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Affordable housing community in Dongguan, Guangdong 90% no one lives, applications must be over 6 years for social security

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/2 8:33:29 Browse times: 251 Comment times: 0

Affordable housing community in Dongguan, Guangdong 90% no one lives, applications must be over 6 years for social security(广东东莞廉租房小区9成没人住,申请需缴6年社保)

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Affordable housing community in Dongguan, Guangdong 90% no one lives to apply for social security to pay 6 years | | Dongguan to affordable housing | public housing _ news

South is hearing how difficult it is to apply for a public housing? In Foshan, the answer is at least 7 card for 90 days. A few days ago, Xinhua reporters in Guangdong, Foshan, Dongguan and other places found in an interview, cumbersome and time-consuming administrative examination and approval process, for many public rental housing demand can only chagrin. South reporter was informed that the Dongguan affordable housing community garden village is currently the largest affordable housing vacancy rate is as high as 90%. Guangdong provincial audit reports show, 2012 the 13 municipalities in Guangdong, 28 counties (cities, districts) a total of 11,464 units of affordable housing in an idle state.

South China Sea: public rental housing into a "rent"

Reading:, Foshan City, Xinhua learned that the Secretary for housing, as of October 18, 2013, Foshan has built public housing 8,450, 5,100 total distribution, the vacancy rate of nearly 40%.

"I just want to rent a place, but the application procedure is too cumbersome. "Wang Xiandong from jingmen, Hubei, Dali town, Nanhai district, Foshan City, a property company as a security guard. North Plaza public housing schemes, before he saw the Sea began to stay, moving hearts, want to apply for public rental housing, but after the consultation, cumbersome procedures to scare him.

"Need a bunch of various documents, apart from the identity card, residence permit, marriage certificates, proof of income, labor contracts and property certificates wait, certificate of family planning is the most trouble. "Wang Xiandong said," one of my fellow for family planning certificate and returned to the home twice. Various documentation, will have to wait at least 90 days. ”

Wang Xiandong said were counting fingers, approval procedures to go through "three trials of three public announcements." Be deterred Wang Xiandong final lease farmers building houses, "farmers 10 yuan per square meter room rent, public housing is 10.83 dollars, farmers ' housing is relatively cheap, the most important thing is the procedure more convenient and available at any time. "Many migrant workers choose to process more simple farmers from building public housing became a" free rent ".

Dali town, Nanhai district, Foshan City, land and urban construction, and Deputy Secretary for Water Affairs Bureau Huang Shengwei introduction, haibei Plaza phase total 640 affordable public housing, have already moved in, and successfully applied for a total of 210 families, currently staying only 100 households. Huang Shengwei acknowledged, "three trial three publicity" of process has huge of compression space, as community neighborhood and town (Street) two level can combined, information shared, synchronization publicity; and district a level to cover 7 a sector seal, time up 35 days, does have simplified process of necessary, "also, we are plans adjustable low rent, strengthened property management, to improve public rental of market competitiveness. ”

"Auditing, mainly because they were afraid to go wrong but too many formalities, then forced migrant workers simply go to the market to rent a House. "The Housing Bureau Chief of the housing section, Foshan City, Chen Xiaoyong said.

Dongguan: built for six years the first economically affordable housing owners still no-show

Reading: the largest affordable housing community garden village, Dongguan city, vacancy rate is staggering. Xinhua learned that planning nearly 5,000 affordable housing (affordable housing of 1564, economically affordable housing to 3,288 households) only municipal low-rent economically affordable housing community garden in Dongguan village, only more than 160 owners of multi-family affordable housing occupancy, 90% or more affordable housing is vacant.

South reporter was informed, had been chosen as early as 2010, economically affordable housing housing more than 100 multi-family garden new village owners last month to usher in the first good news, but because property procedures, the policy uncertainty and other factors, until now one of the first owners of economically affordable housing or no-show.

Garden village affordable housing in 2008 officially started construction was delayed first on three occasions. "If the Government had not dragged, as early as a few years ago, Bank lending is relatively easy, now banks tighten for two years, plus the end of bad lending", single MOM Lily in order to find her daughter a bed of roses, Garden village, economically affordable housing for three years. She complained that two years ago they bought through the company provident funds, but last year for the company, company didn't buy her accumulation Fund now, "If the first two years earlier, and that I could be a lot better. Don't worry as it is now. ”

Application high threshold is defined as a vacant affordable housing in Dongguan and Dongguan city, recently finalized by the management of public rental housing (trial) clearly, required 6 years of social security of migrant workers in order to apply the threshold higher than the previous two rounds of publicity.

"Public rental housing scheme sought twice, didn't apply for a higher threshold than the last. Started out as foreigners paying social security to request completion of 3 years, then tune into the 5 years, now identified as 6 years. Outsiders come to Dongguan, are generally in need of public rental housing in those years, if payment for 6 years for social security, then how many people really in need of public rental housing to do so? ”

Guiping, a teacher training school in Dongguan Dongcheng believes that large groups of migrant workers in Dongguan, is the main force that cannot be ignored in public rental housing needs. And the threshold is set, no applications for people who want to apply for, and people who can meet the eligibility criteria, and not necessarily in need of public rental housing. South of Xinhua News Agency reporters Gong Ping

Reviewed, mainly because they were afraid to go wrong but too many formalities, then forced migrant workers simply go to the market to rent a House.

---Housing Bureau Chief of the housing section, Foshan City, Chen Xiaoyong

Application high threshold is defined as a vacant affordable housing in Dongguan and Dongguan city, recently finalized by the management of public rental housing (trial) clearly, migrant workers to pay social security to request completion of 6 years.

Large groups of migrant workers in Dongguan, is the main force that cannot be ignored in public rental housing needs. And the threshold is set, no applications for people who want to apply for, and people who can meet the eligibility criteria, and not necessarily in need of public rental housing.

---Guiping, a teacher training school in Dongguan Dongcheng

Accountability for vacant affordable housing. Is at the root of their mechanical understanding of the central housing policy of local government, the blind pursuit of complete surface indicators task, and not really care about the needs of ordinary people, resulting in a waste of resources, nor to solve practical problems.

---Vice President of the China real estate Association-keung

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South reporter of Nanhai district, Foshan City, Li Qing and affordable housing vacancy rate at nearly 40%, chancheng, Foshan, but affordable housing is in short supply, many people are still waiting in line.

"The allocation rate should be combined with progress in the construction of affordable housing, assigned to the characteristics of the integrated" Housing Bureau Chief of the housing section, Foshan City, Chen Xiaoyong explains, "first of all, chancheng district don't have enough affordable housing, partly related to its construction speed. Chancheng district many affordable housing projects are high-rise buildings, built house less, while construction of the Nanhai speed, so housing adequate. ”

In addition, affordable housing, chancheng district is still predominantly allocated to the registered population, subsidized housing currently to migrant workers in South China Sea to protect the principal. Chen Xiaoyong said, "from 2008 to 2010 when building economically affordable housing, affordable housing, two districts have solved some of the local registered population travel needs. Chancheng district is the household population of the old town, a lot of people who hadn't been resolved conditions may continue to be queuing; most of the registered population by the end of 2010, Nanhai have been met currently protect homeowners facing migrant workers. ”

(Original title: Foshan vacant public rental almost a quarter affordable housing community in Dongguan 40% no one lives)

(Edit: SN098)January 02, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily(广东东莞廉租房小区9成没人住 申请需缴6年社保|保障房|公租房|东莞_新闻资讯

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