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Urban health insurance fund balance more than 760 billion from the year before to waste challenge

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/6 10:23:28 Browse times: 360 Comment times: 0

Urban health insurance fund balance more than 760 billion from the year before to waste challenge(我国城镇医保基金前年结余超7600亿引浪费质疑)

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Urban health insurance fund balance more than 760 billion from the year before to waste challenge healthcare | | | balances _ medical insurance news

2012 end of town 764.4 billion yuan on basic medical insurance fund accumulated balances, the number after the disclosure, raising social concern. Many people question the balance without using an insured person on the treatment cost. Medicare balance too much? Journalist interviewed the concerned departments and experts.

Medicare savings expected to reach 10.7 months ' average pay levels, and the Government set a target of 15 months

People Department 2012 statistical figures show that the annual income of 693.9 billion urban basic medical insurance fund, spending 554.4 billion yuan. Urban basic medical co-ordinating the accumulated balance at the end of 494.7 billion yuan (76 billion yuan on basic medical insurance for urban residents in the accumulated balances), individual account accumulation of 269.7 billion yuan.

Pooling funds and personal accounts add up, cumulative balance of urban basic medical insurance to 764.4 billion yuan. However, according to the 2009 human resources and social security, the Ministry of Finance of the guidance on further strengthening the management of basic medical insurance fund, the balance of size is not excessive. The opinion made it clear to co-ordinate regional pooling funds of basic medical insurance for urban employees accumulated balances in principle should be controlled at 6-9 months average pay levels. Balances of more than 15 months total average pay levels, to balance state.

764.4 billion worth of cumulative balances, 269.7 billion yuan of personal accounts cannot be taken into account, the money held by the individual. Solidarity Fund for 494.7 billion yuan, 10.7 months for average pay levels without hitting a 15-month average pay levels and, therefore, this balance is not considered as a "balance".

Journalists look at one calendar year Department statistical bulletin found that integrated and the cumulative balance in the level of the Fund remains above average pay levels in 10 months of the year, average pay level in 2006 at 18 months, declining thereafter.

While the overall balance of size does not exceed the targets set by the Government, spending also increased year by year, but rising in absolute terms, pooling funds an annual growth in absolute value of about 70 billion yuan, an annual growth of about 30 billion yuan of individual accounts. Meanwhile, personal spending remained at more than 30% per cent of total health expenditure, and total expenditure on health per capita has exceeded growth in per capita Medicare payments and gradually widened the gap.

"Medicare savings snowball on the one hand, higher doctor fees paid by individuals on the one hand, in this case, there is need to reduce Medicare savings, increase the proportion of insured to compensate. "One industry expert said.

Balances although not small, but more should pay attention to three basic medical insurance system and regional disparities

"764.4 billion dollars seems to be a very large number, but it obscures the gap between health care regions and systems. "Assistant Director of the Medical Department of Peking University, said Wu Ming, a Professor of health economics, urban basic medical insurance fund balance rate gaps between larger, urban employees ' medical insurance, medical insurance, urban residents ncms three basic medical insurance fund balance rate gap also exists between them.

2010 Department of Statistics Yearbook showed that Guangdong Province in 2009 average pay level of the cumulative surplus of 27.4 months, balances, compared to 5.4 months in Tianjin levels, significantly lower than in Guangdong. Gap between the systems is also larger, released in 2012, residents ' healthcare, ncms cumulative savings of more than 130 billion yuan, but the part in the new rural cooperative medical Fund and Manpower has not received arrived, 2011 employee health insurance pooling funds accumulated balance has reached more than 350 billion yuan, and has a large balance of personal account.

Wu Ming says, "Medicare savings is closely related to programme design, high and low level of compensation to the insured, is one of the key factors in determining level of Medicare savings. However, it really very hard to grasp. From the perspective of managers, generally adopted a more cautious attitude. Some worry about cost overruns, design is conservative, resulting in higher savings rates. ”

And for programme design of many consider, in views under in the can found answers: "prepared Fund income budget should integrated consider local economic development level, and workers wage income level, and medical insurance coverage, and medical insurance funding proportion, factors; prepared Fund expenditures budget should integrated consider local parameter insurance personnel age structure, and disease spectrum, and medical costs growth, and medical insurance benefit surface, and guarantees level and fund balances situation, factors. "Implement" in order to support, balance and a bit of balance "of management objectives.

Experts recommend improve the co-ordination levels, reduce regional disparities and reforming system of individual accounts

From the perspective of health economics, Wu Ming believes that health insurance model design is very important, health insurance fund used to improve compensation for insured persons as much as possible, reducing the economic risk for medical expenses of insured persons, and must keep a sufficient risk fund. "The cumulative balance to achieve the 6-9 months of average pay levels, the insured person pays a high proportion of cases, is questionable. In addition, the personal accounts does not play the role of risk-sharing, with strong precipitation in the future should be reformed. ”

Wu Ming proposes to increase co-ordinating level raised from county level to the municipal level, conditional regions can advance the provincial co-ordinating, narrow the gap between regions, better use of health insurance funds. For management's integration, then integration between systems, the last three in one.

Professor School of public administration at Renmin University, the National Social Security Institute lizhen believes that personal accounts by collecting funds in the name of insurance, but insurance is a risk-sharing mechanism. "Personal accounts are not a risk sharing mechanism, earmarking only, and cannot be used in Masonic, but because too many personal accounts fees and premiums wasted resources. "Lizhen said.

Lizhen in favor of personal accounts for city "a little old" healthcare, which solves the problem of existing personal account wasting money, but can also increase "a little old" coverage, addressing urban Medicare "family system" issue.

Experts pointed out that healthcare management also should pay attention to, such as for scientific measurement programmes should, try to raise the level of compensation, personal spending fell to 30% per cent. While dealing with rising costs of health problems, the establishment of medical insurance management and use accurate predictions of an early warning system. Health care rate and cumulative balances for the current year savings rate should be a guideline.

(Original title: Medicare savings did too much? (Dark Reading))

January 06, 2014 People's daily online-people's daily(我国城镇医保基金前年结余超7600亿引浪费质疑|医保|医疗保险|结余_新闻资讯






















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