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Jasmine editor passed away due to lung infection

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Jasmine editor passed away due to lung infection(《茉莉花》改编者因肺部家中感染去世)

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Jasmine editor passed away due to lung infection Jasmine | | |-like editor _ news

What is imitation, known as jasmine adaptation of author. Not long ago, what is old in Nanjing died at the age of 85. Jasmine as his greatest achievement, what is the oldest living behind, unable to avoid the problem: "this first world music originate where? "World class debut one after another, Jasmine's influence was pushed to unprecedented heights. Su-Wan began around this folk song contest.

Currently, Nanjing has insisted the jasmine of them all, "butts said Jiangsu folk song". Here let me members of the province's folk culture rather "unhappy". A few days ago, made by Feng Yang Ming history Xia Yurun, have found new evidence that Jasmine from Feng Yang drums, he also suggested that historically, Jasmine is the first "bold" love songs.

  Adaptation of author Jasmine died from zhengyi

Speaking of jasmine, would think of Jiangsu folk song. As an adaptation of author of this song, imitating himself was born in tianchang city of Anhui Province. In February 1928, the imitation was born in Ho Shi Liang Zhen, tianchang, Anhui. When under the influence of mothers, where imitation is very interested in music. In 1941, he joined the army, and principally paged in Huainan city in the public theatre. After the founding of the imitation in the East (third) field army political Department literature works, East China military region song and dance troupe Theatre, the PLA Nanjing military area command the front. Written works of the earth sky sea, the five Cook ' and ' my name is China. The most famous song adaptations--jasmine.

From the 90 's, this adapted Jasmine singing country. 1997 Hong Kong handover ceremony, Jasmine is played as an important track. Since then, many world class debut was more attention by this folk song Su-Wan. According to media reports, on September 25, 2013, imitation of lung infection died at home in Nanjing. A matter of fact, what is the oldest living behind, about the origins of the jasmine and where, endlessly.

  Female 80 71 years ago singing the national

According to the memories of imitation, he found that female parent of the jasmine was in 1942. Huainan, has entered the popular Cirque du Soleil-like home celebration was held. Rain day, was unable to perform any imitation and his comrades in the Jinniu area looking for folk artists pictures. Ran into an elderly gentleman on the ground on the way. Old man then play Huqin sang a local folk song. Imitation of only 14 years old immediately impressed, then start recording. According to introduce veteran artists, the folk song, titled flowers transferred, later Jasmine's parent.

After the founding of the 1957 Nanjing military region organized large-scale variety show. Tracks folk songs, reminded imitation of folk songs that year obtained the flower transferred, after the adaptation of the lyrics and some melodies, singing. In that year's spectacular success. Subsequently, it adapted works by pouring make records. Into the 80 's of the last century, the song famous singers to sing Cheng Guilan in dialect from Suzhou, South, and was widely known across the country for the first time.

 Origins ignored Anhui tianchang scholars author refutes

"The song is found in Jiangsu, Jiangsu the first Chinese mind singing, but also with the Suzhou dialect, Jiangsu folk song this song just seemed wrong. "For such a call, tianchang, former Federation President Wang Mingyi cannot agree. Origin of folk songs about jasmine, now generally said, of the female parent is the flower transferred, is a "spread in the vicinity of Luhe, Yangzhou" folk songs. "From a geographical point of view, tianchang, Anhui Province and Yangzhou, Luk Hop the narrow strip, in Jiangsu, terms, origin of the folk song just missed tianchang, Anhui, and it was obviously loose. "Wang Mingyi described, the controversy initially, unvarying local folk art enthusiast, after research, wrote this claim refuted in succession. "At the end of Qing period, flowers is very popular not only in liuhe Yangzhou modulation, in tianchang town is also familiar. ”

 Experts say the origins of Feng Yang drums can be traced back to the Qing dynasty

Even adapted authors like Ho said, this folk song Jasmine a city should not be a monopoly. Have the same attitude also has a history of Feng Yang Ming Xia Yurun experts. In 2006, Feng Yang drums Festival fengyang. Xia Yurun after much inquiry, write a 20,000 word thesis, research Jasmine the real origins. "Currently available historical records, jasmine really is the origin of Feng Yang drums. ”

In an interview yesterday afternoon, Xia Yurun made in imitation of terms, the flower transferred was in 1942, when artifacts were found. In fact, the flowers of adjusting dates back to the Qing dynasty. According to published during the reign of the Bai Qiu · flower drum says, the flowers ' also known as ' flower drum ' adjustment, sung by characters in the play is a play in the first episode. "Compare two lyrics are very much alike, flower drum song lyrics of the first two paragraphs are, OK one jasmine flowers, garden flowers start though it. To pick a flower, and abused I'm afraid to spend. "Xia Yurun said this is a borrow flowers called love song. "Love flowers on behalf of men to women, the real show, men and women singers, body language and demeanor are more ' fresh '. ”

In addition, he also presented a piece of evidence. Jasmine last sentence: "and that do not germinate in the coming year. "Melody was suddenly stretched, trailing to a higher octave. "Melody styles will not appear in the folk song, but common in Yangzhou Opera and Kunqu, which explains why the songs true source is not a folk song, but huagu Opera. "At the moment, Xia Yurun fengyang County Government invited, write another highlight of flower drum books. In all parts of the country to collect information, to find out more about the history of the flower transferred him. "Like to irrigate the operatic bamboo is also related to the record of the Word as both the lyrics and melody are relevant historical evidence, enough to make the source not Jiangsu folk song jasmine. ”

Jianghuai Theater debut three years earlier than in Jiangsu Province

East Anhui tianchang city has been to "Jasmine home" foreign propaganda. In the view of local cultural figures, tianchang city onto the female flowers of the transfer for the first time in the formal stage form the basis of the most important. "The original singer was unvarying Lou Lihong, woman, when she was 20 years old. "The early years, first folk competition held in Hefei, the provincial capital of Anhui Province, through layers of single, Lou Lihong, Jin town woman came to the fore, tianchang city representative centers took part in the competition. "The old man is still alive, is the first person singing Jasmine worthy! ”

This history in tianchang city culture has also been documented in the archive. "The timing was in October 1954, in Hefei jianghuai great theatre venue. "From looking at the time, three years earlier than version of jasmine, Jiangsu. Tianchang some cultures believe it also proves that flowers turned strong evidence of non-exclusive to Jiangsu. "The difference is that Jiangsu is an altered version of the singing, and we are truly original. "(By ouyangxuzhong)

(Original title: jasmine editor died of Anhui and Jiangsu origin between songs)

(Edit: SN098)November 12, 2013 When online(《茉莉花》改编者因肺部家中感染去世|茉莉花|何仿|改编者_新闻资讯



  改编作者去世 《茉莉花》来源引争议

  一说起《茉莉花》,就会想起江苏民歌。作为这首歌的改编作者,何仿本人却是出生在安徽省天长市。 1928年2月,何仿出生在安徽省天长市石梁镇。幼时受母亲影响,何仿对音乐非常感兴趣。 1941年,他加入新四军,并于次年调进淮南大众剧团。建国后,何仿曾在华东(第三)野战军政治部文工二团、华东军区解放军剧院、南京军区前线歌舞团工作。写就的作品有《前进在陆地天空海洋》、《五个炊事兵》、《我的名字叫中国》等。最出名的莫过于这首改编作品——《茉莉花》。






  “歌是在江苏被发现的,国人印象中也是江苏人最先演唱的,而且还是用的苏州方言,由此这首歌变成江苏民歌也就顺理成章。 ”对于这样一种说法,天长市原文联主席王明义很不能认同。关于《茉莉花》民歌的起源,现在普遍说法是,母本是《鲜花调》,是一首“流传于六合、扬州一带”的民歌。 “从地域上看,安徽天长与扬州、六合一衣带水,按照江苏的说法,民歌的起源就偏偏漏掉了安徽天长,这明显不严谨。 ”王明义介绍,争论初期时,天长本土民俗爱好者经过研究后,纷纷著文对这种说法予以驳斥。 “清末时期,鲜花调不仅在六合扬州很流行,在天长各个乡镇也是耳熟能详。 ”


  就连改编作者何仿也说,《茉莉花》这首民歌不应为某一个城市独占。持相同看法的还有凤阳明史专家夏玉润。2006年,凤阳举办凤阳花鼓节。夏玉润经过多方查询,写出两万字论文,考证《茉莉花》真正的起源。 “目前掌握的史料看,《茉莉花》真正的起源应是凤阳花鼓。 ”

  在昨天下午的采访中,夏玉润提出,按照何仿的说法,《鲜花调》是他在1942年采风时被发现。事实上,《鲜花调》的历史可以追溯到清代。根据乾隆年间刊印的《缀白裘·花鼓》中记载,《鲜花调》又名《打花鼓》,是剧中人物在戏剧中唱的一首插曲。“比较一下,两者歌词非常相像,花鼓曲前两段歌词是,好一朵茉莉花,满园的花开赛不过它。本待要采一朵戴,又恐怕看花的骂。 ”夏玉润称,这本是一首借花喻情的爱情歌曲。 “采花是代表男子向女子示爱,真正表演时,男女演唱者,动作、神态都要更‘鲜’一些。 ”

  另外,他还提出一条证据。 《茉莉花》最末一句:“又怕来年不发芽。 ”曲调突然被拉长,拖尾至高八度。 “这样的曲调风格不会在民歌中出现,而是在扬剧、昆曲中常见,这也说明歌曲真正来源不是民歌,而是花鼓戏。 ”眼下,夏玉润应凤阳县政府邀请,编写凤阳花鼓书籍。在赴全国各地搜集资料时,他发现更多关于《鲜花调》的史料。 “比如道光年间的《百戏竹枝词》中也有相关记载;无论歌词,曲谱,都有相关历史证据,足以证明《茉莉花》来源并非江苏民歌。 ”


  皖东天长市一直以“《茉莉花》故乡”对外宣传。在当地文化人士看来,天长市首次将母本《鲜花调》搬上在正规舞台成为最重要的依据。“最初的演唱者是天长女子娄丽红,当年她才20岁。 ”建国初期,安徽省在省城合肥举办首届民歌大赛,通过层层选拔,金集镇女子娄丽红脱颖而出,代表天长市文化馆参加了这次比赛。 “老人仍然健在,是当之无愧演唱茉莉花的第一人! ”

  这段历史在天长市文化档案里也有所记载。 “具体时间是1954年10月,演出地点就在合肥江淮大戏院。 ”从时间上来看,比江苏版的茉莉花还早三年。天长市一些文化人士认为,这也是证明鲜花调非江苏独有的有力证据。 “区别在于,江苏那边唱的是改编版,而我们唱的是真正原版。 ”(记者 欧阳徐中)

(原标题:《茉莉花》改编者去世 再引苏皖两地名曲起源之争)


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