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Guangdong Police helicopters boats cleaning up Meth

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:36:00 Browse times: 258 Comment times: 0

Guangdong Police helicopters boats cleaning up Meth(广东警方出动直升机快艇清剿制毒村)

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Guangdong Police helicopters boats cleaning up meth village (photo) | | | helicopters boats _ Guangdong news

CNS, Guangzhou, January 2 (reporters Suo Youwei and and and and Han Shengqiang)-lufeng in Guangdong making drug trafficking a serious "KAB" Bo village, is in the area of drug-related serious "first Omura" village within the 20% family directly or share them have engaged in drug trafficking activities, drug trafficking crimes in the village in recent years into a malignant spreading. Even in the severe punishment under high pressure which the crime still occurred frequently.

Guangdong Province Police Office 2nd held press conference informed, the Office recently offsite dispatched armed police, and border, and civilian police and helicopter, and riot dogs,, on the village involved HIV crime for sweep, destroyed to lufeng nationality big drug lords led of 18 a extra system drug crime groups, smashing system HIV workshop 77 a and one explosives manufacturing dens, seized ice HIV 2,925 kilograms, and k powder 260 kilograms, and system HIV raw materials 23 tons.

-The village of trafficking crimes "family-owned operations, industrial management, curation" feature, wrong term crazy, weird avoid detection of the crime, and even collective violence against law. Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau decided to off site police, punch, coordinating the Guangdong provincial armed police corps, the provincial public security Frontier Corps and Shantou, Huizhou, Meizhou, Heyuan City Public Security Bureau dispatched police, composed of 109 arrest teams, starting a police helicopter, border boats equipped with riot dogs, inside and outside the Expo village-18 gang sweep in the 69 priority objectives set nets.

NET early hours of the day, as Bo village number one suspect netted in Huizhou, police were soon attacking rapidly surrounded by Bo village, caught drug trafficking "developing the veteran" Cai Lianghuo and "Earth" ice making authority figures Cai Xuan, controlled the domestic several regions, ice markets "heavy drug" Cai Zhao Rong. At the crack of dawn, 156 Bo membership have been drug dealers and cadres all arrested.

According to reports, the drug "developing the veteran" Cai Lianghuo, led by a group of people for a long time in Huidong Kuala Lumpur, Shanwei, Haifeng engaged in drug trafficking activities. In the process of case investigation and control, found by Cai Mouhuo of the group, Huang and Zhang Mouwei, Zhang became the first, multiple purchases of manufacturing raw materials "head" to the drug manufacturing centre ketamine manufacturing. Significant due to the merits, the Ministry of public security Narcotics Bureau to make the case for "2013-17" Ministry of public security, drug target cases.

Lufeng nationality village people the drug gang headed by Cai Xuan Bo, lufeng and Shenzhen to establish drug manufacturing, buy ephedrine from Fujian and other places made of ice, then sold all over the province and parts of provinces. At the same time, Cai Xuan also work together with Li Chaoqiang trafficked by sea ice to the Hong Kong and Macao, and Southeast Asia.

Another drug gang leader Cai Zhaorong, became engaged in the manufacture of ice in July 2013 September 2013 Cai Chubiao and 520,000 yuan Cai Zhaorong partnership funded manufacture meth, Cai Zhaorong in November 2013, the sale of meth to Chongqing Tian Xiaobo.

Guangdong Province Police Office said, will full assessment lufeng involved HIV crime degree and against, implementation "land sea airmail network", and "hit anti-tube controlled built" integrated Regulation new offensive, organization sweep other fortress village clusters type System HIV dens action; continues to operating detected heavy extra cases and captured fugitive action; coordination province linkage more police bundled Heli encirclement action; carried out prohibited items firearms governance action; strengthened procuratorial work and the organ collaboration case formed severe combat Heli action; into village stationed in points carried out specimens and treatment integrated regulation action.

At present, the lufeng stationed at village levels have organized powerful task forces embarked on a period of 1 year of public education, wage reporting, diagnostic investigation and lead honest, comprehensive treatment. (End text)

(Original title: Guangdong village 20%-family drug police helicopters sweep (figure))

(Edit: SN064)January 02, 2014 China News Network(广东警方出动直升机快艇清剿制毒村(图)|广东|直升机|快艇_新闻资讯

  中新网广州1月2日电 (索有为 曾祥龙 韩胜强)在广东制贩毒严重的陆丰“三甲”地区的博社村,是该地区涉毒严重的“第一大村”,村内有两成以上家庭直接或参股从事制贩毒活动,近几年村内制贩毒犯罪成恶性蔓延态势。即使在严打整治高压态势下顶风作案仍然屡屡发生。






  另一制贩毒团伙头目蔡昭荣,于2013年7月份开始从事制造冰毒, 2013年9月蔡楚标出资52万元和蔡昭荣合伙制造冰毒,蔡昭荣于2013年11月份贩卖冰毒给重庆的田晓波。



(原标题:广东一村庄两成家庭制贩毒 警方出动直升机清剿(图))


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