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Hanzhong, Shaanxi $literal nurses seizes the knife to save patients praised positive energy girl and man _ Sina news

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/12 0:08:03 Browse times: 319 Comment times: 0

Hanzhong, Shaanxi $literal nurses seizes the knife to save patients praised positive energy girl and man _ Sina news(陕西汉中90后护士夺刀救患者 被赞正能量女汉子_新浪新闻)

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Hanzhong $literal save praised positive energy in patients with female nurses took a knife man _ news

Hanzhong West network (by Peng Fen) on October 31, Hanzhong city central hospital attendant holding a kitchen knife to cut the patient occurred events. Matters of two $literal of the night shift nurses did not hesitate to rush to the gangsters to prevent its continued to attack and eventually with the help of others, took the hands of a butcher knife, saving the patient's life.

On November 9, the reporter in Hanzhong City Central Hospital bone Ward met two nurses who seizes the knife to save people, not high, bright they look like normal girls smile and is no different. Recall the night, two girls said, "rushing out to save people are instinctively, without thinking too much. ”

  Man kills knife-$literal female nurses in hospitals seizes the knife to save lives

Save Liu Qiulan took a knife and Deng Qiong months were born in 1991, Liu Qiulan bone dry for over a year, Deng Qiong months were the primary vocational and technical college students from the Nursing Department, to the hospital a few months ago, Liu Qiulan Deng Qiong month "masters".

The night of the incident, and Deng Qiong Liu Qiulan months working at night, around midnight, most patients are asleep, the whole building was quiet, delicate handling of two nurses to medication for a patient in the ICU, suddenly there came the shrieking scream in the hallway.

"Someone shouted the nurse and it sounds so strange, almost yelling, I think of what happened to may. "Liu Qiulan did not hesitate and immediately rushed out of the intensive care unit, but still stunned by her in the hallway, the" a guy waving a patient from bed to a hallway with a kitchen knife and slashed across the man in a crazy State, while the bed of the man had been badly mutilated in the. ”

Almost the same time, Liu Qiulan rushed up. A gunman pulled on her arm and urged him to talk slowly, but outlaw strength was too great for him, Liu Qiulan couldn't budge at all, she clung to him from behind by gunmen, trying to pull him away.

Then rushed out of the room was also driven by Deng Qiongyue, a gangster brandished a kitchen knife hand, two nurses gangsters back together, reach the injured man onto the position. But two girls strength than men, gangsters have been swinging a knife, trying to break two nurses, the situation is very serious.

At this point, two men rushed over, dragging a nurse criminals back, another attempt to capture the outlaws the kitchen knife in his hand, the four heroic effort finally grabbed a kitchen knife and restrained the assailant.

Cut with knife, bloody mess, then was rushed to the operating room rescue. If nurses are a step late, there would have been irreparable tragedy.

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"After the recall was a bit scared. "In the presence of reporters, Liu Qiulan did not hide their fear," who see the scenes without fear of gunmen was already crazy, bed, there was blood everywhere. "Seizes the knife when Liu Qiulan holding the gunman's waist, and Deng Qiong months pulled the gunman's hand, knife in close proximity, just slightly off, cut them.

"At that time I didn't think anything, quickly rushed over. If I think about it, a little pause, patients might have been hacked to death. "From the first rushing past the last Heli grabbed the knife, before and after less than a minute, Liu Qiulan no hesitation and fear, she had to save lives, it's an instinct.

And Deng Qiong month is said to reporters, "when I took him by the hand and my legs were soft. "When Deng Qiong months out of the ward, Liu Qiulan and gangs are fighting gunmen casually swinging a knife," I'm afraid he hurt my teachers and other patients, and get help. ”

After it happened, the two girls became colleagues in the eyes of the "heroine" and "female man", but the girls said, they and the other girls in your life, "guts is relatively small. ”

Liu Qiulan says he's most afraid of dogs, usually met dogs will walk around. And Deng Qiong month is a small voice and quiet girl, reporters asked several times in the interview to her voice slightly bigger, maybe the usual habit of looking after patients, her voice is so sweet.

Is two $literal girls, faced gangsters brandishing a kitchen knife, not considered, did not hesitate to risk from Bandit knife pulled out injured with his bare hands, two people were hurt to varying degrees.

After the incident, Liu Qiulan to field calls her parents safe, phone, she did not mention her own injuries. The next day, Liu Qiulan family saw reported on TV, once again called to confirm her injuries, she was grinning prevarication in the past.

Deng Qiong month parents are seeing media reports only after know his daughter had done a brave thing, Deng Qiong month likewise has covered up the fact of injury, comfort parents need not worry.

Liu Qiulan's father told reporters that the daughter called Christmas for the first time, he did not care, just tell her you want to protect yourself. "But later when I saw the news was a little scared, my daughter usually as small balls, dare and wrestling a gorilla. "Recently, the major media coverage," nurses fighting gangsters "story, this earthy father told his daughter," it's over, you're still you, get down. ”

Help nurse uniform gangsters, two men, a man named Jun Huang, is patients ' family members, the other one is Zhao Xiaolin, while undergoing hospital treatment of leg injuries. Jun Huang was a military personnel during the incident, Jun Huang to lay down their arms baby, do not hesitate to wash up.

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$Literal female nurses aggressive gangster's exploits spread throughout the primary, this is known as "small Northwest of the South" and cultural city, has always been famous for rich in feminine beauty, and this time, some times in women with a new adjective, "brave", "justice".

Liu Qiulan says, her understanding of the work ethic is very simple--life comes first. "Regardless of who is at risk, I would go to heal is a staff job. "After the gunman was subdued, careful Deng Qiongyue find the gunman also was wounded in the attack, she insisted on several occasions for his wounds, but was rejected.

And Deng Qiong Liu Qiulan months after media reports, the story has aroused strong repercussions in the community, but also by the community the sincerest form of flattery. In Hanzhong City Center Hospital party grant two people "in Hanzhong City Center Hospital most beauty nurse" title, the award 10,000 yuan; in Hanzhong City Health Council, and in Hanzhong city Nursing Association common grant two people "Hanzhong most beauty nurse" title, the award 5,000 yuan; in Hanzhong city FMC grant two people city "sanbahongqishou" title; hantai district fully treatment Board grant two people "heroic individuals" honors title, the award 10,000 yuan; Shaanxi Province Federation grant two people "Shaanxi Province 38 women pacesetter" honors, the award 500 Yuan; Shaanxi Province FMC grant two people province "Sanbahongqishou" title of party Secretary of Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Hanzhong was awarded two "outstanding League members in Shaanxi Province", "outstanding League members in Hanzhong city" title.

In addition, two patients with aggressive criminals Zhao Xiaolin and Jun Huang hantai district comprehensive Administration Commission awarded the "courageous activist" honorary titles, each received 8,000 yuan.

It is worth mentioning that, given the courage of Deng Qiong month, Hanzhong City Central Hospital to practice her engaging the decision had been made, and the hospital has contracted with Deng Qiongyue "Sentinel practice nurses" contracts. Next June, Deng Qiongyue get a diploma and certification examination by nurse practitioners, nurses officially became a central hospital in Hanzhong city.

Recently, the blanket coverage in the media was a bit overwhelmed by Liu Qiulan, she admitted to reporters, currently the largest wish was "a good night's sleep." In her view, things have passed, there is no different, she was like the old days, when caring for the sick at work, home for dinner after work, go out with friends to drink tea shop. Love anime she intends to have a chance to learn Japanese, "I'll be able to read the original comic. "Talk about Liu Qiulan, showed the softest part of teenage cravings.

Deng Qiong months current greatest wish is to nurse certification exam, to continue efforts to learn solid basic skills, "after graduation next year, I hope I can become a qualified medical workers. ”

November 11, 2013 WESTNET(陕西汉中90后护士夺刀救患者 被赞正能量女汉子_新闻资讯

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