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May have to do more than more than 70 papers in Chinese life, including 15 species identification

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/6 10:19:55 Browse times: 290 Comment times: 0

May have to do more than more than 70 papers in Chinese life, including 15 species identification(中国人一生可能要办70多个证件,含15种身份证明)

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Chinese life might have to prove more than more than 70 with 15 identity | ID | | life _ life news

  Document life: our life journey of 70 documents

CCTV (Xinhua Jiang Yiyi, and Pei Tong) in 2013, the people "accreditation" problems, it became the focus of national concern. Rush hard, almost everyone has had personal experience, a lot of grass-roots governments long criticized. "Rush" is a popular "pain points", but also for another reason, and that is: we'll need to go through documents is a lot! So, how many permits needed to live in China? What role do they have?

Incomplete statistics, we find that a Chinese life may need more than more than 70 cards, an "essential" between 30 and 40. Some netizens lamented, if you keep these documents (certificates) rolled out in chronological order, "is a person's life."

  Identity documents of a class 15

Co-owner: comprehensive in reflecting tenants ' personal status, kinship, the official residence of the population basic information such as basic household instruments. It comes in two forms, one of the permanent population register, household registration organ retained reserve, is the basic governing document of the entire household registration management; the other is the co-owner of inhabitants, by the household registration organ with the "seal", the issued to residents to save. Can be said that the booklet was first proved most component of a person's life, is the basis behind all the documents.

ID: is the second most amount of proof of identity. ID is a citizen to prove, while alternative residence certificate can also be used separately. Living in the People's Republic of China territory of Chinese citizens aged 16 years old, you should apply for an identity card. Functions of the identity card is very extensive, small enough to buy a train ticket, marriage is required to produce their identity cards. Without it, in China town.

Passport: many people who wish to travel abroad or to study abroad, you first need a passport. Passport is a citizen of a country when entering or leaving their territory and to travel or residence abroad, issued by the national legal documentation that proves the citizen's nationality and identity. In other words, get your Passport, on behalf of the States have allowed you to go out of the country, passport is equivalent to a "world card".

Permit: Hong Kong, Macao has returned to the embrace of the motherland, but wanted to go there, simple procedures are not inferior to foreign countries. Before you go, you want to apply for a permit, and also require a visa. Mainland residents in private to Hong Kong or Macau S.A.R. of tourism, visiting relatives, doing business, training, employment and other non-official activities must first apply to the exit and entry Administration Department of public security and endorsement and an effective endorsement issued by virtue of visiting.

Mainland residents of Taiwan pass: abbreviation "Taiwan pass", is People's Republic of China Ministry of public security of travel passes issued to mainland residents to the Taiwan area.

Military card: more by political authorities in charge, is granted both active military and the army retired, to be handed over to the Government placed the management of retired cadres, retired Sergeant.

Member certificate: the certificate of the Chinese Communist Youth League members. Organization and member of the mission shall be governed by the provisions and use of member card.

Party cards: member card as proof of membership, the implementation of someone special the respective party seal, for the record. If you are missing, shall promptly inform the organization affirms and re-submit. Party members to quit or be expelled from the party, by their branches back to the delivery, higher party committees are responsible for registering and notching their destruction.

Retired permit: retired officers to handle retirement certificate.

Certificate of retirement: State and local government agencies, departments, enterprises, workers, according to the labor law, regulations, eligible to retire, for retirement formalities and after approval by the higher authorities, and obtained the certificate.

Syndrome in the elderly: age standards are different everywhere, in some places is 60 years old, and in some places is 65 years old. Holders enjoy the park free of charge, such as free bus offer.

Living proof: in order to prevent people from maliciously obtaining pensions, requiring handling of older persons living proof. It, elderly people will be able to successfully get a pension.

Death certificates: forensic medical institution or a professional death written certificate made out to citizens. Died Yu medical health units of, by death medical proved under; on citizens normal death cannot made hospital issued of death proved of, by home (village) Board will or clinic (by) issued of proved; non-normal death or health sector cannot determines whether belonging to normal death who, by police justice sector issued of death proved; has cremation of, by funeral sector issued of cremation proved.

Cremation certificates: where death should be within the specified cremation cremation, funeral homes to deaths of people you want to issue cremation certificates for use by the social insurance institution or unit.

Burial permit applicants apply for the graves registration form, payment receipts and purchase of one valid ID receive a burial permit. Subsequently, the applicant may at the scheduled date, time, by virtue of the burial permit to the dead for burial.

  Documents 12 of the marriage and family class types

Health certificate health certificate is a health inspection certificate, proved that the person proven to have health checks. It mainly involves five six diseases, to a large extent, protect the health of employees and clients.

Single card: the most important area of use, when I was buying property in order to proof the property for all the parties, and non-marital property. While some companies require new recruits to provide unmarried certificate. In addition, certain matchmaking activities, need to provide a single proof.

Premarital medical examination certificate: according to the People's Republic of China Law on maternal and infant health care article 12th: women and men at the time of marriage, pre-marital medical examination or other forensic evidence. Pre-marital medical checks are to be married men and women may be suffering from some examination, diseases affecting marriage and childbearing, certify a premarital medical examination and qualifying.

Marriage: is marriage registration authority instruments issued by the effective establishment of the legal proof of the marriage. Original marriage certificate in duplicate, both men and women each holding a copy. Statutory conditions for receiving marriage certificates: consensual, not spouses, men and 22 years of age, and women 20 years of age, next to the two sides within three generations of non-blood relative, non-blood relative, no diseases medically regarded as unsuitable for marriage.

Investment enterprises enter talent market: full name of the birth certificate of service. A case study of Beijing, according to the birth certificate of service handling rules, couples of reproductive age had their first child, before pregnancy or pregnancy should be held within three months after the marriage certificates, identity cards, journal, such as the co-owner of inhabitants to the woman's unit to apply investment enterprises enter talent market. Investment enterprises enter talent market through the streets of her domicile, seal the rear of the Township family planning Office is valid.

Is not sterile at first marriage certificate: when the spouses at the time of investment enterprises enter talent market, requires each unit of account is not sterile at first marriage certificate is presented, holding parties is not sterile at first marriage certificates, household registration, identity cards, marriage certificates, medical certificates and so on, to get to the local family planning Office of investment enterprises enter talent market.

Family planning health services evidence: by virtue of family planning health services card prepregnancy genetic testing and pregnancy tracking service.

Birth certificates: full medical certification of birth, was "first card" records a newborn's gender, weight, height, mother 's, father's name, on the basic conditions and delivery. Uniformly printed birth certificate from the Ministry of health, in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the unified number.

One-child certificate: the full name of "only-child parents honor card." Voluntary one-child couples for life, the State sent to the only-child syndrome as an honour. Access only-child syndrome of husband and wife, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable rewards.

Vaccination certificate: certification system of vaccination of children in our country. Within 1 month after the child was born, their guardians to take vaccination inoculations to children living units for it to carry out the vaccination certificate.

Birth certificate: within the family planning contraceptive proved that sometimes in order to second the need for child spacing. Certificate of birth control including three cases: first ligation syndrome; on the second ring card; third, go through the informed choice. If is ligation, is by is responsible for surgery of hospital or FP service institutions issued and by FP Office out card; if is Shang ring, also by Shang ring of medical or FP service institutions issued; if is informed select, must to county hospital physician opened diagnosis single, description woman has gynecological disease cannot Shang ring and take other birth control measures, and to cross margin, and signed agreement,. Regardless of what type of birth-control methods, have to be registered in the family planning service manual.

Divorce: is a legitimate legal instrument precluding spousal relationship both men and women. Obtain a divorce certificate when is the date of termination of the relationship between husband and wife.

  Study documents 8

Student card: issued by the school to the school have access to school students document evidencing students enrolled at the school and certification of student status.

Diploma: students registered student, completing all courses arranged by the school and awarded diplomas.

Degree: certificate given to prove the student knowledge and skill levels. Diploma certifying that a personal academic certificate, unlike diplomas.

Card: card is a member of Organization for your company or organization documents, after joining the work can apply for release. Processing of credit cards, can prove with their work permit status and level of income.

Guarantee: to work, is forced into the national guarantee system, and conducted the "guarantee".

Unemployment certificate: is unemployed, employment services, employment registration credentials meet the unemployment conditions, proof of unemployment for manual and labour within the validity period of a monthly benefit, employment agencies and proof of unemployment for free, minus free retraining, and other preferential policies to promote employment. Unemployed people apply for unemployment after registration, by the labor employment service agencies in the region issued unemployment cards within 5 working days.

Insurance certificate: after retiring, after they had paid enough social security pension.

Certificate of retirement: State and local government agencies, departments, enterprises, workers, according to the labor law, regulations, eligible to retire, for retirement formalities and after approval by the higher authorities, and obtained the certificate.

  Property life documents 7

Residence permit: residence permit is the definitive proof of residence in the administrative area of the floating population in China. Residence permit holders to meet the local criteria, employment, medical care, family planning, child daycare, school, enjoying and a resident population of equal treatment.

Temporary residence permit: temporary residence permits for Shenzhen initiative, immigrants with temporary occupancy rights and proof of identity. The word itself implies the restlessness of life, is a specific period of population management. Temporary residence permits cancelled by China in many areas, replaced by the residence permit. Is currently implementing a temporary residence permit system, the city has Beijing, Shanghai (temporary residence permit).

Certificate: the certificate of house ownership, is a legitimate State shall protect home ownership vouchers. Real estate evaluator is buyers through trade, obtained legal ownership of the House, according to the houses purchased by exercising the right to possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of the documents.

Land: land owners or land-use right of land ownership or right to the legal basis.

He warrants for housing: is the property registration authority given to the mortgagee or code person his rights such as the right of legal documents.

State-owned land use permit: is to prove that land users (organization or individual) use State-owned land's legal credentials.

Driver's license: also known as a driver's license, is the transportation sector with driving qualifications members of the Government documents.

Besides, residents may handle of also has: floating population family planning card, and foreign marriage proved, and marriage training certificate, and report card, and in read proved, and loan proved, and library card, and English 46 level card, and induction card, and practitioners qualification card, and separation proved, and three overseas health proved, and study home personnel proved, and disability card, and no crime proved, and border card, and SAR border card, and out workers card, and driving card, and toll card, and operating license, and tax registration card, and health license, and fire license, and income proved, and poverty proved, Permits a variety of documents including blood donation, a total of more than more than 70.

(Edit: SN091)January 06, 2014 CCTV network(中国人一生可能要办70多个证件 含15种身份证明|证件|生命|人生_新闻资讯


  央视网(记者江易易、裴彤) 2013年,百姓“办证难”问题,一度成为举国关注的焦点。对于办证之难,几乎每个人都有过切身体验,很多基层政府因而长期饱受诟病。“办证难”之所以成为全民“痛点”,还有一个原因,那就是:我们一辈子需要办理的证件实在不少!那么,生活在中国到底需要办多少证?它们都有什么作用呢?





































  失业证:是失业人员享受就业服务、办理录用登记的资格凭证 符合失业救济条件的,凭失业证和劳动手册在有效期内按月领取救济金,并凭失业证享受免费职业介绍、减免费转业训练等促进就业的优惠政策。失业人员办理失业登记后,由区劳动就业服务机构在5个工作日内核发失业证。













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