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Expert:China's economic aggregate ranked second,Family planning Bouquet of orchids

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Expert:China's economic aggregate ranked second,Family planning Bouquet of orchids(专家:中国经济总量跃居世界第二, 计划生育功不可没)

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Experts: China's economic aggregate ranks second in the world, planned parenthood deserves credit | | | population growth _ information on family planning family planning information

More than 40 years ago, on the basis of a good understanding of the basic national conditions of our country prudently, determined to implement the population and family planning is a basic State policy, China's population reproduction pattern historical transform into low fertility countries, creating two wonders of rapid economic development and population control. Recently, this reporter on how to understand China's family planning work, an interview with Zhai Zhenwu, Dean of Renmin University of China social and demographic.

  Fast increase in population control

Natural growth rate dropped to half the world's average level

Reporter: the 70 's of the last century, too-rapid growth in the population of key issues constraining economic and social development. This is the main motive power of development of family planning policy in China?

Zhai Zhenwu (Dean of Renmin University of China social and population): as a foundational element of macroeconomic, demographic situation is a country's most basic national conditions. Population, weak, inadequate resources per capita, is China's basic national conditions. It is from this situation, in the early 1970 of the 20th century, to escape the national economy near collapse, the serious dilemma of overpopulation, States take the pace of the development of family planning policy. At that time, "one, two, three", advocating reproductive "night, rare and rare".

After the reform and opening, as three years after a difficult period of compensatory population gradually entering marriage and childbirth age of birth, birth, rebound. On September 25, 1980, in the form of open letter to the CPC Central Committee, promoting "one couple, one child", calling on party members take the lead in implementing family planning, opened a comprehensive family planning policy of the giant-screen.

Reporter: at present, too fast population growth under control?

Zhai Zhenwu: family planning policy was implemented in more than 40 years great, effective control of excessive growth of the population.

The natural population growth rate in China declined rapidly, and is currently one half of the world average. Birth rate dropped from 33.4 per thousand in 1970 to per cent in 2012 per thousand, the natural population growth rate dropped from 25.8 per thousand in 1970 to per cent in 2012, respectively. In 1970, more than 600 million of our population, birth 27.39 million, a net increase of 23.21 million people in 2012, more than the total population of more than 1.3 billion, increased 1 time base and three times as much, but birth 16.35 million people, compared to more than 40%, a net increase of population of 6.69 million, reducing more than 70%.

Women's total fertility rate reach the average level of developed countries. In 1970, women's average 5.8 children; in 2012, down to 1.5 per cent.

My generation to achieve the population reproduction pattern changes in developed countries hundreds of years to complete, from high birth, death, legacy of high growth, turned to modern low birth, low mortality and low growth.

  Promoting social development and people's livelihood to improve

Ease the pressure of resource and environment, released a demographic dividend

Reporter: population bomb fuses were removed, slowed the contradiction between population and resources and environment?

Zhai Zhenwu: too fast population growth under control, effectively alleviate the population pressure on resources and environment. China is a developing country, it is necessary to face the problem of more than 1.3 billion people's survival and development, are faced with limited resources, the population carrying capacity of the environment. For more than 40 years, due to family planning in China accumulated fewer over more than 400 million people, thus greatly reducing the pressure of too-rapid growth in the population, resource and environment. If not implementing a family planning policy, are now afraid to reach 1.7 billion to 1.8 billion population in China, per capita arable land, food, forests, freshwater resources, energy will be lower than the current 20%, not only to host the development of resources and environment needs, and economic and social development cannot be reached this level.

Reporter: the nature of population issues is development. Effective release of the demographic dividend, what advantageous conditions for economic and social development?

Zhai Zhenwu: implementation of family planning, and contribute greatly to the sustained and rapid economic development and social progress. Planned Parenthood has transformed people's concept of marriage and fertility behavior, reduced birth size, reduced children's proportion of the total population, reduced on clothing, food, housing, transportation, education, medical care, employment and other aspects of stress, to the promotion of social development, safeguarding and improving people's livelihood and raising people's living standards play a tremendous role. Human development index from the beginning of the reformation in China rose 0.53 per cent in 2012, is one of the most improved.

Meanwhile, the declining population dependency ratio, proportion of the labour force continued to rise, the demographic dividend highlights. Since reform and opening up, and full use of the advantages of large scale, low cost of labour, taking economic construction as the Center, vigorously develop modern agriculture, industry and tertiary industry to achieve sustained and rapid economic development in China. China's economic aggregate ranks second in the world, planned parenthood deserves credit.

  Promoting man's all-round development

Sharp increase in maternal and child health, 7 billion world population day postponed for 5 years

Reporter: the implementation of family planning policy, the comprehensive development of millions of people, especially women and children how to change? What impact on the world population and development?

Zhai Zhenwu: my country has always been implementing family planning, prenatal and postnatal care, women, children and the advancement of women combining health, vigorous family planning and reproductive health services, universal access to adolescent sexual and reproductive health, guarantees the right to survival and development of girls and girls according to law, promote gender equality, women's and children's development situation has improved considerably.

Substantial decline in maternal mortality, infant mortality, by 1991/80, 50.2 per thousand, respectively, dropped to per cent in 2012/100,000, respectively.

The successful implementation of family planning in China, but also for the population and made important contributions to the development of the world. 7 billion of the world population day was delayed by 5 years, for example to the other developing countries to address the issues of population and development, established responsible most populous country's good image.

China's population and family planning work in the field of the International Conference on population and development's influence has increased remarkably broad understanding and support from the international community.

Reporter: advancing family planning work this "number one hard", which contributed to the General grass-roots family planning workers?

Zhai Zhenwu: implementation of family planning policy in more than 40 years, the majority of population and family planning workers, and members of the family planning associations at all levels through the "hardships", saying that "the words" and relentlessly, kept my head down, firmly implement the spirit of an open letter to the Communist Party of China. In their efforts and the masses, with the family planning policy is no longer the slogan on a wall, but actually walking into every Chinese family.

Today, their intense caring for girls, such as maternity care and happy families creating activities, trying to do useful and good things for family planning family, promoting "the first difficult" to "for the benefit of the people of sweet" and turn away.

(Edit: SN069)

November 12, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily

(专家:中国经济总量跃居世界第二, 计划生育功不可没|计划生育|计生工作|人口增长_新闻资讯

































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