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Shanghai fire caused by a family of three were killed, the fire escape was stolen by private car

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:46:51 Browse times: 312 Comment times: 0

Shanghai fire caused by a family of three were killed, the fire escape was stolen by private car(上海火灾致一家三口遇难,消防通道被私家车侵占)

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Shanghai fire killing three fire caused by private cars was stolen by car | | | Shanghai _ a fire news

  Two new year's day fire at one point blocked

New year's day, morning and night, unveiling two fire hurt more than more than 10 families, including a family of three died. The two fire victims saddened, firefighters and witnesses with emotion: if it weren't for Baoshan tonghe village of eight private cars took too narrow fire exits, blocked the road, the engine; if not, Xizang road 854 fire hydrants was not found at the scene, not a huge billboard blocking hose fire channel, perhaps the damage would be much lesser. In recent years, the situation of fire similar to the award-winning, some members of the public and businesses security awareness is not enough. In this new year's night before fire "against fire" new year's "zero" check, Governor PATTEN's reform of fire hazard at 3,013. Dead is dead, living sad, Oh fire hazard no longer exists.

  Bao Shan Road, the private car "fire trucks don't even want to come in"

Post reporter Zhou Kuanwei

At about 3 o'clock in the morning yesterday, Baoshan tonghe village community of eight residential buildings in a sudden fire, fire houses inhabited by a family of six-years old and a 9 year old girl who adopted, three people died.

After some residents complained that community belonging to the husband housing construction, private cars will occupy the otherwise wide channel every night, which led to fire engine failed after driving into a fire, the impact of the rescue.

  Residents wrapped the Pajamas to escape

169th fires yesterday, residential building, located at tonghe road No. 254 of tonghe eight village community. At noon that day, fire House, first floor, door closed, headed north a sill was blackened by the fire. Looking in through the window, house furniture has been burnt.

Surrounding residents, "said heard residents on the second floor shouting ' fire ', awakened residents were inside the building, have climbed out of bed. "The 169th, said an aunt, smoke when a fire broke out on the first floor four, fell from the first floor to the floor of the entire building," many residents escaped wearing pajamas, stand downstairs trembling. ”

However, the House always being on fire to escape, with residents trying to go in with a bucket of water on fire, but mixed with the smoke of the fire burn more and more prosperous, do not control the fire. Firefighters rushed to the rescue after receiving the resident alarm, and apartment buildings after residents were evacuated, firefighters in the fire after more than half an hour to put out the fire.

  Help channel occupied by private car

Residents described, the fire House two adults are 60-something siblings, another man's brother, adopted 9-year old girl. Because brother disorders for many years, poor health, sister, accompanied by long-term care.

Yesterday, some residents say, fire fire once the water is blocked, is because the fire service community channel occupied by private cars.

One resident said that late in the day fire truck parked on the road in front of the community, firefighters could only access pipe jogged from the outside into the district on fire, delaying rescue time.

"Our neighborhood belonging to the old public houses, public channel is small, just enough for a big fire truck passed. "Residents say, because the community is not underground garage, pavement parking tension, a private night basic community public channel was filling up" Coupe through strenuous fire trucks don't even want to start coming in. "Post reporter saw the same day, communities on both sides of the channel are parked for a few private cars, other car gingerly through.

Similar fire effect was stolen by car fire incidents have occurred repeatedly.

One of which was in November 2012, yaohua road, Pudong new century Garden, a five-floor residential building fires, the fire quickly spread to six-floor, but fortunately caused no casualties among residents of the two-storey building. Because community roads occupied by vehicles, fire fighters received from the side of the road to fire the fire service for more than 300 meters.

And once in February 2013, Jiangsu road 502 long community one-floor tenants fire flames up into the third floor. Over more than 10 fire trucks arrived, all vehicles were unable to take the only stops at dozens of meters away from the road, firefighters from the outside after the fire hydrant water holding a fire hose all the way into the community, fortunately, the fire caused no casualties.

In addition, in July 2013, Tangshan road 778 tilanqiao Street, 52nd floor, burst fire old public houses, residential fire exit was too narrow, fire-fighting vehicles can only be parked on the road, Tangshan, an eight years old died.

  Zhabei district could not find a fire hydrant billboards blocked hose

Post reporter Gu Wenjian intern Lu Bing

Yesterday was the first day of the new year, Mr Wang family of four would "homeless".

A fire occurred on the day of 16:45, zhabei district North Xizang road, lane 854, at least many more than 10 residents of homes destroyed. 38 people had evacuated after fire department at the scene, in which 4 people were injured sent to zhabei district Central Hospital for treatment, not life-threatening.

  Solitaire over more than 10 fire truck rescue

Fire North Xizang road 854 belonged to old homes, most in a layer of brick and wood houses. In yesterday's fire, as long as the body dressed in coats in their slippers, in the eyes of God-free hair scattered about, mostly from residents whose homes escaped the fire.

"Who run into the street in their slippers the cold? "The affected villagers, Yang later recalled, the incident without even the time to think back and get your shoes on and escape.

North Xizang road, lane 854, is at the top of the plastic plate, plastic plate when the smoke of the following the incident. Ms Tsui said he first saw the smoke, when she is doing the housework. She shouted, "fire", also made his wife and son to put out the fire, but fire-fighting tool initially are not boiling pot of water.

Xu said that the smoke to her son Adam, and the latter in call after call, was running the attic, trying to put out the fire. But soon, black smoke made him retreat. Last night, the intermittently cough King said that after he and his father both have been smoke almost fainting. Two men were firefighters moved in to help out.

Yesterday, several affected villagers said, the first 4 fire engines rushed to the scene, but firefighters could not find fire hydrants. "No fire facilities in the shanty towns, searched and no. "The affected populations who who asked not to be named said that comes over more than 10 fire trucks," Solitaire ", and finally spouted water.

  Billboard blocking fire water gun

Yesterday's 21 points, Post reporter on the scene saw, firefighters are still on fire with high pressure water guns into homes, clear out anhuo.

However, the fire in the face of "lack of water" the difficulties that have occurred "flap" problem. A massive billboards stand in high pressure water jet way. Thus, fire fighters busy extinguishing, busy cutting billboards.

Affected residents say, the Billboard is located in the houses West of the fire, and erected for 3 years, isolated from the shanty towns of the road.

At high temperatures under Billboard end deformation distortion, fire-extinguishing water has finally found a way out. "But it was too late. "The resident said. After the incident, 4 inhabitants was smoke there was rushed to the Central Hospital, near the zhabei district. One of the wounded in the hospital, Mr Yang said his dozens of sq m House on the first day of the new year will be gone.

  Affected residents were placed in hotels

Last night, the staff rushed to the site of the zhabei district, Baoshan Street, and placement of affected populations in the vicinity of Zhaoyuan hotel residence.

Wang and her mother Lady Xu family of four people sleeping in a hotel room. Because of the rapid fire family robbed out of gear, even panic, forget cell phones.

Mr Wang wants to know where will be next?

At present, the cause of the fire has yet to be investigated, not died as a result of the accident.

(Edit: SN010)January 02, 2014 Oriental morning post(上海火灾致一家三口遇难 消防通道被私家车侵占|私家车|火灾|上海_新闻资讯



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