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Hanzhong, Shaanxi Health Department officials committed suicide, misappropriation red million of public funds

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/6 10:18:39 Browse times: 279 Comment times: 0

Hanzhong, Shaanxi Health Department officials committed suicide, misappropriation red million of public funds(陕西汉中卫生局官员自杀,曾挪用红会千万公款)

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Health officials committed suicide in Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province had been diverting red million embezzlement | | | ' Zhang, Deputy Director of the Office of the Red Cross _ news

Hanzhong, former Vice President of the Red has been checked

Legal evening news (reporter Feng Mingwen) by Zhang Qi, Deputy Director of the Office of the Red Cross died in Hanzhong city, Shaanxi Province, he has been embezzling 10 million dollars.

The legal evening news investigative journalist was informed that the deceased was originally a radiologist, redeployed to the Red Cross after suicide 3 months before the transfer into the City Health Bureau, Chief of the medical affairs section.

Reporters from the local discipline Inspection Commission was informed that the original Executive Vice President Li Minghua Hanzhong city, the Red Cross also was investigated by discipline.

  Informed the origin of weibo, Deputy Director of the Office of suicide

On January 1, the Hanzhong municipal government official Micro-Blog released on behalf of the Hanzhong City Government Press Office informed that the afternoon of December 30, 2013, cadre Zhang committed suicide in the home in Hanzhong City Bureau of health. Zhang Qi, male, aged 44, was born a former Red Cross office in Hanzhong city, Deputy Director of the municipal health Bureau of medical affairs section.

August 2013, the Hanzhong city discipline Inspection Commission survey found that Zhang is alleged to have used his position and embezzlement of 10 million Yuan. On August 20, the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection investigated. The investigation, November 17, 2010, filling out the municipal Red Cross transfer cheques and Zhang Qi seal, from the Red Cross 10 million Yuan into the company run by his brother through the Bank for its verification, 8 days funds resulting from regulation, the funds should be transferred back to the city after the Red Cross account.

On August 27, 2013, the discipline referral in Hanzhong city in Hanzhong city people's Procuratorate. On September 4, Zhang was detained for suspected embezzlement, September 14 were released on bail pending trial.

Around December 30, Zhang committed suicide at home. Hanzhong police autopsy, Zhang himself with a sharp stab wounds on both sides of the groin, resulting in arteries in acute hemorrhagic shock and death caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the groin.

 Visits to just a few months ago calling into the Directorate of health

Hanzhong City Health Bureau of family homes in a tall, white building. 5 corridors, on floors one meter to meter container marked "Zhang Qi 's" name. When journalist identity according to open the door "Zhang", the door of a man and a woman but told reporters "barking up the wrong tree".

Hanzhong City Health Bureau of Medical Affairs Bureau office building not far from the family home, inside the building, "health workers on duty" signs displayed on in-service Zhang Qi is "Please (Hugh)".

Staff of the medical affairs section, told reporters, municipal Red Cross here, then moved away. Zhang Qi's Office here before the incident, his office close to the stairs, the door has a lot of dust, look here for a long time no one came.

"He was before the accident, you haven't seen him in months. "Staff," said Zhang Qi transferred here just a few months ' time. ”

 Interviewed in hospital before calling into the Red was a radiologist

Hanzhong City Government Office, 7/f, is the floor where the Office of the municipal health Bureau. When a reporter through the staff trying to understand Zhang was alive at the time of performance of the medical affairs section, everyone said, "we have a policy, we cannot say that."

Central Hospital in Hanzhong city propaganda chief Du Kun told this reporter, Zhang used to work at the hospital Radiology Department for many years, "as an ordinary doctor, he did fairly well. ”

The hospital's personnel file shows, Zhang Qi, in 1994 the hospital Radiology Department in 1999, transferred from the hospital to the municipal Red Cross Deputy Director of the Office.

 Discipline Inspection Commission interviews with red, former Vice President of the Commission for discipline inspection surveys

Hanzhong City Commission for discipline inspection staff told the legal evening newspaper reporters: "Zhang 10 million for misappropriating the Red Cross funds by the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection investigation there is something, and inform the original Executive Vice President Li Minghua Zhang received the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection before and after the murder investigation. But I'm not sure if both accept to investigate the possibility of logic or causality. ”

When a reporter asked Li Minghua cases now, the staff said, "don't know about specific cases, I upload a release. ”

Could not be interviewed directly to the discipline Inspection Commission Standing Committee Jiang ping an. But the afternoon of January 3, Chiang Ching-Kuo ping message back saying to reporters: "previously informed the municipal party Committee and the Municipal Government has made public, the current cases have been handed over to judicial authorities in accordance with the procedures currently don't have too many communications. ”

Hanzhong city, Red Cross, located in a small building in the compound of the municipal government. Red Cross office worker Liu Cong told Xinhua that currently in Hanzhong city red cross a total of 6 staff members, including Deputy Director of the Office of the Deputy Director of the Office of the President, as well as the three leaders.

He said due to starting late, he and Zhang Qi were not familiar with. Journalists mentioned have been discipline investigation Executive Vice President Li Minghua, Liu Cong said "hasn't been seen him in months."

According to press reports, Li Minghua under discipline investigation ceases in Hanzhong city shortly after the post of Executive Vice President of the Red Cross, which was replaced by one researcher Li Hanzhong City Health Bureau agents.

Text/reporter Feng Mingwen

(Original title: Hanzhong, former Vice President of the Red has been found)

(Edit: SN094)January 05, 2014 Legal evening news(陕西汉中卫生局官员自杀 曾挪用红会千万公款|红十字会|办公室副主任|张琪_新闻资讯


  法制晚报讯(记者 冯明文) 原陕西汉中市红十字会办公室副主任张琪自杀身亡,他在生前曾挪用公款1000万元。



  事件缘起 官方微博通报 办公室副主任自杀





  实地探访 事发前几个月 刚调入卫生局





  医院采访 调入红会之前 曾是放射科医生




  纪委采访 市红会原副会长 被纪委调查

  汉中市纪委工作人员向《法制晚报》记者证实 :“张琪因挪用红十字会1000万资金的事被市纪委调查确有其事,市红十字会原常务副会长黎明华也在张琪案发前后接受过市纪委调查。但我不能确定两者接受的调查是否有逻辑或者因果关系。”






  文/记者 冯明文



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