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Guangzhou intends to prohibit the Orsay as admissions studies based on

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:37:03 Browse times: 258 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou intends to prohibit the Orsay as admissions studies based on(广州拟规定不准将奥赛成绩作为录取升学依据)

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Guangzhou intends to prohibit the Orsay as admissions studies based on the Education Bureau of Guangzhou | | | enrollment _ news

Express News reporter Lisa Huang correspondent sui taught propaganda

City Board of education plans to formulate "ten no" standard compulsory education school enrollment, the consultation draft

"Public schools are not allowed to recruit zexiaosheng" "selecting and students are not allowed to take the examination." Recently, the Guangzhou City Board of education at its official site, hang out with the Guangzhou school enrolment in compulsory education (draft for soliciting opinions) (hereinafter referred to as the draft), specifically to "ten no" principles regulate public schools of compulsory education in primary and secondary schools enrolment. At the same time, the consultation paper notes that privately-run junior high school "junior high" in the primary leaving examination after the early admissions as invalid, its diploma and enrolled students will not be able to get a student.

Primary school places must be one consistent

Published simultaneously elementary and secondary enrollment disagrees with previous years, this year's exposure draft deals only with the compulsory stage of, excluding high school admissions policy, raised by the students in compulsory education in the article "ten No."

According to the exposure draft, Guangzhou basic enrolment in compulsory education this year is consistent with last year, territorial management about primary and secondary school enrolment, exam admission (student residence should, in principle, within 3 km distance from the school). Primary school places allocation based on actual residence, a person must be unanimous; high school degrees based on the actual, allocation of places by computer, counterparts, a lot of attendance divided and "integrated nine-year helicopter" means distribution.

On this basis, schools can retain a certain percentage of the sports, arts specialty, certified national, provincial and municipal sports schools of traditional games and sports, arts specialty school is required for school enrollment does not exceed the year planned 10% specialty. And like last year, the chorus and Orchestra in the individual school projects agreed by the City Board of education, school inclusion for gifted and talented from not more than 15% adjusted to cent.

 Each enrolment plan announced in advance

According to the Organization of work in each district (county-level cities) must act according to the spirit of the comment draft of the Education Bureau, establish local recruitment rules, and City Board of education before April 30 this year.

Not only that, each district (county-level cities) Bureau to keep abreast of local school-age children, rational division of primary schools admissions section, lot boundaries and maintain enrollment relatively stable. Prior to enrollment in primary schools should be through official channels such as the Web site to the general public area, primary school enrollment, admissions programs, admissions requirements, admissions procedures, lot, telephone etc; in junior middle school enrollment before the start of the corresponding "junior high school" policy content to be distributed through official channels.

In addition, district education departments are not free to expand the scope and conditions of policy take care of transient student, also make proper arrangements for children with disabilities in school, more children with special disabilities, have to delay admission or exempt from entrance, by their parents or other legal guardians submit written applications to the school, after school add comments area (county-level cities) Bureau of examination and approval.

Private junior middle schools may apply for allocation of places by computer

The release of the exposure draft does not cover foreign language schools, private school admissions, admissions programme will be stipulated separately. According to Department of education requirements, public schools of foreign languages will be issued by the Guangzhou City Bureau of Guangzhou City public school school-running characteristics of guidance (trial) notice of enrollment, in short, without taking an entrance.

As a rule, the privately-run junior high school "junior high school" after the primary leaving examination will be subject to, and in the district (county-level cities) carried out under the guidance of the Bureau of education and private education association, early admissions, enrollment behavior deemed null and void, the Department of education will not be issued for violation of students apply for a student enrolled and diplomas.

It is worth mentioning that, the consultation paper notes that private junior secondary schools in case of need, the subject area (county-level cities) Bureau to apply by the allocation of places by computer services it provides.

 Public 10th comment

At present, Guangzhou City Bureau of education has hung on their official website that the Guangzhou school enrolment in compulsory education (draft for soliciting opinions), and open to the community for comments.

Anyone who has a different view, since the date of the announcement, in the 10th, in writing or by e-mail in the form of basic education department or policy Bureau of Guangzhou City and regulations reflect. E-mail:; postal address: 83rd xihu road, Guangzhou City, Guangzhou City Bureau of education.

Compulsory enrollment "ten forbidden"

1. the public schools are not allowed to recruit zexiaosheng

2. the public schools are not allowed to refuse education administrative departments and manpower placement students

3. the public schools are not allowed to refuse to receive the service on any pretext should receive the student

4. selecting and students are not allowed to take the examination 5. allowed to "Orsay" accomplishments and admission 6. allowed to "o" as the basis for further studies, such as 7. not enrolled, 艺术特长生 when culture testing 8. no amount of excessive (greater than 45 people in each class in primary schools, junior high school class sizes cannot exceed 50 persons)

9. junior high school before enrolment in the primary school final examinations (except for sports, art, gifted and talented students)

10. primary school (except for the City Board of education approved children's sports school) are not allowed to recruit gifted and talented or that sports, art and other items linked to the specialist and primary school enrolment of the school-age children

(Original title: no Olympic scores as the basis for taking further studies)

(Edit: SN098)January 02, 2014 Golden Goat excursions, Express News(广州拟规定不准将奥赛成绩作为录取升学依据|广州|教育局|招生_新闻资讯

  新快报记者黄婷 通讯员穗教宣



























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