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Wuhan, a teacher trapped Snow Dragon, texting and safe _ Sina news

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/6 10:27:22 Browse times: 261 Comment times: 0

Wuhan, a teacher trapped Snow Dragon, texting and safe _ Sina news(武汉一名教师被困雪龙号,曾发短信报平安_新浪新闻)

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Wuhan was previously a teacher trapped Snow Dragon texting safe _ news

  Yangtze River business newspaper message texting safe; responsible for catering management tasks, returning by boat en route were trapped

Reporter (reporter Chen Jing, Sun Ming correspondents) "Snow Dragon", expedition ship Antarctic ice trapped touches people hearts. 101 on the expedition ship trapped officers, one is Wuhan school teachers participating in the Antarctic expedition restaurant management jobs, Mr Michael Wong. Yesterday learned from the school of Wuhan, after the troubled, compared to the first time peace messages to the family that he was "assured school and family. ”

It is understood that the 40 year old Huang taught at the school of cooking and Food Engineering College, prior to participating in China's Zhongshan station, the 29th Antarctic expedition restaurant management tasks. About half a month ago, he ended the task, at Zhongshan station on the "Snow Dragon", ready to return with the ship.

Cooking and Food Engineering College of the school described Wang Huiya, Vice President, three days ago, Mr WONG had to send his wife a text message, tell them everything, families and schools assured. Currently, the school is concerned about the "Snow Dragon" out progress, actively trying to get in touch with Mr WONG.

It is understood that in 2008 since China's 26th Antarctic expedition, Wuhan business school has had 12 students and teachers to participate in the expedition in Antarctica catering management, two other 30th Antarctic expedition of China participated in the teachers and graduates Hu Xin Fang Yuan law, on December 13, 2013 and December 3 respectively, have arrived safely at great wall station, engaged in food and beverage management.


  Part of the research project will continue bailing faces three big uncertainties

According to Xinhua, 5th, in the "Snow Dragon", actively seeking out at the same time, part scientific expedition on board the project is being conducted as usual. According to weather forecast, the night of 6th to 7th, this area will appear is overdue West wind, is expected to give the "Snow Dragon" brings out favourable weather conditions. "Snow Dragon", whether Ice Breakout, faces three big uncertainties.

First, the strength of westerly and duration can blow away the thick ice floes? At present, the water district in the "Snow Dragon", on the starboard side, starboard retreated the most sincere, not sure West wind to "Snow Dragon" out, clear a passageway.

Secondly, the West wind "Snow Dragon", the impact of icebergs around? At present, the "Snow Dragon" was bow wows a small iceberg, like a sword over their heads, "the sword of Damocles" threatening "Snow Dragon", security.

Third, bringing westerly winds and high pressure weather systems impact on the sea? Ship in these waters is the first in China, has recently encountered some called "exotic" phenomena of nature, we still can't explain.

The State Oceanic Administration, "Snow Dragon" out of emergency response teams and the "Snow Dragon" 5th on the team once again held a satellite video conference, conferences seminars out plans are feasible.

  The United States, "Polaris" icebreakers, was ordered to the rescue

AP Australia 5th Maritime Security Council earlier released a statement saying, the Bureau has asked the United States Coast Guard "Polaris" ice-breaker to Commonwealth Bay, Antarctica, assisted in the rescue of victims trapped in the ice floes in the Russian expedition ship. It is reported that "the Polar Star" in early December last year, is already en route to Antarctica, is currently docked in Sydney Harbor. Australian Maritime Authority said in a statement that "Polaris", Australian maritime authority request has been accepted, will set off from Sydney on 5th, waters to go down. Australian Maritime Authority expects, "Polaris", will be issued within 7 days of arriving in trouble waters, assisted in the rescue.

(Original title: Wuhan teachers trapped "Snow Dragon")

(Edit: SN010)January 06, 2014 Yangtze River business newspaper(武汉一名教师被困雪龙号 曾发短信报平安_新闻资讯

  长江商报消息 曾发短信报平安;负责餐饮管理任务,乘船归国途中被困

  本报讯(记者 孙明 通讯员 陈静) “雪龙”号科考船南极遇冰受困牵动国人心。在科考船上101名受困人员中,有一名是武汉商学院参加南极科考餐饮管理工作的教师黄伟。昨日记者从武汉商学院获悉,受困后,黄伟第一时间给家人发来平安短信,他“请学校和家人放心。”


  该校烹饪与食品工程学院副院长王辉亚介绍, 三天前,黄伟给妻子发过一条短信,告之一切正常,请家人和学校放心。目前,学校正在关注“雪龙”号脱困进展情况,积极设法与黄伟取得联系。



  部分科考项目照常进行 脱困面临三大不确定性










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