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Chinese Ambassador to Britain: Abe of Japan is a real-life version of Voldemort

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:34:42 Browse times: 240 Comment times: 0

Chinese Ambassador to Britain: Abe of Japan is a real-life version of Voldemort(中国驻英大使:安倍的日本是现实版伏地魔)

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China's Ambassador to the United Kingdom: Abe of Japan is the real version of Voldemort | Abe | Voldemort | Ambassador in London _ news

"Global network reported reporter Zhao Yanlong" according to United Kingdom daily telecommunications reported under January 1 reported, China stationed in British Ambassador Liu recently in the reported Shang wrote warning said, Ann times Jin three led Xia of Japan are sought rewrite its in second times world war in the of role, and recovery its radical military power of status, Japan tries to heavy burning had led to World War II of militarism spirit, this will makes world peace suffered serious threat of risk.

Reports said Liu Xiaoming on Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did make strong condemnation, accusing it of deliberately manufacture of tension in the region and into the world on a dangerous path. Liu said under the leadership of Abe, Japan is seeking to rewrite its role in the second world war and restoring its aggressive military power, but China will not be on the implementation of these plans do nothing, China does not allow the implementation of these plans.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming in unusually vivid Word parable of modern Japan, says it is like in the Harry Potter stories, "it's hard to die" villain "Lord Voldemort" version of reality. In the escalating dispute has added to fears of military conflict in Asia. All kinds of perverse acts against Abe, Liu Xiaoming, said trust United Kingdom peace-loving people will not remain indifferent.

Liu Xiaoming, said Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine are Japan militarism ghost appears again as part of an act. Abe is working to impress once before World War II, and during the second world war, Japan was proud nationalist, but in Japan there is always hopeless people, they are always free of guilt and show remorse for World War II crimes. Instead, they look for attempts to reinterpret history. These people pose a serious threat to world peace. Liu pointed out that the international community should be greater vigilance against potential. Beauty expert: new trend in China's rise makes its foreign policy

Comment on January 2, Hong Kong article, original title: China quietly abandoned "bide your time"? Western diplomatic profession over the past couple of years on China's foreign policy is increasingly popular argument is that China has quietly dropped talk of Deng Xiao-ping's insistence that China's diplomacy "Tao Guang Yang Hui" strategy towards "self-confidence conceit", "aggressive". Later commonly cited evidence is China East air defense identification zone and the Chinese Navy vessels intercept us "kaobensi".

 Peripheral diplomacy: soft hard soft hard

Deputy President Douglas h. Paal of the Carnegie Endowment for international peace, wrote a few days ago, China's new leaders have quietly "bury" Deng Xiaoping's instructions, in the surrounding area to promote more proactive diplomacy. On the specific means, Douglas h. Paal noted that China to Japan and the Philippines, official and public distinction, divide-and-conquer strategy, freeze on senior-level official contacts on the one hand, on the other hand continue to promote civil exchanges. In Sino-Japanese trade, unexpectedly continues to develop, China also sent medical ship to Philippines Typhoon relief of seagulls. In fact, Douglas h. Paal said this "paradox" phenomenon can be understood as "soft-softer, harder harder", that is, trade and economic and civil interests in both areas, China's attitude to the lower, and is not compatible on the sovereign interests of China positions be tougher, shots will be more resolute.

However, Professor Shen Dingli of Fudan University said in "the Korea Association" seminar pointed out that the China East air defence identification zone is not strategic, but in order to give its own air defence early warning strive for a longer period of time. China set up air-defense identification zone and the other is similar to the intentions of the parties, are not aggressive. Air Defense Identification Zone fired around the East China Sea, after actually reflects the rise of China in the West, will abandon "Tao Guang Yang Hui" diplomatic strategy, more directly challenge the United States-led international order concerns. Air Defense identification zone in the East China Sea announced that triggered a positive response from people within China, reflected the Chinese people after the powerful national strength, desire to require more determined to defend their sovereignty. In their view, "Tao Guang Yang Hui" means that China not to meddle, but by no means represent their interests when injured to swallow.

 Leading together: interested are still cautious

As China continues to grow, the Chinese public is bound to require the State to play a greater role in International Affairs, making more sound, this is common sense.

Carnegie Endowment for international peace, and the Association of Chinese strategic culture and many American think tank recently completed the "investigation of Sino-US security concerns" research project found that the majority of the public thinks the Chinese nationalist consciousness in China, but this does not mean that the Chinese wanted to be world number one. Investigations revealed that much of the Chinese public and elite that China should not be the world's only leader. The public think the country should assume global leadership, United States 75%, 45% of China, this investigation largely reflects the majority of the Chinese public's idea that China also should focus on its own internal affairs, not to pledge in international affairs. With Deng Xiaoping more than 20 years ago, "Tao Guang Yang Hui, and pledge" remains a matches.

China has always pursued the "flourishing", and the United States have long been accustomed global leadership role, and will continue to perform this function. But the Chinese elite recognize that growing Chinese interest in participation in shared leadership, previously immune from thoughts may change, especially in non-traditional security fields. Scholar stressed that persuading China to accept shared leadership roles remain to be done, Deng Xiao-ping's "Tao Guang Yang Hui" is commonly understood as "hidden talent waiting in the wings", which shows that even if China did not become the world leader in readiness to powerful.

(Original title: China's Ambassador to Britain: Abe of Japan is a real life version of "Lord Voldemort")

(Edit: SN091)January 02, 2014 Global times(中国驻英大使:安倍的日本是现实版伏地魔|安倍|伏地魔|驻英大使_新闻资讯

  【环球网报道 记者 赵衍龙】据英国《每日电讯报》1月1日报道,中国驻英大使刘晓明日前在该报上撰文警告称,安倍晋三领导下的日本正寻求改写其在第二次世界大战中的角色,并恢复其激进军事力量的地位,日本试图重燃曾经导致第二次世界大战的军国主义精神,这将使得世界和平遭受严重威胁的风险。




  香港中评社1月2日文章,原题:中国悄然抛弃“韬光养晦”? 西方外交学界近两年来对中国外交政策日益流行的说法是,中国已经悄然放弃邓小平当年提出的中国外交“韬光养晦”的策略,转向“自信自负”、“咄咄逼人”。最新常被引用的佐证是中国设立东海防空识别区和中国海军舰只截停美军“考本斯”号。

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