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@ Lhasa, published online, the five autonomous regions are opening _ Sina weibo news

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/8 8:48:50 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

@ Lhasa, published online, the five autonomous regions are opening _ Sina weibo news(@拉萨发布上线,五自治区首府均开通新浪微博_新浪新闻)

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@ Opened five regional capital Lhasa, published online _ Sina weibo news

This net, January 6 (Xinhua Li Ji) on January 6, the Tibet Autonomous Region Lhasa Municipal Party Committee propaganda Department official Twitter "@ published in Lhasa [Twitter]" exclusive settled in Sina. At this point, including Internet Information Management Center of Urumqi official Micro-Blog "@ Urumqi released" five ethnic minority autonomous regions of the country, the Chief Twitter all opened. SINA weibo Chief first to achieve full coverage of China's five autonomous regions.

6th, "@ published in Lhasa" send Tweet "" @ published in Lhasa entering Sina weibo "happy new year to you! Publishing now official in Lhasa entering Sina weibo. We hope that through this platform, express advocacy and demonstrating in Lhasa and Tibetan folk customs, tourist attractions, food culture, socio-economic information such as career development, let everyone know more about Lhasa and into Lhasa! Beautiful home, happy Lhasa welcomes you! ”。

"@ Published in Lhasa" micro-blog on the line sparked many users concerned about and go comment on. As at 18 o'clock in the afternoon on that day, micro-blogging more than 18,000 fans, the first tweet was forwarded 313, was cited 116 times. Published in Lhasa, some netizens @ microblogging opening Welcome and praise, netizens rain @ Lin commented that "after walking down the road you can exchange the" @ number three in national civil examinations lang 021 weibo said there was "political energy from the snow-covered plateau".

Chief micro-Bo V@ Nanjing publishing also published for @ Lhasa "canvassing", "sky recently, clear your mind, there is a castle in the sky – Lhasa! Before coming to Tibet, do you also see Raiders? Forget it, or @ Lhasa issued a small Gaza Strip. # Huh? Little Saskatchewan # ". In addition, the netizens also expressed hope a tour to Lhasa in the comments wish.

Chief of the various systems in the development of micro-blogging, Twitter has been at the leading level for public information components. End of 2009, the country's first provincial government official Micro-Blog @ Twitter Yunnan opened in June 2010 in the first capital city opened the official Twitter @ Chengdu. At present, apart from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces and two outside the capital city, Haikou, Hangzhou, mainland other 29 provinces and provincial capitals have been at Sina weibo. In addition, SINA weibo boping stage, the national rate of opening of the prefecture-level city propaganda Department official micro-blog is 70%.

(Edit: SN085)January 07, 2014 China Tibet news website(@拉萨发布上线 五自治区首府均开通新浪微博_新闻资讯

  本网1月6日讯(记者 李继)1月6日,西藏自治区拉萨市委宣传部官方微博“@拉萨发布[微博]”独家落户新浪。至此,包括乌鲁木齐市互联网信息管理中心官方微博“@乌鲁木齐发布”等在内的全国五个少数民族自治区首府政务微博全部开通。新浪政务微博率先实现我国五个自治区的全面覆盖。

  6日上午10点20分,“@拉萨发布”发出首条微博“【@拉萨发布 入驻新浪微博】各位网友新年快乐!拉萨发布即日起正式入驻新浪微博。我们希望通过这个平台,向大家宣传和展示拉萨以及西藏的民风民俗、旅游景点、美食文化、社会经济事业发展等热门资讯,让大家更多的了解拉萨,走进拉萨!美丽家园,幸福拉萨欢迎你!”。

  “@拉萨发布”的微博上线引发了不少网友的关注和转评。截止当日下午18时,微博粉丝超过1.8万,其首条微博被转发313次、被评论116次。一些网友对@拉萨发布微博的开通表示欢迎和称赞,网友@林城的雨评论说“以后走在路上就可以交流了”,@探花郎021 发微博称这是“来自雪域高原的政能量”。

  政务微博大V@南京发布 也趁机为@拉萨发布“拉票”,“那里离天空最近,那里涤荡你的心,那里是天空之城——拉萨!去西藏前,还在看各种攻略吗?算了吧,还是看看@拉萨发布 小萨吧。#嗯?小萨#”。此外,网友还纷纷在评论中表达希望去西藏拉萨旅游的愿望。

  在各系统政务微博的发展中,宣传部门微博一直处于领先水平。2009年底全国第一个省政府官方微博@微博云南 开通,2010年6月全国第一个省会城市官方微博@成都发布 开通。目前,除浙江、福建两个省份及杭州、海口两个省会级城市以外,大陆其他29个省市自治区及省会城市均已在新浪开通了官方微博。此外,在新浪微博平台上,全国地级市宣传部门官方微博的开通率已经达到70%。


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