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Beijing network radio and television

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:49:08 Browse times: 281 Comment times: 0

Beijing network radio and television (BRTN) global launch(北京网络广播电视台(BRTN)全球开播)

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Beijing network broadcast television (BRTN) Beijing global broadcasting | | | television networks broadcasting _ news

On January 8, 2014, the BRTN television network broadcasting in Beijing (www.BRTN.CN;, began broadcasting in the world. Launch ceremony in Beijing, Suzhou Street 10:00 Beijing TV station started on time at the new media base, the State administration of press and publication and the Beijing Municipal Party Committee propaganda department leaders, heads of national network of a number of radio and television, triple coordination leading group of related units in Beijing, Beijing, Beijing Branch, China Unicom, China network television BRTN network radio and television company, Tencent, Beijing (www.BRTN.CN; heads of the major partners, leadership, as well as radio and television and its 18 organizations attended the event. At the same time, global reporters from around the world, media reporters, Xinhua News Agency reporters over more than 100 media workers worldwide through synchronization with a Web site on-line BTV media clients, have also been blessed to live and in real time. BTV Tencent weibo microview synchronize the publication Office on the line.

BRTN network radio and television in Beijing (www.BRTN.CN;, construction began in June 2010, according to the State press and publication administration of Beijing radio and television requirements, solid layout, consolidation of its 18 units of force, work together to create "the emerging information networks, such as broadband Internet, mobile network for program dissemination carriers emerging forms of radio and television broadcasting institutions", the Beijing TV station is responsible for construction and operation.

Organised the launch ceremony of a new media work took three years to build the base, is set to show, a theater production, broadcasting monitoring system, private cloud and usual business in one of the Centre, has the international advanced level of high-tech bases. Began broadcasting ceremony full uses has base 360 degrees surround of full media environment, build out full future sense and technology sense of scene atmosphere, to "Beijing time, global shared" (From Beijing, For the World) for theme and slogan, let participants feel to globalization, and hi-tech, and mutual dynamic very strong of "I in scene" of real feel; and in domestic Studio lead using of LPD big screen, various screen of surrounded Xia, in Facetime robot, and Large flat-panel operation screen and surrounded by transparent projection screen and other high-tech equipment, enabling people to experience the future of media interactive fun and boundless charm.

  BMN Road To New Era(BRTN)

  "Beijing broadcasting and TV station toward a new era"

With the rapid development of the Internet, online content services with its timely, interactive, mass, debris advantage of rapidly rising, a series of commercial sites and client software like mushrooms appear, grab the user's desktop, screen, channels for public access to content from traditional media to new media such as radio and television, steadily losing audience in traditional media, face unprecedented challenges.

Today, the BRTN television network broadcasting in Beijing (www.BRTN.CN the global launch, means not only fully getting through barrier between media Beijing radio and television, to the general public via the Internet to provide quality, timely, accurate information, and network integration, multiple-screen interactive content interactive services, and also the Beijing radio and television into the critical phase of total media business layout.

By BRTN formal launch, Beijing radio and television sounded the Assembly call, by means of network integration, integration, integration, network integration, establishing media linkage of the core platform, fully shows Beijing broadcasting and TV station to the user towards the determination of the age of new media.

  BTV Ready To Network(BRTN)

  "In the face of the Internet age, BTV is ready! ”

In recent years, with the deepening of reform implementation and network convergence policies started, national network of the traditional broadcasters have to try out, how to integrate existing resources, integration platform to accommodate the audiences in the era of new media, is the broadcasting industry based on the core issues facing the Internet.

Beijing TV station, repeated research, continuous learning, solid development platform, real formed a "network of real integration, common network" the new work system. Set Taiwan's strength to build complete Beijing TV new media platform, forming a total media and multi-dimensional cooperation system and continuously introducing BTV IPTV network Spring Festival evening show, Beijing, BTV microblog micro platform, network radio and television, BTV media, Beijing Mobile client software and a series of high quality content and products. At the same time, pioneering proposed a "media plan".

"Big media"-breaking now, various new media platforms for front-end rendering platform, and not simply content to distribute export, as well as users and content portals. Currently, the "big media" private cloud support system and business centres, the underlying technology platform has been completed, marking the "big media" strategic planning for the stage victory, entered a period of business layout. January 8, Beijing network broadcast television official began broadcasting of Shi, Beijing IPTV also will completed products upgrade, provides more colorful of content and new of interactive way; while, "BTV big media" mobile client software will and website synchronization online, for user provides personalized, and custom of of content service, regardless of user in when what to through what way access, are can first obtained most care of focus information, feel immersive of content experience.

Facing the challenges of the new media age, the Beijing TV station is ready, ready!

  Build & Realize Together Now(BRTN)

  "Just today, let us work together to build and achieve ... ..."

BRTN network radio and television in Beijing (www.BRTN.CN; at the time of launch presents the following salient features:

  "I was there" experience true immersive. "I was there" were BRTN (www.BRTN.CN; Home focus column, but it reflected a new news model. First, content aggregation, "I was there" news all come from reporters on the scene real discoveries, but every news does not exist in isolation, users can use "had" button all the relevant news in the past, or by "next" button to browse to the prediction of future events, and development of the entire event. "I was there" with real-time news as the core, with the time axis implementation network structure, this rendering model can be said to be "networking topic" news mode upgrades. At the same time, "I was there" for aggregation of news publishers, focus events covering trade journalists reporting live, also covers the independent perspective of the general public, each event experience are able to become "my scene" news content publishers. BRTN provides an information platform, a set of rules and audit mechanisms, make note taker can become news and observer, restore stereo news event.

  Network of real integration, common network in all of Taiwan. BRTN has met jointly with the BTV television channel mode of work of the ad hoc group, co-operation and maintenance channel Web page and content distribution corresponding to the various new media platforms, all truly joined the big media platform for the construction of Taiwan in the past. Has now formed "1 brand (BRTN) + 4 platforms (PC port, TV, micro blog micro, mobile client) + 12 products project group" operating mode. This model will further expand in the future, laying the foundations for various content channels for cooperation.

  Cross-screen interactive, real-time accompanied. BRTN television viewers build a clear channel of interaction. Whether news, entertainment, movie and TV drama series, is also sporting events, users are able to see live and on-demand at any time, as well as fragmentation of programme content, and can fully express their views and barrier-free participation in programs to interact. At the same time, on the BRTN website, interactive information will also be a derivative of the user content, integrated into the media asset libraries spread across the screen in order to truly mobile phone, PC and TV ends of three screen linkage.

  Based in Beijing, the world. Beijing network broadcast television BRTN (www.BRTN.CN; not only full linkage multimedia platform, for by all of different needs, build covers depending on, and listening, and image, and tactile, all sensory of multimedia pipeline, depth fusion, for by all provides globalization, and real-time sexual of news information and interactive sexual, and scene sense of shared information; more moments-oriented world show "most beauty Beijing", based first good of are, in-depth streets snare local information, and Searching gourmet beauty, providing audiences with the most authoritative, professional, meticulous and thoughtful local news and service information.

Beijing invited a wide audience network radio and television and the building of our common platform, truly global information to "Beijing" Chinese, "Beijing" and China's information-sharing to the world! "Beijing" to achieve "global sharing" (From Beijing, For the World).

(Edit: SN098)January 08, 2014 People's daily online-people TV(北京网络广播电视台(BRTN)全球开播|北京|电视台|网络广播_新闻资讯

  2014年1月8日,北京网络广播电视台BRTN(; )全球开播。开播仪式于北京时间上午10:00在北京电视台苏州街台址的新媒体工作基地准时启动,国家新闻出版广电总局、北京市委宣传部领导同志,全国多家网络广播电视台负责人,北京市三网融合协调组相关单位主要领导,新华社北京分社、中国网络电视台、中国联通北京公司、腾讯公司等北京网络广播电视台BRTN(; )主要合作单位负责人,以及北京广播电视台领导班子及下属18家单位负责人参加了此次活动。同时,来自世界各国合作媒体记者、新华社全球记者站记者等100多位全球媒体工作者通过与网站同步上线的BTV大媒体客户端,也纷纷发来实时现场报道和祝福。北京电视台腾讯微博微视发布厅同步上线。

  北京网络广播电视台BRTN(; )的筹建始于2010年6月,是北京广播电视台按照国家新闻出版广电总局要求,扎实布局,整合旗下18家单位力量、共同创建的“以宽带互联网、移动通信网等新兴信息网络为节目传播载体的新兴形态广播电视播出机构”,由北京电视台具体负责建设和运营。

  举办本次开播仪式的新媒体工作基地历时三年建设,是集应用展示、演播制作、播出监控系统、私有云中心及日常办公于一体,具有国际领先水平的高科技工作基地。开播仪式充分利用了基地360度环绕的全媒体环境,打造出充满未来感和科技感的现场氛围,以“北京时间,全球共享”(From Beijing, For the World)为主题和口号,让与会者感受到全球化、高科技、互动感极强的“我在现场”的真实感受;并在国内演播室率先使用的LPD大屏幕等各类屏幕的包围下,在Facetime机器人、大型平板操作显示屏和全透明投影幕等高科技设备的环绕下,使人体验到未来媒体的互动乐趣和无限魅力。

  BMN Road To New Era(BRTN)



  如今,北京网络广播电视台 BRTN( )全球开播,不仅意味着北京广播电视台全面打通了媒介之间的壁垒,通过互联网向广大公众提供优质、及时、准确的资讯信息,以及台网融合、多屏互动的内容交互服务,同时也标志着北京广播电视台迈入全媒体业务布局的关键阶段。


  BTV Ready To Network(BRTN)



  北京电视台反复研究论证、不断总结经验,扎实建设平台,实质形成了一套“台网真正融合,全台共同办网” 的全新工作系统。集全台力量搭建完成北京电视台新媒体运营平台,形成了全媒体、多维度的合作体系,并陆续推出了BTV网络春晚、北京IPTV、BTV官方微博微信平台、北京网络广播电视台、BTV大媒体移动客户端软件等一系列优质内容和产品。同时,开创性地提出了“大媒体”发展规划。



  Build & Realize Together Now(BRTN)


  北京网络广播电视台BRTN(; )在开播之时呈现出如下几个突出特点:

  “我在现场”体验身临其境的真实。“我在现场”是BRTN( ; )首页的焦点栏目,但它更体现为一种全新的新闻报道模式。首先是对内容的聚合,“我在现场”的焦点新闻全部来自于记者在现场的真实发现,但每一个新闻并非孤立存在,用户可以通过“曾经”按钮了解到过去的所有相关新闻,也可以通过“未来”按钮浏览到对事件的未来预测,掌握整个事件的发展脉络。“我在现场”将以实时新闻为核心,以时间为轴线实现多维度网式结构呈现,这种呈现模式可以说是“网络专题”新闻模式的升级。同时,“我在现场”也是对新闻发布者的聚合,焦点事件涵盖了专业媒体记者的现场报道,也包罗了普通民众的独立视角,每一个事件的亲历者都能够成为“我在现场”新闻内容的发布者。BRTN将提供一个新闻平台、一套游戏规则和审核机制,使全民都可以成为新闻的记录者和观察者,还原立体的新闻事件。

  网台实质融合,全台共同办网。BRTN已经实现了与北京电视台每个电视频道联合成立项目组的工作模式,共同运维频道网页并把相应内容分发至各个新媒体平台,使全台真正加入到大媒体平台的建设中来。目前已经形成“1个品牌(BRTN)+4个平台(PC端、电视、微博微信、移动客户端)+ 12个产品项目组”的运营模式。这种模式未来将进一步扩展,为各种内容渠道合作奠定基础。


  立足北京,面向世界。北京网络广播电视台BRTN( ; )不仅全面联动多媒体平台,针对受众的不同需求,打造涵盖视、听、形象、触觉等全部感官的多媒体管道,深度融合,为受众提供全球化、实时性的新闻资讯和互动性、现场感的共享信息;更加时刻面向世界展现“最美北京”,立足首善之都,深入大街小巷网罗本地资讯、遍寻美食美景,为受众提供最权威、专业、细致、周到的本地新闻和生活服务信息。

  北京网络广播电视台邀请广大受众与我们共同建设平台,真正实现将全球的信息带给“北京”乃至中国,又将“北京”乃至中国的信息分享给全世界!让“北京时间”,实现“全球共享”(From Beijing, For the World)。


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