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The Central family planning exactly right, that must be long stuck

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/30 5:45:28 Browse times: 260 Comment times: 0

The Central family planning exactly right, that must be long stuck(中央:计划生育完全正确,必须长期坚持)

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The Central family planning entirely correct should be stuck to | | fertility family planning policy _ | news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 30-the CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently issued the opinions on adjusting the perfect maternity policies. Reads as follows:

As a follow-up to the 18 on the third plenary session of the party adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, launch party is the policy of one-child couples to have two children (hereinafter referred to as a separate two-child policy), and gradually perfecting family planning policies, promote long-term balanced population development decision to deploy, secure and orderly adjustment solidly perfecting family planning policy now makes the following observations.

  , Fully understand the adjustments improve fertility policy significance

Relationship between the population issue is always our major issues of overall, coordinated and sustainable development, is an important factor affecting economic and social development. Party Central Committee and the State Council adhere to integrated decision-making on population and development, will be established as a basic State policy of family planning, and actively explore development roads in line with China's actual population. After the party years of unremitting effort of the whole society, China's family planning work has made great achievements, too fast population growth under control, the population reproduction pattern to achieve historic change, effectively alleviate the population pressure on resources and environment, contribute greatly to the sustained and rapid economic development and social progress, and improve the situation of women and child development, laying a solid foundation to build a well-off society. Made a significant contribution to the broad masses, family planning workers had made strenuous efforts. Practice has proved that proceed from China's basic national conditions and unswervingly promotes family planning, both national long-term development requirements, and conform to the fundamental interests of the masses, is entirely correct, it should be stuck to.

Fertility policy is at the heart of the basic national policy of family planning. Existing birth policy was gradually formed in the long practice, and with the changing population and economic and social development situation continues to improve. Build a well-off society in the process, in accordance with developments in the population situation, adjust the perfect maternity policy, plays a very important role.

(A) conducive to sustained and healthy economic development. At present, China's population, low birth rate steadily falling, 15-59, started to reduce the total working-age population, average age of the workforce continues to increase. Speed of population ageing, aging evident. Population development cycle is long, rich labor force, population care less taxing times, timely adjustment of sound family planning policies, to improve the population structure, maintain a reasonable scale of labor, delaying the ageing of the population, enhancing economic development.

(B) in favour of family well-being and social harmony. In recent years, the miniaturization trend, structures, diversity of family size, proportion of one-child families and elderly people living alone increased, weakening family of birth, old age, and other basic functions. Adjust the perfect birth policies, conform to people's expectations, promote gender balance birth, improve the ability of family development, facilitating the immediate interests and long-term interests harmonize, promote social harmony and stability.

(C) conducive to promoting the long-term and balanced development of the population. The early 90, entered the low-fertility countries. As the level of economic and social development, urbanization and mass reproductive change, women's total fertility rate showed a steadily falling trend. Fertility levels are too high or too low, are not conducive to the coordinated development of population, economy and society. Adjust sound fertility policy, in line with the law on population and development, conducive to the stabilization of moderately low fertility, slow the population peaked too soon after declining momentum conducive to the long-term development of the Chinese nation.

  Second, correctly grasp the adjustment improve the family planning policy of the general idea

(A) guiding principle. With Deng Xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought, guided by the scientific concept of development, fully implement the party's 18 large and 18 the spirit of the third plenary session, adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, and implementing population and family planning law, sound solid and orderly adjustment improve the reproductive policies, stable moderate low fertility level, ensure the planned population control objectives.

(B) the basic principle. Overall stability is to ensure policy implementation risk can be controlled to ensure that large fluctuations in fertility levels are not. Second, urban and rural areas, in urban and rural synchronous adjustment improve the reproductive policies, promote coordinated development of urban and rural integration and regional. Third is classification guidance, national unity under the guidance of practical arrangements. Four is to coordinate the development and co-ordination of equal quantity, quality, structure and distribution of population development, overall population, economy, society, resources, Environment coordinated and sustainable development.

(C) steps. According to population and family planning law stipulates that provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) people's Government in the comprehensive assessment of the situation of local populations, family planning work and policy implementation risk cases, establish a separate two-child policy implementation plan, departments under the State Council for the record, by the provincial people's Congress or its Standing Committee amend local regulations or provisions organizations according to law.

  Third, adhere to the basic State policy of family planning, safe and solid and orderly work

China's basic national conditions, many people have no fundamental change, population pressures on the economy, society, resources and environment long-standing basic national policy of family planning should be stuck to. In adjusting the perfect maternity policies must adhere to the party and Government leaders personally, responsible for the, you must adhere to the consolidation and strengthening of family planning work at basic level, must adhere to the time-tested ideas and methods of work.

(A) to improve the working mechanism. Improve self-governance among family planning, advocacy, management according to the law, public service, policy-driven, comprehensive long-term working mechanism, promote integrity and family planning work. Play control function of population planning, the establishment of population monitoring and early-warning mechanism, strengthen the survey population change, improving the birth information reporting system, accelerate the construction of national basic data population, for marriage, fertility, household management and other aspects of information sharing. Continue to do well in key areas, particularly in rural family planning, reproductive and approval, advocating for reasonable spacing. Strengthen key populations, such as the floating population's family planning services and management, high sex ratio at birth issue, strict control over child birth policy out especially, strictly investigate and deal with illegal reproductive behavior.

(B) the complete set of policies. Established populations of significant economic and social policies impact assessment mechanisms, effective cohesion policies related to economic and social policy and family planning. Western region of further perfecting rural families practicing family planning for rewarding and assisting, "fewer of Fife", family planning, special interests, such as helping the family-oriented policies, and incentives help the standard dynamic adjustment mechanism. Establishment and perfection of families practicing family planning support system for older persons. Properly addressed special hardship families living in family planning care, old-age security, disease treatment, psychiatric problems. Policy adjustments before and after family planning benefit-oriented and linkage of social restriction policy, maintain the solemnity of the policy. Based on population change, rational planning and allocation for health, education, culture, social security and other basic public services resources.

(C) promotional to boot. Intensively to do ideological work of cadres and the masses, unified ideological understanding central policy deployment. Give full play to the role of the media, such as radio, television, newspapers and magazines, the Internet, popular advocacy activities carried out in depth, great achievements to promote family planning work, and adhere to the basic State policy of family planning in the new situation, adjust and improve fertility policy significance. Strengthen positive guidance, policy interpretation, and actively respond to social concerns and create a good public opinion atmosphere for policy implementation.

(D) strengthen organizational leadership. All localities to follow central policy deployment, enhanced co-ordination, ensures that comprehensive reproductive policy secure a solid and orderly implementation. Adhere to the target management responsibility system of family planning, stabilizing and strengthening grass-roots family planning network and team, strict implementation of the family planning vote veto system, ensure that the responsibilities and measures are in place, put in place. Departments under the State Council to strengthen local adjustments and improve family planning policy guidance. The relevant departments to enhance the overall concept, strengthen coordination, the formation of working together.

Throughout this implementation to be promptly reported to the central secretariat of the supervision, notice of the timely organization.

(Edit: SN091)December 30, 2013 The website(中央:计划生育完全正确 必须长期坚持|计划生育|生育|政策_新闻资讯

  新华网北京12月30日电 中共中央、国务院近日印发了《关于调整完善生育政策的意见》。全文如下:




















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