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Shenzhen new tobacco regulation implemented in March, highest smoking can be fined 500 Yuan

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/6 10:22:05 Browse times: 285 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen new tobacco regulation implemented in March, highest smoking can be fined 500 Yuan(深圳新版控烟条例3月实施,抽烟最高可罚500元)

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Shenzhen new tobacco smoke regulation implemented in March fined 500 Yuan to a maximum tobacco control | | | penalty in public places _ news

Reporter You Chunliang, Guangdong Province Shenzhen City people's Congress, recently held a news conference to announce that subject of much concern, known as history's most strict tobacco control regulations of the Shenzhen Special economic zone after repeated consideration, the revised smoking Ordinance passed, will take effect on March 1.

According to reports, all 7 chapters of the revised Ordinance, including tobacco smoking control, supervision and management measures in place, and so on. The lack of regulations for the content and form of the original Ordinance, law enforcement problems, such as poorly conducted a comprehensive supplement and amendment, and have a lot to create rules.

New amendment of regulations clear has controlled smoke work principles, introduced Government led, and classification management, and places is responsible for, and public participation, and social supervision of principles; strengthened has Government of organization led and responsibility, will controlled smoke work into city development planning, as government performance examination of content, and innovation provides has controlled smoke work joint system, fulfil considered work programme, and coordination settlement problem, and supervision work carried out situation, duties.

At the same time, newly revised Ordinance, smoking will be banned in places extend to all indoor workplaces, public transport, indoor public places and some outdoor places, is currently the city for no smoking venue the most comprehensive provisions. Revised smoking Ordinance also provides for a transitional period of limited places, singing and dancing entertainment venues such as pubs, dance halls and tea houses, massage, bath places of leisure services by December 31, 2016, is listed as places of smoking restrictions, after the expiry of the above sites will ban.

At the hearing stage, how to become the focus of discussion and issues of enforcement and regulation. New revised regulations have been adjusted by an enforcement of health sector for the health sector, transportation, civil aviation and railway management departments, sports tourism, market supervision and administration, urban management, public security departments and other departments in unison enforcement mode, and fully mobilize the departments of law-enforcement forces of the site.

It is understood that the Shenzhen Special economic zone on tobacco control regulations come into force on November 1, 1998, were smoke-free for more than 10 years but never issuing a ticket, and controversial. Under the Ordinance has increased legal liability, while reflecting to discourage, education of law enforcement. Opportunities for individuals or units to correct violations of regulations, individuals refusing to correct according to the seriousness of a fine of 50 Yuan, 200 Yuan, 500 Yuan step-change penalties, managers refused to correct the maximum penalty fine of 100,000 yuan in improving law enforcement operation taking into account the deterrent effect of the law.

(Original title: managers refused to correct up to 100,000)

January 06, 2014 Legal daily(深圳新版控烟条例3月实施 抽烟最高可罚500元|控烟|公共场所|罚款_新闻资讯

  本报讯 记者游春亮 广东省深圳市人大常委会近日召开新闻发布会宣布,备受各界关注、被称为史上最严控烟条例的《深圳经济特区控制吸烟条例》经多次审议、修改后通过,将于3月1日起施行。








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