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Programme of rescue the Russian ship Snow Dragon, determined that 52 passengers will travel by air transfers

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:46:33 Browse times: 280 Comment times: 0

Programme of rescue the Russian ship Snow Dragon, determined that 52 passengers will travel by air transfers(雪龙号救援俄船方案确定,52名乘客将乘机转移)

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Snow Dragon, rescue Russian ship identified 52 passengers will travel by air transfers | | | helicopter passengers _ Snow Dragon news

January 2, according to the State Oceanic Administration Web site message, carrying 74 people of Russia, "Shao Kaliski, academician of" passenger ship trapped in Antarctica has been 7 days. At present, the "Snow Dragon" preliminary rescue package--will be spent on the ship "Snow Dragon" on board "Ka-32" helicopter rescue. Apart from the 22 crew members remain in the plan, "Shao Kaliski academicians", remaining 52 passengers will take a helicopter to the "Snow Dragon" vessel.

January 1, Beijing time, Australia "Aurora" ships arrived in the Russian ship trapped near the sea, from the "Snow Dragon" boat only about 4 nautical miles, will complement the "Snow Dragon" vessel to complete the rescue.

Since the beginning of December 25, continuous strong southeast winds will continue to blow to the Russian ship open pack ice in the waters of trapped water. Affected by this, the ice floes in the sea is also constantly squeezing, tightening, ice, sea ice density continues to increase, and forms a ridge, "Shao Kaliski academicians" ice rescue has been difficult to achieve.

On December 31, Russia stranded vessel "Shao Kaliski, academician of" Captain formally to request a letter of "Snow Dragon" ship helicopter rescue, 30th Antarctic scientific expedition in China set up a working group on sea ice. Working Group will mainly carry out rescue equipment and material planning, liaison with the Russian side, ice reconnaissance, selection of helicopter landing sites, set the waiting area and the boarding area, boarding, inventory of foreign personnel working in the command. At the same time, the "Snow Dragon" the medical team on board working group has also been active with logistic and life.

Provisional party for the 30th Antarctic expedition by China and Russia, "Shao Kaliski academicians" number, the Australia Centre for search and rescue "and" Aurora "Quartet deliberations to finalize the" Snow Dragon "vessel" Ka-32 "helicopters to transfer the trapped crew of the Russian ships.

In accordance with the agreed rescue plan, the "Snow Dragon" will send the ship "Ka-32" helicopter "Shao Kaliski, academician of" safe ice trapped near the passenger ship to rescue personnel.

Apart from the 22 crew members remain in the plan, "Shao Kaliski academicians", remaining 52 passengers will take a helicopter to the "Snow Dragon" vessel. For the "Snow Dragon" vessel with the "Aurora" common retreated to the Clearwater area, trapped people by boat from the "Snow Dragon" ship to "Aurora" aboard the ship.

Take off time, the expedition team provisional Party Secretary, team leader Liu shunlin said, the weather is still not suitable for helicopters to take off. In order to ensure that personnel and flight safety, helicopters will choose a good weather for flying, in addition, the "Snow Dragon" also will be sent in advance to the boat trapped Russian ships near the ice surface for landing site selection, prospecting and laying of Kosovska Mitrovica and other works.

According to Liang Gaosheng pilot introduction, minimum landing conditions required for helicopters: wind and wind speed not exceeding 15 metres per second switch, no more than 10 meters per second crosswind, not more than 8 meters per second wind, visibility is not less than 2 kilometres, cloud base height of not less than 150 metres, landing site area of no less than 22 m × m.

According to the "Snow Dragon" marine weather forecast of the security unit, the cyclone-affected, the current "Snow Dragon" boat sea wind is relatively large, up to grade 7, and visibility was poor.

It is reported that "Ka-32" helicopter "Snow Dragon" used in the ship's engineering machines, usually used to hang and shipments. Except for pilots and aircrew, a total of 12 seats.

During waiting for better weather to prevent trapped by sea ice, the "Snow Dragon" kept the ship maneuvering, expanding the work surface, and looking for a safe stop.

"At present, we are where sea ice density is too high, ice must be to prevent blocked by ice. "" Snow Dragon "ship's captain Wang Jianzhong said," Snow Dragon "ship is driven by inertia speed, coupled with its own gravity, ice breaking. When faced with thick pack ice, icebreaker to go back about 3 hull in order to speed up, thereby creating the right kind of collision force, breaking the ice, "now we can only refund up to two hulls, plus the ice is very thick, so ice is very hard. ”

Ship is a certain risk in ice, especially the "Snow Dragon" ship in ice density reached to 10, this was a severe test for the driver.

"Snow Dragon" boat marine rail of elders and Wu Jian, sailing on the ice to pay special attention to two points, the first is to prevent the rudder was jammed by ice, is to prevent the propeller into ice in the second. "Once the rudder broke, meaning ' Snow Dragon ' boat lost directional control. Propeller snaps into ice, can also be easily inside the shaft is damaged, causing the propeller does not work, the ship lost power, the very serious consequences. "And Wu Jian said.

(Edit: SN091)January 02, 2014 China News Network(雪龙号救援俄船方案确定 52名乘客将乘机转移|雪龙|直升机|乘客_新闻资讯

  中新网1月2日电 据国家海洋局网站消息,载有74人的俄罗斯“绍卡利斯基院士”号客船在南极被困已7天。目前,“雪龙”船初步确定了救援方案——将动用“雪龙”船上的“ka-32”直升机进行救援。除计划中的22名船员继续留守之外,“绍卡利斯基院士”号其余52名乘客将搭乘直升机前往“雪龙”船。
















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