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, Former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Tong Mingqian bribery case was double open

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:48:30 Browse times: 340 Comment times: 0

, Former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Tong Mingqian bribery case was double open(湖南政协原副主席童名谦因贿选案被双开)

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, Former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Tong Mingqian was double open for election bribery case | open _ Tong Mingqian | double | of corruption news

A few days ago, approved by the CPC Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the CPC Central Commission for discipline inspection in Hunan province, the original Tong Mingqian filing and checking serious violation of law issues.

By check, Tong Mingqian in any Hunan province Hengyang municipal Secretary during, as city general work led group leader, and serious general discipline first responsibility people, not correctly fulfil duties, on in Hengyang City NPC election Hunan provincial people's Congress representative before and after exposed out of bribery problem, no timely take effective measures serious investigated, led to occurred serious of to bribery means damage election of discipline illegal cases, to party, and national and people interests caused major loss, political effects and social effects extremely bad.

Tong Mingqian such negligent acts constitute a serious disciplinary offence, and persons suspected of crimes. According to the CPC disciplinary regulations and other provisions by the Central Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee for consideration and approval of the CPC Central Committee decided to give Tong Mingqian expelled from the party, discharged from public employment disciplinary action; be transferred to judicial organs suspected of crimes in accordance with law.

Tong Mingqian resumes

Tong Mingqian, incumbent Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Hengyang.??? Male, born in June 1958, Hans, in Changsha, Hunan province, the Central Party school graduate degree, master of science in engineering in April 1979, joined the Communist Party of China, went to work in October 1975. 1975.10-1980.11 852 farms processing plant in Heilongjiang II workshop Porter, zhenggongzu advocacy officer, farm organization Department Director

1980.11-1984.01 Hunan lianyuan steel mills lining workshop education officers, youth Director, Deputy Secretary of

1984.01-1987.01 Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League in Hunan province loudi prefectural (: 1984.09-1986.07 China Youth College for political sciences college professional learning training and political education)

1987.01-1993.07 Youth League Secretary of Hunan provincial party Committee propaganda Department, Office Director, International Department (in the meantime: 1993.02-1993.07 Hunan Provincial Committee party school young cadres training courses)

1993.07-1997.08 Youth League of Hunan provincial party Committee Deputy Secretary

(1992.01-1993.12 equivalent in international school of management engineering, Hunan University, master of science in engineering degree)

1997.08-2000.09 xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou Board, Member of the Organization Department of Hunan province (1995.08-1997.12 College party central party school correspondence education professional learning)

2000.09-2003.02 xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou Deputy Secretary of Hunan province (: 2001.03-2002.01 young cadres in the Central Party school, a one-year courses)

2003.02-2008.03 xiangxitujiazumiaozuzizhizhou in Hunan province Party Secretary

(2001.03-2004.01 of the Central Party school in-service postgraduate professional studies of Economics and management)

Secretary of 2008.03-2012.02 in Shaoyang, Hunan province (: 2010.03-2010.07 young cadres in the Central Party school courses)

2012.02-2013.01 Secretary of the Hengyang in Hunan province

2013.01-Hengyang in Hunan province, Vice-Chairman of Secretary of municipal party Committee

(Edit: SN089)January 02, 2014 Central Commission for discipline inspection supervision site(湖南政协原副主席童名谦因贿选案被双开|童名谦|贿选|双开_新闻资讯





  童名谦,现任湖南省政协副主席,衡阳市委书记。男,1958年6月生,汉族,湖南长沙人,中央党校研究生学历,工学硕士,1979年4月加入中国共产党,1975年10月参加工作。 1975.10-1980.11 黑龙江八五二农场加工厂二车间搬运工、厂政工组宣传干事、农场组织部组织干事

  1980.11-1984.01 湖南省涟源钢铁厂炉衬车间教育干事,团委干事、副书记

  1984.01-1987.01 共青团湖南省娄底地委副书记(其间:1984.09-1986.07中国青年政治学院大专培训班政治教育专业学习)

  1987.01-1993.07 共青团湖南省委宣传部部长、办公室主任、联络部部长(其间:1993.02-1993.07湖南省委党校中青年干部培训班学习)

  1993.07-1997.08 共青团湖南省委副书记


  1997.08-2000.09 湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州委常委、组织部部长(1995.08-1997.12中央党校函授学院党政专业学习)

  2000.09-2003.02 湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州委副书记(其间:2001.03-2002.01中央党校一年制中青年干部培训班学习)

  2003.02-2008.03 湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州委书记


  2008.03-2012.02 湖南省邵阳市委书记(其间:2010.03-2010.07中央党校中青年干部培训班学习)

  2012.02-2013.01 湖南省衡阳市委书记

  2013.01-    湖南省政协副主席、衡阳市委书记

(编辑:SN089)2014年01月02日09:58中央纪委监察部网站 )

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