number times found its beg for owed sums, but repeatedly was its to various causes retaining back, by number times consultations Hou, both common specifies has a home audit company on construction sums for accounting, eventually accounting has RC individual material and the artificial costs near 500,000," this also just part, plus dug slot, and slope, and for filled, costs, also has late turnaround material, plus together have near 1.2 million. ”

Said Mr solution, at present the price of employers audited company accounts is not clear, "in fact he can out of 500,000 accounts that some payments gave me, so workers could go back in time. ”


Property has been "renovated Villa" reported

Yesterday afternoon, the North is located in Changping District, Beijing long Cheng garden green newspaper reporter found three detached villas, the 87th district. The Villa doors locked and empty of people. From the outset, the Villa main structure has been built, walls and reinforcement bracket has not been dismantled, as compared to the surrounding villas, the renovated Villa building is slightly higher.

According to the solution's working drawings, this renovated Villa has a total area of 1321.67 square meters, building height is 9.9 meters, but Dragon garden property staff, the District of villas 300-400 sqm area in General.

North Green newspaper reporter notes that community property placed inside the Office of "temporary owners ' Convention" that expressly prohibits the owners of "main structure of damaged houses, damaged building face." In this regard, the onsite staff said they didn't know the owners of the Villa's identity, when the Villa is renovated, there are protests by owners, have been reported to the relevant departments for the renovation of the property, urban management Department investigation also sent people to the community, but no more, "we are not law enforcement agencies, owners who renovate we can only be reported to the relevant departments. But I heard that the owners seem to get approvals for the renovation. ”

Solutions but has said that the project for the Office is the housing license for interior decoration, and seen the so-called renovations approval. North Green newspaper reporter saw that clearly indicated on the permit, "no unauthorized demolition to build."


"Director" indicated that they would report to the unit

Yesterday evening, the North Green newspaper reporter called solutions offers a so-called "Chang Director" Tel, Northern green newspaper reporter "Director" title, and failed to correct. Heard of "Villa renovated for an interview is required," needs, "the Director," said their units are aware of this matter, reporting to unit details give it back. North blue, but as of press time, had not received a "Director" back.

At about 7 o'clock last evening, "Commissioner" parent organization contact solution for understanding "a Director illegally renovated Villa" issue. The truth of what the situation is being further investigated.

Text and photo/reporter OQ

(Original title: "Director" was renovated Villa owed wages)

January 08, 2014 The Beijing Youth daily(北京一处长被指翻建别墅欠工钱 相关单位正调查|处长|翻建别墅|拖欠工资_新闻资讯




























  文并摄/本报记者 杨凡



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