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Palace commences introduction of closed all day on Monday, except holidays and summer

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/6 10:20:53 Browse times: 318 Comment times: 0

Palace commences introduction of closed all day on Monday, except holidays and summer(故宫今起实行周一全天闭馆,节假日和暑期除外)

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Museum closed this Monday has been implemented throughout the day except for holidays and summer holidays | | | heritage _ closing the Palace Museum News

People's daily (by staff reporter Zhang Ran) from 2014 onwards, with the exception of statutory holidays and summer (from July 1 to August 31 each year), the forbidden city will be formally introduced on Monday closed all day. Museum closed all day for the first time today, the staff has put up a notice in advance, reasonable arrangements for visiting time reminding the audience, so as not to run.

Forbidden City Meridian Gate between end door and put up a notice in advance, and with the municipal Tourism Commission ahead of ventilation to assist travel agency can inform the work. For the fit, the Museum's official website will also be closed on Monday's announcement was "top". Also, the Museum's microblog and tiny letters will be prompted.

National Palace Museum since April 1 last year, formally introduced Monday afternoon closure measures. Closed due to the audience in advance information and explain the reasons, so the measures imposed Monday afternoon closed generally understood by the public. But for the long term running of world cultural heritage sites, weekly half day closing time cannot meet the respite needs of heritage.

From now on, closed on Monday from half to full day. During the closing, heritage buildings, heritage exhibits will be maintained, to test security, fire alarm equipment, maintenance of the visitor service facilities, frontline staff will focus on training, capacity also will get a more thorough clean up.

But in "51", "11", such as statutory holidays and summer peak, the National Palace Museum will not close, will extend its opening hours to meet audience demands of visitors.


Weekly closing day is domestic and international practice

In practice, closed One day of the week is the domestic and foreign each museum practice. Domestic implementation of the Museum closed on Monday the China National Museum, the Metropolitan Museum, the Museum of Chinese people's revolutionary military museum, Shaanxi History Museum, Museum of Sichuan, Hunan province, and many other well-known national, Provincial Museum. France's Louvre Museum, Russia's Hermitage Museum and other world-class museums also have closed a day per week requirement.

(Original title: Forbidden City this Monday all day closed)

January 06, 2014 The Beijing times(故宫今起实行周一全天闭馆 节假日和暑期除外|节假日|故宫闭馆|文物保护_新闻资讯











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