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According to 2000 average wage of civil servants salaries barely enough overtime to normal

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According to 2000 average wage of civil servants salaries barely enough overtime to normal(数据显示公务员平均工资2千 薪水糊口加班常态)

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According to civil service 2000 average wage paid barely enough overtime to normal | | | life _ the average wage news

In 2014 the State civil service exam registration concluded last month, a new round of national civil services exams "war" is about to take place. Public exams in the powerful army of Deus Ex, and eventually become one, Trinidad one of the lucky ones. But this post is necessarily appropriate for every person? Reporter found, many young civil servants in access to jobs, but there is a huge psychological difference: admirable, actually did "not beautiful".

Experts say college student select civil servants is not unreasonable. However, college students looking for a job, to multiple considerations, don't go to civil servants and State-owned enterprises are not doing. If they are learning professionals highly specialised, also is in the field to start looking for a job.

  Analysis on the "war" 7,000 election

"More meat than the Wolf" is the study of the current state of the status quo, on the road can often be seen the town's "mine" a grand view. Just after the 2014 national civil service examination of the application of statistics, once again, there are a number of "boys" stunned number: 1.52 million people sign up for qualification examination, an average of 77 applicants for each post, 37 of which were recorded for registration more than 1000:1 for the position, the hottest job competition than for 7,192:1!

State Ethnic Affairs Commission of exam registration stage of this year's most popular departments. Command 2 posts to register qualified breakthrough in the number of tens of thousands of people, only recruit 4 people, has approved a total of 25,896 people, equivalent to 6,474 applicants for the same job. Theory of State Ethnic Affairs Commission, National Director of the policy research Office of research staff member and below, post code for 801,001,001 a position of hire two people, 13,960 applicants, competitive ratio of 6,980:1 (as of October 24).

China expert Zhao Huan Yu, education exam: "competitive position also covers post offices, Public Security Bureau and the seismological Bureau, Inland Revenue Department, the Insurance Authority and other positions. So they are favored, due mainly to: position limits are less demanding, or take in a number of professional candidates; the more developed, larger City attraction and enrolment and job functions well. ”

In the public education expert analysis said, these hot posts is not is treatment conditions best, just because in conditions set Shang comparison broad, professional mostly is employment market Shang of "households", participate in civil servants exam of wishes more strongly; also not requires work experience, this on put quite part of fresh health absorbed came in; while also not requires has service grass-roots experience, also no set other conditions, this situation Xia on to more candidates provides has participate in civil servants exam of opportunities.

But reporters also noted that candidates have 72 posts, no one signed up or no one in through qualifying. In the public education expert contrast unmanned candidates of posts, found these posts has deserted roughly has following causes: 1. these posts in the most for to city following posts, and posts itself on professional, and qualifications, and grass-roots work experience, conditions requires high; 2. posts for West area and remote hard area posts, work nature more hard, candidates in integrated comparison zhihou is not put they included consider range.

China experts, education exam Zhao Huan Yu also said: "the vast majority of candidates gathered in economically less-developed regions, partial posts in remote areas out of while the majors or the work experience requirement for five years or more demanding requirements, such as, has made many jobs to candidates involved. So people line up to squeeze grueling exams, there have been a number of unpopular positions. ”

Explore the reasons test hot for what?

Civil service examination in unabated, represents a large part of the candidates come from recent graduates, many of whom are master's and doctoral students. Worked for a dozen years, had embraced the dream of why young people as the future of the civil service professions? Press Conference on Beijing University 50 candidates for an interview.

Investigation displayed, for "participate in civil servants exam of causes", 85% of candidates because "employment situation bad, civil servants work stable", 90% of candidates think "civil servants welfare treatment good", 45% of people select "belonging to social management layer, social status high", also has 30% of candidates is to "obtained Beijing account", most let reporter surprised of is, was has 56% of candidates is "see around students are in exam, so also registration exam".

China expert analysis of Zhao, huanyu, education exam: "through in-depth communication and a large number of candidates, we analyse the candidates ' reasons for choosing the civil service mainly in the following several points: the iron rice bowl. Relative number of social enterprises, the civil service, stable income, work stress, social benefits better. Higher social status. In most people's minds, the civil service has a high sense of social identity, social status is relatively high, and respected by most of the crowd. Household temptation. Big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, are very attractive for young people, in order to succeed in a city establishing itself part of ways and means to pass the civil service was the fastest into the city. Cluster effect. There are some candidates do not know why the civil service exam, just because they test their own exams. ”

There are also netizens who commented that the civil service is the reflection of heat back, today's young adults carry enormous employment and economic pressures, the lack of a sense of, "if it were not for that high property prices, national health insurance are complete, wage increases to keep up with inflation, and who will go to frantically try to 1 per thousand of the jobs. ”

Public education teacher Li Yongxin reviews college students apply to civil servants in the cause, also pointed out the positive side. In his view, the current civil service examinations and science, is still a relative openness, equality test. It's been two years, civil service examinations increased emphasis on grass-roots work experience, relaxed the age limit, broadening the scope of Audition, was recorded in the open selection of leading cadres, the civil service appointment system for implementing all these measures in place, Government in deepening the reform of personnel system. Relative fair and transparent competition for students of poor families with no background, was a good opportunity.

Real-life survey of civil servants outside the inner circle are two different worlds, "the siege" is not America

Deus Ex from the army exam, many young civil servants in access to jobs, but there is a huge psychological difference: admirable, actually did "not beautiful". For now, young civil servants often have to face a new "three-high": working pressure, working overtime to be normalized; life pressure, no House blind date put itself failing; high pressure of public opinion: the masses on the civil service have become increasingly demanding.

Salary: from hand to mouth

Li Xin (a pseudonym), graduate, was known as "TT" trade and industry Office mentioned the work, she told a lot. She said that the civil service exam in order to get a Beijing Hukou, but Beijing now accounts for her, like a piece of paper. Wages of less than 5,000 yuan a month, pay rent, buy clothes and cosmetics, plus transportation expenses to eat, almost nothing left. While many of her classmates didn't get into the civil service, but almost everyone buy a car. Look at soaring property prices, buy Li Xin a distant dream.

When Li Xin is also often heard civil servants can separate rooms, can buy affordable housing, only to find it was "rumored".

"There is no holiday, autumn is only a box of moon cakes. Weekends have to work overtime, and no overtime. "She was depressed even more, to find a boyfriend, are from Beijing, the groom's parents think she didn't have no money," then understood, had pursued a Beijing Hukou how silly. ”

Overtime: overtime on holidays is normal

"Cup of tea paper, a" civil service status, has become an old history. When others have enjoyed weekend speech by Wang in Office material, Wang in Beijing, an organ work.

Wang used to be a magazine editor for a more stable job, pressed by his parents succeeded in defeating more than 3,000 people won a civil service position. Thought being idle, recruits made him the near-collapse of the first week, a 3,000-word summary of the material, always dissatisfied with the leadership he changed more than 10 times, stayed up until one or two in the morning to sleep almost daily.

Wang also found that overtime is the norm, over someone to check to prepare materials, and research to write summary material; 3 months to come up with a quarterly summary, 6 months to finish the half year summary. Earlier than lead to one hour a day, tea water cleaning; leadership does not work, no matter how late in the Office ... ...

"Even inside the city, some event, we're not public security, traffic control, but also on duty. "Wang Hong said, these two years, he rarely reunion, not even with his wife to buy clothes.

Data: most of the civil service pay is more than 2000 Yuan

What about the pay and benefits of civil servants?

Journalists from public education understand that country singles tend to be entry-level positions through the civil service examination, although the wage differences between different regions, but is generally around 2000, the wages of civil servants and the Chinese Government is relatively low compared to many countries.

Enquiries civil servant salary comparison list and office workers (public officials) specifications and Tianjin subsidy standard table, reporters saw subsidies only 1650 general staff member, task rate only 380 dollars, meaning that each month get full wages until 2030; provincial principal benefits of 3,250 Yuan, task rate is 2,510 works out to only 5,760 dollars total. And some grassroots posts in remote areas, total wages, but even more than 1000 Yuan.

Therefore, China Zhao global educational guidance on the public test experts reminded the bandwagon GCE exam students: "candidates should explicitly address civil service posts, the real treatment of the national average wage of civil servants only about 2000, there are also some living allowance, is not what most people think of high salaries and high welfare, especially for college students choose a future development must be careful. ”

 Sound impact college students do civil servants belong to a waste of resources?

For young people are supposed to go to the civil service, there has been controversy for a long time. Nobel Laureate Edmund s. Phelps in September this year, the economic advice for China also mentions that "many well educated young people are pushed to do civil servants, this is a grievous waste."

In this regard, Li Yongxin senior public education experts say that the "hot for the civil service" is caused by many reasons, is the period of social transformation in China need to experience a normal phase and cannot simply think that the civil service exam registration number is kind of a waste of resources. In fact, many of the world's hot and cold conditions apply to the civil service, has been with the economic situation and the employment situation has a lot to do. For civil servants is not cold in the eyes of many Americans, now faces high unemployment, have entrance exam for the civil service. Playing it is not just China's youth, stress, career development prospects for employment has been relatively stable context, seek a relatively higher stability, security of work is actually universal laws.

China expert Zhao Huan Yu says, education public exams, on the one hand, the constructor and the image of civil servants in the country. Education level of the civil service directly affects the entire State-building process. We need good educated civil service, which is required for a social, not waste. From this level, Edmund this phrase has its drawbacks. However, from another level: tens of thousands of people line up to get log bridge embodies the social resource scarcity, well-paid jobs providing insufficient level of social development is relatively backward. Well educated young people are pushed to do civil servants and not to other places accordingly the construction, it is a grievous waste.

Network of excellence editor-in-Chief yuanhang said, compared to the current severe employment situation, college students take criticism of the civil service. However, college students looking for a job, to multiple considerations, don't go to civil servants and State-owned enterprises are not doing. If they are learning professionals highly specialised, also is in the field to start looking for a job. Such as construction, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, machinery, financial and other professional, the professional job prospects good, demand for talent is also high. So, when a college student looking for a job, to take into account its own major benefits, and their own interests, strengths, not simply to the civil service exam or to state-owned enterprise employment so as not to affect employment in a timely manner, to the disadvantage of their future career development.

(Edit: SN095)November 12, 2013 South network(数据显示公务员平均工资2千 薪水糊口加班常态|公务员|平均工资|糊口_新闻资讯



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  华图教育公考辅导专家赵寰宇分析:“通过和大量考生的深入沟通,我们分析考生选择公务员的原因主要有以下几点: 铁饭碗。公务员相对一些社会企业而言,收入稳定、工作压力小、社会福利待遇好。 社会地位较高。在大多数民众心中,公务员具有较高的社会认同感,社会地位相对较高,受到大多数群众的尊重。 户籍诱惑。例如北京、上海等大城市,对于青年人有很大的吸引力,为了能在一个城市立足,融入其中,考取公务员是融入城市最快的方式方法。 集群效应。还有部分考生不知道自己为什么考公务员,只是因为别人考而自己考。”



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