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Guangzhou heavy air pollution emergency response into the incident management system

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/12 0:07:09 Browse times: 365 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou heavy air pollution emergency response into the incident management system(广州将空气重污染应急纳入突发事件管理体系)

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Guangzhou will incorporate air pollution emergency incident management system | | | emergency air pollution in Guangzhou City _ news

Original title: Guangzhou introduction the ambient air pollution emergency plan

International online news (reporter Han Xi): to protect the people's health, Executive meeting of 11th Guangzhou Municipal Government endorsed by the Guangzhou environmental air pollution emergency plan (hereinafter the emergency plan).

Of the emergency plan will incorporate air pollution emergency emergency management system in Guangzhou, Guangzhou environmental air pollution emergency response emergency response unified command of Headquarters, will be issued by the Municipal Government to implement in the near future.

Guangzhou environmental protection Bureau in Willow said, the preparedness of the air pollution early-warning and emergency response is divided into two levels. Dang forecast environment air quality reached heavy degrees pollution (forecast future 48 hours environment air quality index (AQI) for 201-300) Shi, implementation two level warning, to Orange said, and of phase corresponds to of is two level emergency response; Dang forecast environment air quality reached serious pollution (forecast future 48 hours environment air quality index (AQI) is greater than 300) Shi, implementation a level warning, to red said, and of phase corresponds to of for level response. Emergency response information released 24 hours in advance.

According to introduced, II level emergency response started Shi, will suspended 20% corporate car, and not stable standard enterprise stopped emissions, and construction site stopped produces Yang dust and volatile sexual Organics of processes, and strengthened road, and port cleaning, and prohibited discharge fireworks firecrackers, and prohibited open-air burning, and strengthened catering and the gas station regulatory, 11 article mandatory measures, and advocate adjustable peak production, and bus travel, and wrong peak commuting, and ship emission reduction, measures. Level of contingency mainly at the implementation levels of the contingency measures on the basis of increasing scope of application and enforcement of the mandatory measures, including 30% cars stopped, focused supervision Enterprise 30% reductions, the city limit line danshuanghao trade-in vehicles and motor vehicles.

In accordance with the criteria of the programme, the city failed to level the last three years in response to, the secondary response appears 2 times in 2011. In 2012, there have been 3 times so far this year there have been two responses. The programme with cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Foshan have launched emergency programmes is essentially similar.

(Edit: SN077)November 11, 2013 International online(广州将空气重污染应急纳入突发事件管理体系|广州市|突发事件|空气污染_新闻资讯

  原标题: 广州市出台《环境空气重污染应急预案》

  国际在线消息(记者 韩希):为保障人民群众身体健康,广州市政府常务会议11日审议通过《广州市环境空气重污染应急预案》(下简称《应急预案》)。



  据介绍,二级应急响应启动时,将停驶20%公务车、不稳定达标企业停止排放、建设工地停止产生扬尘和挥发性有机物的工序、强化道路、港口码头保洁、禁止燃放烟花爆竹、禁止露天焚烧、强化餐饮及加油站监管等11条强制性措施,以及倡导调峰生产、公交出行、错峰上下班、船舶减排等措施。一级应急主要是在实施二级应急措施基础上,加大强制性措施的实施范围和实施力度, 包括30%公务车停驶,重点监管企业减排30%,全市限行黄标车和机动车单双号行驶等。



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